Monday, March 19, 2018

3-14-2018 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones, 

Yes, a little bit of glitches here having to do with the computer today, but we see that everything is progressing for our coming together and doing this meditation and being in communion with one another at this time where the energies are so strong. And that is extremely helpful just to allow ourselves to slow down and relax as much as we possibly can while these energies are transforming our reality in a most delightful way.
And, Dear Beloved Ones, it is because of the work that all of the people that have been awakening on your planet have done in these many years have brought about these results. And now they’re starting to manifest in a very palpable way with you being able to feel the energies come in. And it’s not just having to contend with the Ascension Syndrome anymore. A lot of these energies are very uplifting and give us the power to rise up into the higher dimensions in a much easier way than we see that you have ever been able to before. 

And the challenge for you is to adjust your intentions and your dialogue within the four bodies of your being to create your intentions in alignment with what you envision for this Golden Age. And as always, this is part of our meditation and so now we’re asking you to come together with me while I bi-locate my paw and we ring around together in our Circle of Divine Communion as we rise up with our breathing and the power of our imagination at the speed of thought going up, right up to underneath my ship and opening up the portal in the bottom and popping through this air lock once again, Dear Beloved Ones, hovering above the landing deck and now walking back to the elevator, opening the door and rising up very quickly to our Crystal Room, popping through the elevator door and being welcomed by this plethora of Light Beings, the Mentors and other beings who have decided to join us on this most auspicious night because we all know that our actions affect the whole and the level of the vibration on your planet and help people daily, moment by moment, to awaken, to become more conscious, more loving to themselves and aware of themselves as being the creators of their reality and being aware that they’re never separate from those higher aspects of their being and from what they call God or Creator Source. 

And, Dear Beloved Ones, maybe you can’t remember, but we sure can as being on this Mission with the rest of the Mentors and all the Beloved Souls in the Ashtar Command that are with us so very many years ago that the density of your energy there on the planet wasn’t bringing in so very much Light at all.  And now, it’s a proverbial light show with fireworks going off all the time. It doesn’t stop. And so that’s why we’re so joyful and in celebration. We can see that the party has already begun and that these energies will come in more and more as we allow them to in unison with one another being heart to heart like this in our Divine Communion. 

And so now ringing around the Altar with the Beloved Mentors and yes, all of your guidance teams and your angels. They’re here too ringing around the Mentors. And in another ring, we’ve got some ancestors and then the Beloved Beings from the ships who are such an integral part of this Mission. So, Dear Beloved Ones, just allowing ourselves to breathe into the Heart Center and be in this Now Moment and to truly savor this feeling of Oneness and the Love and Light that are pouring in into our Heart Centers and sending it out and receiving it from the rest of the Circle here.  And now we’re spiraling it all up through the floor to the ceiling of the Crystal Room, going up and down, taking all of these frequencies of the crystals, some of them vibrating in very, very high dimensions -- such a variety that we have in this Crystal Room -- and allowing yourselves to feel the joy of inclusion and expansion at this time. 

And it is now that we pour forth our envisioning for what we give intent to create in the Golden Age, whether it be projects, whether it be feeling a certain way and really being able to express the Love and Light that you are with one another in a most joyful and appropriate way to create such harmony with people that haven’t fully awoken yet. To some who haven’t really awoken, the Cosmic Blast will be a wake-up call. And then it’ll be a time for recognition of those Beloved Souls to take it and start working on themselves and opening up their hearts. 

And this is a grand part of our Mission, Dear Beloved Ones, because all of us with what we’ve been through in these many years since the energies have opened up and blossomed to the level of Love and Light that they are and have permeated your planet the way that they have, they’re most available to you and are most accessible for you to teach your stories of your experiences to inspire these Beloved Ones and to give them guidance at this time.
This Cosmic Blast will unite the hearts of everyone to the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings in all of creation. And it is a Divine Gift from Creator Source. But you can take great happiness and joy in how you’ve all earned it in many lifetimes, going through many cycles, learning and relearning lessons from lifetime to lifetime.

And now pouring forth these energies of our Divine Love and Communion of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness into the crystal and lifting it up through the opening in the roof of my ship and pouring it down and us following it onto your Beloved Planet, going down through the layers of ships ringing around the planet and from the atmosphere to the surface and underneath the surface, spiraling this LoveLight down and around and through to all of the subatomic particles into its DNA encoding.  And showering it -- your whole planet -- with these Divine Energies to make the Love and Light more accessible to everyone on your planet and to affect them in their dream states when they are most liable to come onto the ships and to be working on themselves to raise the level of their vibration, to remember who they really are in the core of the four bodies and the essence of who they are in the four bodies of their being. 

And continuing to spiral up and down and all over your Beloved Planet, affecting all of the Beloved Beings, all of the kingdoms, and multiplying this LoveLight energy continuously from now on. For whenever it comes, we want your planet to be as ready as possible to accept these high vibrations of the Cosmic Blast so that everything flows seamlessly, Dear Beloved Ones. It has always been our intention in carrying out this Mission that it would be done in the highest of frequencies of Love and Light, and that it would not seed fear and separation at all so that it would inspire each and every person on your planet to let go and to trust in their intuition and to really feel the Love and Light that they are and it would be such a wonderful and Divine Experience for them, a feeling of grand accomplishment and a feeling of independence from all of these dark energies, these slave masters and going back to the Truth of who they really are, each and every one of you on Beloved Mother Gaia.

Oh, now let us go to North America and shining this LoveLight from the atmosphere, picking up strength as we go on to the surface, all over North America, and that includes Canada too where we see the extensions of this tunnel network and spiraling this Golden White LoveLight down and through the network, the honeycombed bunkers, the encampments there, where these dark energies have been able to hide away. But through the efforts of the Alliance and our meditations, their energies have been unearthed, and they cannot hide any longer. They cannot hide their weapons of mass destruction either or their treasures or their secrets of very heinous behaviors. And it is our Divine Intention that by shining our LoveLight, we free all of these Dear Beloved Souls that have been kept slaves and been made unwitting victims of their plans for domination as they are very stubborn to honor the contracts that they had with us in letting go and removing themselves from the planet at this time. 

So now moving in waves through this underground network, from a place of joy and accomplishment of returning all of Mother Gaia into the highest vibrations of Love and Light that is in alignment with her DNA original encodements before so much of her energy got usurped by these off-worlders, these hybrid races. And shining the LoveLight into each and every one of them because we see that their time is up. And they are being dealt with in various ways that do not bode well for them where they too are having their wake-up call.  But for them it can be a very grim, rude awakening.

And now going over to California, and once again, these three sights of the two campuses of the Getty Museum and Disneyland. There pretty much remains in the open with all of their spas and particular amenities and art treasures that have been sequestered away and particularly these Beloved Children that have been made to sacrifice their bodies via all of this nefarious human trafficking. And feeling their energy and shining the LoveLight into their hearts and all the spirits that may be still trapped down there in those embankments.

And shining this LoveLight, spiraling it all up and down and around and through these three sites now with the intention of freeing the children and telling them that their time of Ascension is already here, and freeing their souls to rise up with their angels and their guidance teams and I Am Presence to make the journey to the other side at this time. And even though some of them may not be able to stay there, this is the time for them to be uplifted into those energies to give them hope and inspiration for the completion of their journeys. 

We so thank you for this opportunity to come together and to feel your hearts and raise up with you in vibration and so do the rest of the Beloved Spirits on the ship. And you can call upon us any time, Dear Beloved Ones, and for this Divine Communion and for guidance whenever you feel that would help you.
So Dear Beloved Ones, we say we honor you and we love you beyond all expression. Namaste and Good Night

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