Dear Beloved Ones,
Ah, such a high vibration that I’m coming into on this call
after Mother did the meditation there. And I would just like to add to this tonight. It is so splendid with the opportunity for me
to come in and to feel these energies with you once again, and to really
reassure you of the progress that is being made. And in this Now Moment, there is so much
cause for celebration. And if you can
feel it when you go up on the Nibiru, the celebration, the level of Joy and the
high frequencies of Love and Light in the Hearts of all of the Mentors, your
ancestors and all of the other beings that come from the ships to join us for
this meditation. It is really
And I come in to remind you, Dear Beloved Ones, in the focusing
of your thoughts, words and actions and that any time that your challenges in
your daily lives start to make you uncomfortable and so many of you on this
call – I would say all of you on this call, are really aware of being the
compassionate observer and seeing when you feel your energies going down in
vibration. And it is at those times we
ask you just to breathe into your Heart Center and slow it down for
Ah, we feel so much compassion for you. And we remind you on this really
high-vibrational, golden LoveLight permeated night that you can change any
choice that you have made in this lifetime.
It’s 101 in creating the reality, Dear Brothers and Sisters. And the first step is always owning your
creations. And then the second step is
the realization that you could un-create everything that doesn’t resonate with
the Truth, Harmony and Wisdom of who you are in this Now Moment.
Dear Beloved Ones, what they have kept from you with their
institutions, with their indoctrinations, with their negative programming, with
the intrusion, the invasions of all of these foreign forces, such as negative
entities and parasites and implants into the four bodies of your being when they’ve caught you being low vibration. Dear Beloved Ones, that’s all a lie.
That has all been designed to keep you as their slaves, so they could
feed off of you.
And we know that you recognize this. But please recognize the power that you
have. And that is the reason why they
have so aggressively attacked you with this AI and as you’re learning that this
AI has been around for a very, very long time.
And we know that it’s hard for you to look at the past and to think and
the beings of the the Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis have really
high-vibrational technologies. But if
you could shift your perceptions, what Eli thinks of in his Toltec training as
assemblage points for harmonizing the realizations that you can look at that
Golden Age of Atlantis and Lumeria in a far different perspective than it has
probably been brought to your attention before because the type of technology
that they had was of an etheric form in the 5th dimension and
And so this meant that our mercabas were active and that we
could travel all over time and space and through portals. And this was what this Corey Goode talks
about with the Ancient Builder Race. There was all of that going on, Dear Beloved Ones. And you weren’t in quarantine then with the
energies and beings coming in from other planets. So, it was quite a bit of a different
experience for you in being on planet Earth and integrating with the Beings of
the LoveLight.
So I’m just bringing this to your attention because at this
time, you can allow yourself really to open up your minds along with your
hearts and use your imagination to envision what your reality is going to be
like after the announcements. And I will
be working with you from time to time to do this, because I see it as part of
my Mission in preparing us all for this Golden Day that is so very looming in
our futures here, Beloved Ones.
And that’s really all I wanted to say for you tonight, except
that I love each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for us being
all part of the Godhead and for how you all have grown and committed yourself
to your meditations, your clearings and the unfoldment of the Truth of the Love
and Light that you are, Dear Beloved Ones.
So Namaste and Good Night.
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