Friday, February 10, 2023

2-8-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-8-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. We, once again, are so very happy to be on this call.


We are shining our love and light into each and every one of your hearts. Beloveds, we talk so often about the power of love, and in us coming together, as we are right now. We have the opportunity to shine forth to radiate these high frequencies of love and light, and this awareness of who you truly are, and why you are here, and what the mission is, to liberate your Beloved planet from all forms of evil, from all forms of black magic, and Third Dimensional matrix programming; that has been propagated by the databases of artificial intelligence, advanced technologies that have been sequestered away from you, and these underworld reptilian power sources.


Although they have been rooted out through most of the underground bases all over your planet, some installations, and some residues, still remain of their energies, and they are being revealed and exposed, and the clearing work, that has been done by you starseeds has allowed the peacekeeping missions of this Earth Alliance to rid the planet of this underworld network of evil. And also in the atmospheres to clear them of star races of these hybrid reptilians, to allow the consciousness on your Beloved planet, to rise up in frequency and vibration, so that more and more of you continuously awaken.


These higher light encodements are continuously streaming into your Beloved planet into your individual energy fields, and providing you with the opportunity to integrate these energies, to assimilate them, and then to radiate them forth into the collective consciousness, to accelerate the process of ascension. And also to expedite this event of the truth, which will take you into the next phase of integrating ascension protocols.


Beloveds, yes, you are in for quite a wild ride, as we have been saying for some time, and there has been incremental revelations of truth, of the evil of corruption that runs all throughout the institutions of your planet, and you have been seeing many top people, CEOs in businesses and the banking establishments falling, either retiring or being taken out.


Yes, clones, and actors, and body doubles have been replacing them. It has been the prerogative of the Councils of Heaven, to assure that this transition of power, from the old cabal-controlled 3D matrix systems into systems that are grounded and centered in the provisions of NESARA coming forth, to become the new system on your Beloved planet, that truly empower the people of this planet, and Beloved Mother Gaia herself, and all of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, all living beings on your planet.


You as starseeds have been instrumental in being the ground crew, in grounding in these high frequencies of vibration, empowering the love and light that you are, at the core essence of your being, to shine forth, to transmit it into the collective consciousness, so that more and more of the truth can come out, and that all of these different stages of ascension can be gone through with ease and grace, and once again return the Fifth Dimensional lifestyles on your Beloved planet, and more importantly assure ascension en masse, while this window of opportunity is still open, Beloveds.


This is what you volunteered for, to shine the light on this process of eliminating all evil on Beloved Mother Gaia. Your love is so deep and strong for her, and we feel this oneness of the power of love with all of you, and with Gaia, in each and every Now Moment, as we view this Beloved masterpiece of light streamers rising in frequency and vibration in the many spectrums of color light, as this process continues, Beloveds. We are one. Victory to the light in each and every Now Moment.


Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda will come in.


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