Saturday, September 23, 2023

9-20-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-20-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I’m very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, this Cabal has played their last hands. They are up against the wall, painted into a corner. And yes, we cannot predict the last moves that they will make, to lash out at Humanity, to try this Hail Mary pass into the end zone. But Beloveds, it’s not going to work. Because a significant amount of the consciousness of Humanity has risen up to high, high frequencies. So much so, that you have already won this war over evil.


Beloveds, it is just a matter of the Truth being made known from all of the investigations, the court cases, which will have to produce evidence of the wrongdoings of this Cabal, which there are tons of. But just to get the Supreme Court to hear this case has taken many years. And now the word is that they will hear it against the corruption of the Bidens. And that the House oversight committee will conduct its impeachment proceedings. At the end of this month, it will start.


So these are very positive events coming out in favor of Humanity, of you, Beloveds, winning back your sovereignty. This is so very necessary at this time, Beloveds. Because the plans of this Cabal are to completely take away all of your freedoms, & to propagate their Transhumanist Agenda. That is not going to be allowed to happen.


So each  & every day, Beloveds, you have the opportunity to rise up in frequency & vibration, to make your intentional requirements known. So that these things can come about expeditiously. And that Humanity will join together to demand all of these members of the Cabal to be held accountable for their crimes against Humanity, for their child trafficking, human trafficking, the poisoning of drugs designed purposely eliminate chunks of Humanity.


All of these things of a heinous nature will come out, as well as the Golden Ages of Lemuria & Atlantis, and how you were tricked into giving your power away, from being 5th Dimensional societies. This Beloveds, is why you have taken on this mission of being here at this time, so the record could be set straight, so you could start out from zero point. And Humanity could be empowered once again with your original Adam Kadmon blueprinting, to carry forth this 5th Dimensional Timeline to this new age of empowerment.


And for you once again to feel the power of love in your hearts, & to radiate it forth, to achieve this Ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia. My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, Beloveds. They offer you these Kumara roses. They are a symbol, and an emblem of us being in One consciousness & in One mission to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Take as many as you like of these higher spectrums of light, sound, & color.


Beloveds we honor you so very much, for all you are doing, and all you continue to do, to bring about this mission to completion, to empower Humanity, with its Ascension, in this lifetime. Namaste Beloveds, and so long for now. Goodbye.

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