3-21-18 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Ones, this is Mary Magdalene, and Good Evening to
all of you. And we would just like to
say how Divine it is to be here on this call, to feel your energy while you
were doing that meditation. The energies right now are so uplifting, and they
can be challenging too at the same time. But we truly relish and appreciate all
of your commitment to bring in these energies full force day in and day out and
raising the level of your vibrations and shining it out to the rest of the
planet to accelerate this Ascension Process, this level of Love and Light for
all of the Divine Beings and all of the Kingdoms on your planet. This is such a
miraculous time for all of us to be on this meditation together.
And what we see unfolding has its own rhythm and timing. And we know that can be really hard for
all of you to accept. But, Dear Beloved Ones, when the changes that we have all
been meditating and intending and requiring for your Beloved Planet, for each
one of your Ascensions, finally reach that point of magnification with the Love
and Light of that part of the Godhead that you are, you will see just how much all
of this has been an illusion. And the
Divine Love and the Joy that is available to you in this realization of when
these Divine Energies come in through this Cosmic Pulse, through the
announcements of NESARA, will truly be not just a life-changing event for each
of you on this Beloved Planet but all throughout the Cosmos, all throughout all
of Creation.
And it is true that the forces of darkness on your planet in
conjunction with this artificial intelligence programming have wiped out many a
galaxy, many, many planets. But it has only been through the commitment of all
of you Beings of the Light who have come back lifetime after lifetime with your
Divine Commitments of sticking and staying with the course to liberate your
Beloved Mother Gaia and these Ascension Energies. And as you know, there have
been previous times of annihilation on your planet through holocausts of the
nuclear variation. And you with your meditations, with your intentions, with
all of the lifetimes that you died with honor and died in integrity in
preserving that space of Love and Light, raised the level of the vibration to
bring your consciousness and Beloved Mother Gaia into this round of Ascension
where it has been happening for about the last thirty years on your planet.
And right now, we see the window having been opened for the
Cosmic Pulse and for Ascension. Of course, like Ashtar says and Mother says,
“No dates.” Everything unfolds in its
own Divine Timing. But I would just like to really reassure you now that you are
in the high vibration from this meditation, perhaps you can truly understand
and let go in the realization of what you have created, and that it is
manifesting. It is happening even as we speak.
So, Dear Beloved Ones, there is much cause for celebration. But
there is much cause for each of you, each and every day, to stay in these high
vibrations, to keep on working on yourselves because the payoff is in these
high-vibrational energies, you can feel more Unity. You can shine the LoveLight
on polarities within relationships, within your planet, within the obstacles of
lack and contamination of your resources, of your air and your water, and truly
accelerate this Ascension Process for all of yourselves. And by raising up in
those high-vibrational frequencies, of course, you affect the whole of
Creation. And I really hope that you could understand what a gift you are
giving yourselves and all of Creation at this time of having placed yourself in
this dynamic of bringing forth full consciousness inside of the four bodies of
your being.
So, Dear Beloved Ones, we love you more than words can possibly
express. And we say Namaste and Good Night.
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