Sunday, September 17, 2023

9-13-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this Beloved conference call.


Beloveds you are going through this eye of the storm, and this means that you are having to recalibrate, because you know what is about to come into your reality. And it is all of these changes from the old system of the 3-D Matrix falling apart, & withering up, and being blown off into the ethers.


And this immune system that will be this bridge into the 5th Dimensional reality. They are being formed each & every day, that more of the Beloveds awaken, and that you raise the level of your collective consciousness. This process is in full optimal mode right now. And yes, you are having to shift the gears here. Some days it feels that little or no progress is being made, and then other days you have these announcements coming out, about investigations, about impeachment, about court rulings that are very positive, to carry forth justice on your Beloved Planet.


And Beloveds all you have to do is really be the love & light that you are, to radiate it forth, because what you have started, what you have endeavored by passing the markers for Ascension, empowering this first wave of integrating Ascension protocols cannot be stopped. This is the logical progression of evolution on your Beloved Planet. For far too long these forces of evil have been able to hold it back in this damning up of the Truth with their secrets, their deceptions, their lies, and tricks, but know the 3-D Matrix is falling apart Beloveds, because so much of the Truth is coming about. And this process is speeding up each & every day.


But every time that you let go of the fear of the negative programming and allow yourself to be in the Now moment and to feel this joy, this harmony, this bliss of being here, and knowing why you have come in. And being grateful for all that you have been able to do in this lifetime, to bring about Humanity to this point, whereby you will once, soon again, you will be in the 5th Dimension. And the power of love on your Planet is reigning Supreme in each & every Now moment, Beloveds.


We honor you for all you are, and all you do. My Beloved Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you these Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds. They are this emblem of the Oneness that we feel in being in mission with you  about this miracle of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia, to free Humanity from this enslavement. And once again return into the 5TH Dimension & into bringing about this mass Ascension in a way that it has never been done.


We honor you. We love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite Beloveds.

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