Friday, February 17, 2023

2-15-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

2-15-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am once again thrilled to be on this call to commune with your hearts again.


Beloveds, as Sekhmet was saying, there is so much happening on your Beloved planet, and we know at this time you seek the loving support of the company of heaven in your hearts, to continue daily to rise up, and meet the challenges, and the tests that are being thrust upon you, with having to pay taxes, with seeing so many Beloveds be endangered by natural catastrophes by having the truth revealed about your government, and the secrets that it has been keeping from you, and their continued attachment to the same rhetoric, the same dogmas, that are propagated within all of the institutions, and really it is just one institution, that works in collusion with this cabal,


And now in the United States, you have in the House of Representatives what are being called these mavericks, these conservatives that are pushing forth investigations into the sitting President, and  the Department of Justice, the FBI, the other alphabet agencies, and their collusion with mainstream media, and these social media platforms.


So much of the truth is coming out, and this is oh so necessary to wake everybody up, to see that once again these same patterns of false flag events, of catastrophes happening, of saber rattling, and the threat of nuclear war, are being used to drive down your frequency and vibration to keep you contained in this envelope of fear and separation.


When Beloveds, how can you not open up your hearts to when you see your brothers and sisters being endangered in countries, where war is being waged, in cities where these manmade catastrophes are happening. Yes, we shine our love and light on the Beloveds in East Palestine, Ohio, and in Turkey, where they have had these manmade seismic events.


Beloveds, we encourage you in your meditations, in your intentional requirements, to shine the light on anywhere that you feel, that could use it at this time, and to be calling forth the truth to be made known, for this Event of the Truth to transpire. Because this will be the event that brings humanity together in a way that will empower all of you, and bring about the rapid rise across this bridge into the Fifth Dimensional timeline, where all of the provisions and components of NESARA will be implemented in full.


So that you are creating this new society based in Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Beloveds. This is the reason why you volunteered to be here at this time, because you knew you had a role to play. And you could bring about this mission to completion. The genii can’t be put back in the bottle, Beloveds. You are already in this first wave of integrating Ascension protocols, and we see victory to the light is assured; kudos, Beloveds.


We honor you, and we send our love and light into your hearts continuously, for you to rise above the manipulations of this Third Dimensional matrix. And feel the peace, harmony and joy of these attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension. Namaste, Beloveds. Goodnight, and my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

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