Monday, March 12, 2018

3-7-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones, Good Evening.

Yes, we felt the magnificent energy of Mother Sekhmet and her coming in with you all to do this NESARA Meditation. And I would just like to do a short meditation with you to help you adjust to some of these Ascension Symptoms that you may be feeling at this time. Because, Dear Beloved Ones, the vibrations coming into your planet, although you can’t have the vantage point of being on the other side and seeing how the energies are accelerating and becoming so potent from the Galactic Center, which is where this Blast of Energy has to come through, this portal from Sirius B. And it will be what you feel as this Cosmic Blast to lift you up in such a magical, majestic way that it will completely give you the opportunity never to be in duality any more.  

And by doing that, it will enable your planet to fully enact all of these provisions of this Beloved Law that your meditations have centered upon for such a long time, starting with Susan starting this group very many years ago. And it’s been a wonderful journey. And we really don’t see much of a difference between Eli’s Group and the Ashtar Group. They’ve sort of -- are a part of one another. And it’s a way to bring people into our particular Mission of helping you work on the negative programming so you will be more able to process these higher vibrations that are coming in by taking out as much of this negative programming as possible.  

So, let us focus on that tonight because we all have Energy Bodies. We all have an Energy Field that extends, oh, at least two feet from the body, and just breathing into it and spinning your Energy Body in a clockwise direction here.  And if you have your hand or a crystal in your hand, and taking this crystal with the intention of removing all of the lower vibrations, and spinning your Energy Body counterclockwise around in a circle from the front, the side, the back to the side, to the front and rotating it, oh, for about seven to eight times, and just feeling from the centrifugal force of you moving in a counterclockwise direction and the power of your intentions, to remove these lower vibrations, having them just slip away from your Energy Field. And then going clockwise and reprogramming them, transmuting them into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  And revolving so many times in a clockwise direction.

And now we’re going to spiral from two feet above your head to two feet below your head, going in a clockwise direction, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and going up and down and filling you with this LoveLight and allowing yourselves to remember the feeling of this all coming together. And when we join together in our circles of multiplying our energies and becoming very strong, and it is this feeling of us knowing deep down in our hearts and minds and our souls that we are One, and that it has been this negative programming that has pulled us away from this realization because our DNA has been tampered with. 
And I had to go through this too in my lifetimes and work on it and by coming together and working with Sananda and all of the people, and, Dear Beloved Ones, many of you were with us in that lifetime and you were doing work with us to raise the level of the vibration back then. And this is something that we all planned together as part of our Mission starting way back when, when we realized that a part of our spiritual journey and evolution would be the experiencing of duality. But nothing that we could see back then really told us of the way that it was going to feel within the four bodies of our being when these off-worlders, these disciples of Lucifer, came in and were able to take control of our DNA. So, that has made us come together so much in order to raise the level of our vibration to become powerful altogether in the Light.  

And just think of your daily routine and how so much of it is spent reading the messages of others who have dedicated their Love, their lives to the Light, to raising the level of Love and Light on the planet.  And all of the people that are practitioners of yoga, of dance, of all of these specific methods, or marshal arts or musicians who are vibrational healers, energy healers, to raise the level of the vibration.  And each of us have our own specific ways that we resonate with.  And this is all wonderful.  

But I so appreciate being able to come through at these times to you and share my Love from my heart to yours because, Dear Beloved Ones, we are with you all of the time, us Mentors, and we see the struggles, the obstacles that you still face in this very, we would say, corrupt institutional system of a false financial system and the real structure of separation and fear that all of you have to navigate each and every day just to keep yourself healthy and to take care of your basic needs.  

Well, we come to you just as Mother did tonight in the spirit of celebration, because all of your lives you have dedicated to raising the level of the vibration of not only yourselves, but of everyone else on this Dear Beloved Planet, and the planet itself and all of the kingdoms.  And you have known that this day would come when we would finally be in the Golden Age ….  (interruption of call at end of this section; reconnected after approximately one minute)

Eli:  So now I see everybody’s back, except for one person.  So, that’s fantastic and Mary is still here so if anybody has a question for her, she is right here.

Q.  (DJ) Hearing the information that Mother Sekhmet covered in the beginning about how many planets have been destroyed by those dark forces, the question came to my mind is: what happened to the spirit of those planets?

A.  Ah, well you know DJ, it’s like everything else. The energy just gets transformed. The spirit, it moves from one location to another, and it is enabled to rise up into the highest of vibrations. It’s just like when one of you Dear Beloved Ones, such as maybe your father, has left their body and they go to the other side, DJ. They can fully go into the highest of dimensions over on the other side. Their energy is not destroyed.  The spirit of all those planets is eternal, and it’s just a reset. And that’s happened many times on this planet before because of nuclear catastrophes and well, look where we are right now.  And although the AI wanted to do it one more time, and you can just look at the atomic bombs at the end of World War II, hey, they were making a play to do it then. But we didn’t let that happen. We’ve been on Mission with you since way back when. So, I hope that answers your question.

Q. (DJ) Yes, thank you.  I figured it would be the same as the physical body, but it just seems a little different dimension, being a planet versus a human body.

A.  Ah, yeah, well though, you know, we’re talking about the sentient being, and it’s been said that each one of us can be a star.  And look at the soul of Mother and Father God. It’s just that you in your current condition of being in -- still having so much of the veil in place and your right lobe of your brain not fully activated yet, you can’t really wrap your mind around some of these concepts about how the energy works and can completely define what you would think of the laws of space and time. So, nothing is too big and nothing is too small basically is what it comes down to. Okay?

Q. (DJ) Yes, thank you.  I appreciate it.  Thank you very much.

A.  All right.

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