Friday, July 6, 2018

7-4-18, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-4-18, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We thank you so very much for being here tonight to do this meditation, to have this Communion of the Hearts with one another on this very special, awe-inspiring day. Because this day is based on an event that changed the course of history and that we are rebooting the original intentions of our Beloved Brother St. Germain in its origin and creation. And that is of higher-dimensional rule for and of the people instead of being manipulated and coerced and forced by these dark beings who only have had their own interests in mind when they’ve set up governments, when they’ve set up institutions and the banking system and made everybody else play along to their tune. 

And now one of their main tools, which has been secrets, deception, trickery, is disappearing from their arsenal of weapons because the people have risen up in vibration and they are sharing information with one another heart to heart. And they are talking from their hearts to one another about what they want for themselves, for their children. And they are shining the Light on people who are doing the work, who are making creative change on this planet become a reality. 

And this, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, is our main weapon.  Love, Unconditional, Universal Love, because it brings us together heart to heart.  And Unity has always been where the power has been and has enabled us to make creative change. And it is for sure what we’ve had in the past when we’ve had our Golden Ages of Lumeria and Atlantis, and it was quite evident in the lifetime of Sananda when he was Ben Joseph, Jeshua, if you will, with his Beloved Mary Magdalene there to support him and Beloved Mother Mary and his father Joseph.

That Unity was so evident with his apostles and what you call his disciples, because of the Love emanating from his, if you will, Sacred Heart. Well, all that means is that he was connected to his I AM Presence. And his I AM Presence represents his Godhead so there is no separation from his I AM to Creator Source. And the same was true with Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary and his father Joseph. They had quite a bit of connection there with their Higher Selves. And when they all came together to inspire the masses and -- also they had a natural environment. 

So, Christ in that lifetime, he was schooled as a tantric master in the Essene religion. And this worked very much to his benefit when it came time for him to go public. Because he knew that he was enacting the conditions of the prophesies that had preceded him about this lifetime, and the raising of the level of the vibration through his actions, and the connections that he would have with Mother Gaia and the Beloved Brothers and Sisters where he was doing these miracles and giving these talks, to give the people insight about the true nature of who they really were and how to empower themselves. 

And yes, at that time, there was quite a bit of density on the planet, but even as we speak today, there is always the possibility that enough people can become so aware and conscious and shine their LoveLight at such a high degree that there can be spontaneous healing of themselves and the whole planet. And gradually we are working our way to this major upgrade which we are calling the Cosmic Blast whereby we will anchor in the 5th Dimension once again and prepare ourselves for Ascension. 

So it’s in the spirit of working toward this reality that I ask us now to join together, me bi-locating my paw out to you and with your other hand, reaching out for the hand of the person next to you to form our circle. And with our breathing, allowing ourselves to rise up, to let go, to jettison ourselves up off of the surface of the planet, up into the atmosphere, the thermosphere and rising up through the layers of ships, coming to my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. 

And now we’re opening up the bottom of the ship enough for us all to pop through and hover in the airlock here while the landing deck closes. And now we can touch down and walk on over to the elevator in the back there. And getting all in together with our circle intact once more and rising up. And now opening up the doors of the elevator and coming out to these high vibrations of the people in the room, these Beloved Beings of Love and Light, the Mentors, & many, many people on the ships. 

Some of them you are very familiar with and others may be new to you. And also your ancestors, as per usual, are here. And perhaps you’re feeling a little bit of a nudge from them or a whisper in the ear as we take our place around our Beloved Alter that has the huge crystal on it. And ringing around us are the Mentors and then various rings of the other Beloved Beings who have come to join us for this meditation tonight to add their LoveLight to make this really powerful and potent on this Beloved Day.
Now, feeling in our hearts with our breathing, activating this LoveLight, the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness. And sharing it from heart to heart around our circle, through the other outer circles, all up, down and around and through this Beloved Crystal Room. Feeling the energies and integrating the energies of all of these Beloved Crystals that represent all of the different dimensions. And just spiraling the energy from the floor to the ceiling, all through the circles with our breathing, allowing ourselves to relax and integrate this energy. 

And now, feeling the lightness of our being all together, the power and the strength of it. And allowing ourselves to envision this time of mass awakening on the planet when the 5th Dimension and the Golden Age will return.  And how good it will feel for all of the planet, all of the kingdoms, all of humanity to shine this LoveLight out moment by moment. And to be able to express ourselves, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, heart to heart without any fear of being laughed at or recrimination or even being disposed of, like many Lightworkers have had happen to themselves in this time of mass awakening where these dark beings have become very paranoid and very desperate to hold on to their power. And now we see it as their lost cause.  And they’re starting to have to make deals with the Beloved Beings that have formed this Alliance to raise the level of the vibration into the higher dimensions here. 

So with these realizations, let us shine this LoveLight into our crystal and shoot it out through the top of the room, through the opening in the ceiling there. And directing it onto your Beloved Planet of Mother Gaia’s. And following it down there, all of us together on the same wavelength here. And spiraling it as we pass the ships and get into the atmosphere. And spiraling it on to the surface and underneath the surface, all down, around, up and through many times to affect all of the subatomic particles, to raise the level of their vibration so that it becomes much, much easier for everyone on the planet to awaken, to realize that this is all a hologram. And what is really real is the Love that they are deep within their hearts that allows them to be connected to their I AM Presence, to their Guides, through the veil, which is quickly disappearing and dissipating.

And just shining this LoveLight now into the hearts of all the Beloved Beings on the planet. And envisioning all of them hearing their favorite songs, the song that gets them into their heart, the song that they can sing and feel turned on and feel happy in joy and vibrancy feeling their vitality, feeling the limitlessness of their Love, the eternity of their Being in this Now Moment. By focusing on this Here/Now feeling inside of their hearts. And let’s make it happy. Let’s make it reverberate with the echoes of this Divine Remembrance of who we really are, of where we came from, of our connection with our “I AM Presence” in this Now Moment. And being on the other side of the veil where there is no time or space and where all of Creation is really One.  And the basis of this consciousness of Creation is the Love that we all are. 

So transmitting this consciousness through the LoveLight that we are propagating and shining forth into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on this Planet, all through the kingdoms of Beloved Mother Gaia. And spiraling it from the North Pole to the South Pole one more time, all up, down and around and through. 

And, Dear Beloved Ones, let us engender this realization, this feeling of Peace on the planet, of everything on this Beloved Planet being in harmony, being in balance. All of the pollution cleared up. All of the plastic removed from the sea. All of the contamination in the food supply, the pollution in the air, in the water, all of it dissipating, evaporating, & dematerializing. So only that LoveLight shines forth to heal, to raise the level of the vibration, to bring us fully and firmly into the 5th Dimension, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. 

And once again, let us go down into the tunnels because the secrets are still there. And the capacity of sheltering these dark players in these hideaways still exist. That’s where it’s up to us to shine the LoveLight to expose all of the secrets, to raise the level of the vibration down there that these dark players are not able to function any more, sing their modus operandi that has got them through to this point. 

So let us hover above and spin in a spiral, this Golden White Light, down onto the surface and into the tunnels, this whole vast network from Mexico to the United States and through the US into Canada, spiraling all of the tunnels, all of the bases. And these bases are huge. They can house up to about 65,000 people. So they are many-layered, honeycombed, if you will. All of the different compartments which have up until this point made it easy for them to hide things away there.
And now let us start shining the LoveLight in a horizontal manner by going down underneath into the tunnels and picking a starting point. And shining the LoveLight, spiraling it all through the tunnels and the bases once again, up, down, around and through all of the different little nooks and crannies, where anything not of the Light could be hiding. And focusing on raising the level of the Love and Light in this Now Moment, Brothers and Sisters. 

And now focusing on the intention of freeing all of the people who have been made into slaves in this Now Moment from being sequestered in these encampments on these bases, against their free will, doing things against their integrity just for their survival. And of course, shining the LoveLight out into the memory of the many children and adults who have died while sequestered in these underground bases. Ripped from their homes and from their above-the-surface or on-the-surface reality to be made to live underneath the ground in these very harsh conditions of mind control.

So let us send the LoveLight into their hearts. And we say to them, “We know your sacrifices. We love and honor you, Dear Beloved Beings. And now the game is changing, and the time of your liberation is upon you. And we love you so, so very much. We honor you.”
And now, Dear Beloved Beings, we thank you so very much for your effort today, for the mingling together of your energies for the Communion of our Hearts, focused on healing the planet at this very pivotal time. 

We say Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters. Thank you, thank you very much.

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