Sunday, September 10, 2023

9-6-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-6-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena.


You have had so many obstructions to remembering who you truly are, to remembering why you are here, and what the requirements of fulfilling the parameters of your mission of being the ground crew are, Beloveds.


We are shining our love & light into each & every one of your hearts & minds, Yes Beloveds, we see your progress during this lifetime, & we are seeing you in this first wave of integrating Ascension protocols. And how you are coming closer & closer into this moment of revelation, into this moment, where your Emergency Broadcast Systems will come alive with the Truth. The Truth for many, many thousands of years, that has shaped your present day reality into what it is.


But Beloveds, you have learned so much awareness. You have had so many experiences, during particularly during these last 13,000 of years. Because you have been mano a mano with the forces of darkness in having to deal with the negative programming that you all have been imprinted with.


That fear & separation, Beloveds, you have come to see as why the understanding of Universal Love & Light, of Universal Laws, is now helping you to empower yourself, to see how these Universal Laws work in your favor, to garner the momentum, that is oh so very necessary for you to create the reality that you truly desire.


Because Beloveds, each time that you raise the level of the frequency of vibration, you are doing it for the whole of Humanity. This is the way that consciousness works in alignment with the Universal Laws. Because Beloveds, your linear time, & so perceived limitations of space are not the Truth. You are unlimited in your consciousness, and you working with these Universal Laws, & feeling, & being this power of love, that is pulsing within each & every one of your hearts.


And learning in this first wave of integrating Ascension Protocols how to assimilate & integrate these higher light encodements, are expediting this process very rapidly. So that yes, this Event of the Truth can transpire, & you can have the awareness, that you have been yearning for, for all of Humanity to come into the light, and to see who you really are, and to feel this compassion for your Human condition. That you are freeing yourself, from this 3-D Matrix, by revealing this Truth, & holding accountable these perpetrators of the Cabal with their black magic, that has created this inverted reality.


Calling them out into the light, where they are being revealed, as the unscrupulous bullies & intimidators of the weak, of the afflicted, and that all along they were the ones, who created the problems, the lies, the deceptions that enabled them to trick Humanity into giving their power away. These things will be made universally known, Beloveds.


The compassion within each & every one of your hearts will transmit all over the world. And this Truth Is understanding of the power of love, will make you invincible, Beloveds. We honor each & every one of you, for all you are, & all you do. For you being so fearless & courageous, each volunteering to be here as part of this process of the victory of the light over evil, Beloveds.


Namaste, and now my twin soul Sananda is going to come in.

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