Saturday, September 2, 2023

8-30-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-30-23 Sananda by Eli Galla 


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you once again.


It is in this place of Oneness, Beloveds, that we come together and we feel your energies in this Now moment. We feel this power of love being transmitted all throughout the collective consciousness.


Yes, more & more of the Truth is coming out each & every day, giving all of Humanity the opportunity to see how these patterns are unfolding of all of the lies, tricks, & deceptions of the strategies of this Cabal to keep their control at all costs. They have never cared about Humanity.


They think a different way, Beloveds, than you do. Their DNA composition is different than yours, and they would not admit that they covet what your DNA consists of, because it enables you to be much more powerful than they are, much more creative, & much more aligned with the power of Creator-Source.


Instead they have aligned themselves as adversaries of the power of love, of the Creator, because they have been conned into thinking, that it is smarter to be so arrogant, to be so combative, that they are all smarter. Because they are the chosen race of these fallen angels, to perpetrate their grievous agenda in low frequency & vibration.


But Beloveds, they are being driven out of your Beloved Planet. The Truth cannot be hidden any longer, that you are the ones who can empower yourself in this Now moment, to bring about these massive changes, that will return you to your original home on this Planet of being in the 5th Dimensional consciousness.


This is what your DNA has been designed to enable you to do, to rise up with your talents & gifts, to create a reality in high vibration & frequency, and to drive out all forms of evil on your Beloved Planet. There has never been a problem with having enough resources on this Planet. It has only been the lies & deceptions of this Cabal, that engender this false narrative that Humanity bought into, when your DNA was mutated the way that it has been to keep you in this cycle of amnesia of not remembering your last incarnation, and the ones before that, & what your soul contracts are.


But Beloveds, this is the end of that mutation. You are taking back your original DNA encoding and empowering with it.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. Once again, they are offering you the Kumara Roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts; these high vibrations & frequencies of color & sound. They are symbol of our union, our Oneness of bringing about mass Ascension on your Beloved Planet.


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste & goodnite.

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