Friday, February 24, 2023

2-22-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

2-22-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved conference call.


Beloveds, now is the time that you have been waiting for. You can see movements all over your planet, and some of these movements are the cabal, creating these events that are designed to create more confusion, more chaos, more fear, and separation within the hearts and minds of humanity. But Beloveds, they are walking into this trap, because now you have so, so many Beloved beings on your planet with all that has transpired in these last two plus years, while you have been in this first wave of integrating ascension protocols, that is becoming so obvious, so clear that the mainstream media propaganda machine keeps on repeating the same half-truths, and obvious diversions to bring about change on your Beloved planet, by addressing and holding accountable those who have been instigating these false flag events. And the reasons behind the obvious changes, that have to do with socialism and communism.


On your Beloved planet, the United States isn’t the only country that has been subjected to these foreign takeovers. But the United States with its constitutional government, with the original constitution still there, hidden away, has inspired the hearts and minds of all humanity, and this is in alignment with all of the provisions of NESARA being drafted in the way that they have been, and being put in place, to remove this cabal from having any power, and being the new system that is in alignment with being in the Fifth Dimension once again.


As you know, you need to be in these high frequencies of love and light, these higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension in order to go through the final stages of ascension. It is there, Beloveds. The truth is coming out and preparing humanity for this near death experience, where hard disclosure will transpire, and transform your reality. Also at the same time empower you with these upgrades of your energy, that allow you to be active participants on the Fifth Dimensional timeline, to bring about ascension en masse, to bring about sacred governance, that will be in harmony with the experiential knowledge that you have gained in victory of the light, over the evil of this cabal and its Third Dimensional matrix control systems, Beloveds.


With each and every breath that you empower yourself to be heart centered radiating this love and light in the collective consciousness, you are expediting this Event of the Truth, and ascension on your Beloved planet. My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and they offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds, into your heart. They are of a high frequency and vibration, of color spectrums and sounds, of the higher dimensions. Take them into your hearts as a symbol of our oneness of you graduating from the density of this Third Dimensional dualistic timeline, Beloveds.


We are one. We are in mission with you. We honor all of you for all that you do. Namaste and Goodnight, Beloveds.

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