7-18-2018, Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
We greet you once again tonight after this very potent
meditation that you’ve just done. And we shine the LoveLight right into your
heart once again. And we are so very happy to be with you in this Communion of
the Hearts. And now is a very pivotal time on your planet. There is so much
that is coming together, energy-wise on the planet and in the plans of the
Alliance into enacting all of their plans to make it possible to liberate your
planet. So this is something that we have meditated on and prayed for such a
long time. And right now, we see it happening. But we also see that each and
every one of you can make it easier on yourselves. And yes, it is really all
about loving yourselves and allowing yourselves to be as much in these higher
dimensions throughout the course of the day as you possibly can. And we see
that there’s a variety of ways that you all have learned to do this.
But what we’d really like to address is letting go of all of the
resistance to doing your daily routine that all of you need to do to some
degree in order to get by throughout the course of the day, whether it be
feeding yourselves, going to the doctors, shopping, balancing the check book,
all of these things instead of allowing yourselves to feel drained and to feel
depressed over having to do these daily chores again and again. We ask you to
celebrate it because you can’t see it, but we can.
And we have to laugh because you will all be leading such
different lifestyles in the very near future. And you won’t even think about
the days where you have had to spend so much time running around town, tracking
down different things, trying to get food stamps for yourself or Social
Security or insurance and all of these things that the cabal have set up as
institutions for you to interact with. They will all be changed.
And the way that you interact with your environment will be much,
more high vibrational, because of advanced technologies. And also the fact that
you’re going to have the Divine Economics of St. Germain whereby all of the
money that has been stolen from you is going to be returned. And we would like
you to imagine that this is so much, much more of an amount than even in your
wildest dreams you have thought about. And that pretty soon, many of you will
live to see the day where it will be a cashless society. And that will be
But what we see as being so very wonderful is the regeneration
of your planet into returning into the glory and brilliance of the Garden of
Eden once again. And this is just another way to say that your planet will be
in the 5th Dimension and reflect this by the grace and beauty that you
will all feel in your environment. But also you will feel this connection
heart-to-heart, not just with Beloved Gaia and all of the kingdoms on the
planet, but you will feel it heart-to-heart with one another because there
won’t be these lower vibrations to hold you back, to foment competition or any
form of separation whatsoever. On the contrary, these higher vibrations will
help you to realize the very deep feelings of love in your heart and to express
them and the desire to share them with one another in very creative ways.
And so, each and every one of you have gifts and talents that
you have only explored on the surface. But all of these will come and rise to
the top of your daily experience. And you will find yourselves doing things
that you only wished that you could of before, like traveling through the
dimensions, traveling through space with these free energy machines, and making
connections all over the cosmos, and bringing in all of those high-vibrational
energies. And of course, helping all of the Beloved Beings who are just
starting to wake up on your planet. So, we already feel that this is a Golden
Time for you because it is the start of you anchoring in this Golden Age of
being in the 5th Dimension once again, Beloved Brothers and Sisters.
Words cannot express sufficiently how much we love you and how
much we appreciate your service to the One.
Namaste, Brothers and Sisters, and good night.
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