Thursday, July 12, 2018

7/11/2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7/11/2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you once again for being here in our Communion of our Hearts with one another and bringing these energies in to focus on our intents for creating and accelerating the anchoring in of this Beloved Golden Age onto your planet at this time. And yes, we’ve been at this for quite a while. But don’t you just love the way that you can look back in time and see all the different steps that you have made in your own personal journeys and how your meditations, the energy that comes in, and how it feels when we do these meditations, how it has changed over this, for most of you, quite a long period of time.

Well, guess what? There’s more changes afoot and tomorrow is the first of three eclipses in this part of your season that in the Northern Hemisphere you call your summertime. And we ask you to stay as Heart Centered and as much in tune with your breathing so that you can be the compassionate observer and feel these energies coming in. And yes, to keep yourselves in the flow of your energy any way you like: with meditation, with interacting with nature, with interacting with one another. 

And of course, when you’re meditating, the more the merrier. So, you know, here we are together tonight, but if you could find somebody to meditate with tomorrow, that might feel very good for you. And umm, just breathing into the Heart Center right now and letting this energy come in and offering no resistance to it. Because yes, it means letting go of preconceived notions and just allowing yourselves to feel, to be and, oh my, how the rhythms change in this dance now that we’re moving through tighter intervals, we would say, of the peaks of the energies coming in. 

And as with all eclipses, tomorrow is one of these days to set your focus. And we’re going to do that tonight in our meditation; also about what we foresee in this anchoring in of the Golden Age, the Announcements of NESARA, the Cosmic Blast that we’ve been working on quite a long time here. But perhaps your visions are changing, and your imagination is becoming more bolstered and higher. And you’re allowing yourselves to rise up into higher and higher vibrations as we move forward with these energies coming in and bombarding your planet the way that they are from the Central Sun and through your Solar Sun. And yes, this is only the shape of things to come that will be at a very quantum level, if you will. So it’s just a matter of preparation and allowing ourselves to relax and to flow with these energies.

So now let us join hands and me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you and with the other hand joining together with somebody to form the circle. And just breathing into our hearts and allowing all of this Love and Light to come in through our hearts and with the power of our thoughts, rising up off of the surface into the atmosphere, up through the layers of the ships. And now coming up to my ship, the Nibiru, once more. 

And now I’m opening up the bottom which becomes this landing deck after we pop through it into the airlock here. And now the landing deck is closing, and we are touching down now and walking back to the elevators once more and entering them with our circle intact. And now we press those buttons and we jet right on up to the top of the ship. Oh yes, it’s a big ship. You can be sure of that. But this elevator is very fast. And now opening the doors and popping right through. 

And yes, you’re seeing all of the Mentors, and very many different beings of the Light from all of the different ships and Ascended Masters from all over Creation that have come to join us tonight and many are very familiar faces.  Some may be new and then there are your ancestors, some of which, yes, they may be you in different incarnations from quite a long time ago, maybe even before this duality lifecycle. And you may feel a touch, a whisper, a scent to help to remind you and connect you with those ancestors.

And now let us form the circle, us being the innermost circle around the altar. And the other circles forming around us now. Boy, it is a joyful mood here! And we can’t help but laugh a little bit because this is one of those Golden Moments where we start to see come into fruition what we have all been together working for such a long time. Because if you would see your planet when we go through the ceiling here and see all of the Light coming off of it the way that we do, you would know that there’s a lot of fireworks that have been going on in a very pleasant way that weren’t happening before.

So now sending this energy from our Heart Centers, all through the circle, the outer circles, all through the room from the floor to the ceiling in a spiral encompassing all of the different energies of the crystals here and the vibrations of all of the Beloved Beings on this meditation. And going up, down and around and through all of the atoms, feeling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy take us over and allow us to feel the Oneness of all of Creation here. And just continuing to breathe into it. And feeling yourselves lift up into these high dimensions. And, boy, as we said, isn’t it joyful, this feeling of Oneness, of being connected to the core essence of your being through one another and through all of Creation. You are Love and Light!

And now focusing on this crystal, our huge, dynamic, pyramid-shaped crystal on the altar here and envisioning these times after the Cosmic Blast, and this period from the Cosmic Blast to your Ascension; and creating this anchoring in of the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Blue Orb Planet, and all of the different projects you may have been focusing on to create when the abundance comes your way, when the planet starts to receive these higher forms of technology, sometimes from Creators on your planet. Sometimes from us when we touch down, we’re going to have a lot to offer to you in the forms of technology to enhance your experience because this is the Christening Period, if you will, of you becoming a member of this Galactic Society.

And now breathing into it and sending this energy shooting out from the tip of this crystal up through the opening in my ship right in the ceiling there and sending it down into Gaia’s planet. And now going through the layers of the ships and onto the surface and spiraling it from the top all around it, up and down, from one pole to the other, North to South. And feeling this energy go underneath the surface of the planet, up, down, around and through.  And feeling all of the resistance to being in the higher dimensions being eliminated, being removed.
And all of these energies, these dark energies that have been blocked by this cabal, these hybrid species of Reptilians to control and dominate with war, subterfuge, corruption, mass manipulation of your financial systems.  Feeling them be removed. Feeling the Truth come out and up. Shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy on all of these secrets, lies and deceptions, false-flag events, whether it has started wars or just catastrophes of mass shootings to promote delirium and mayhem, to make people more afraid and more separate. Removing all of those negative polarities at this time and transmuting them with the connection heart-to-heart with all of the Beloved Beings of the LoveLight all over Creation. And still going up and down and around and through.

And our aim tonight is to raise the level of the vibration on your planet significantly so that people tomorrow will be even more receptive to these high-vibrational energies coming in. And they will let go of their fear and use their imagination to use this energy to create their reality in a very high-vibrational way as we have been practicing with one another on these meditations, as I say, for a very long time for all of us. 

And now once again seeking out this Beloved Continent of North America and going down, sending our energy from the surface -- well first from the atmosphere and then down into the surface and then down underneath into the tunnels, into the underground bases. And spiraling this energy up, down, around and through in a vertical fashion here.  And yes, this is a very wide area, so imagine your energy getting very large and touching down on the surface and then going down underneath and these subatomic particles being saturated with the LoveLight. And all of the secrets being unearthed, rising up. They have no place to go anymore and jettisoning them up into the atmosphere. And here we’re going to transmute their energies into the highest frequencies of Love and Light.

And now we’re going to enter at whatever position that you want to take up and shine the LoveLight underneath the surface into these underground bases horizontally, all through the tunnels. And just go all over the width and the length of your continent here through these underground bases. And spiraling this energy horizontally here. And going into all of the different compartments in each and every one of these compounds, these underground bases. 

And yes, as we have discussed before, there are so many secrets lurking there. And now we are exposing them. Rooting them out, taking away more and more of the power of this cabal as we rise up higher and higher into the 5th Dimension, where there are no secrets, and where there is no lower vibration whatsoever.

And now shining the LoveLight into the hearts of all of these unwilling participants into the machinations and plans and these very dark ceremonies and sacrifices that have been going down underneath the surface of the planet for such a long time now. And shining the LoveLight into all of these Beloved Beings, into their hearts. And we say to them that they are loved so dearly and that now, the time of their liberation is upon them because they have played their parts magnificently. And salvation, liberation is theirs. It’s only a moment away. And yes, many of them will make their transition to the other side. Well, this will be a very happy event for them and for all of the Company of Heaven, believe you me. Because they are revered all throughout Creation for the sacrifices they have made in playing out their Life Contracts.

So, Dear Beloved Ones, it is with a very happy heart that we thank you for your participation tonight in this meditation. And let go of any heaviness in conjunction with any of the children that have been sacrificed and tortured because now is the time of liberation. And this liberation means joy for all of humanity!
And we thank you so very much. Namaste and good night.

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