Mother Sekhmet 10/24/2018, by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
Good evening to one and all here on this call as we gather
together and feel each other’s hearts at this time of your full moon and at
this time when the nation is thinking about voting and their democracy and
perhaps their commitment to making these conditions of which we all live under
better for themselves and for their children. And we bring this up, because never
have we seen things being twisted and turned all around for the benefit of the
few like this before. And yes, we know that one of your major lessons in life
is to learn Discernment and to feel inside of your hearts, to connect up with
your minds.
And you are not your mind. Basically the apparatus of your brain
is like a radio receiver. You are receiving all of these different waves of
energy, of information, of vibrations. And the more sensitive you allow
yourselves to be and the more heart centered you are, the better able you are
able to use your Discernment to assess whether what you are being told is the Truth
of how it will be able to serve you and to allow yourself to be the Compassionate
Observer of your reality and of what you are creating with your thoughts, words
and actions with every breath, with every Now Moment.
And this is such a gift, because each and every one of you have
an Internal Guidance System, which allows you to discern how you are resonating
with the information, with the level of vibration that is coming in. And yes,
from the Central Sun through your Solar Sun, these vibrations are becoming more
and more intense, having more and more teeth to them than ever before. And
perhaps you can even feel this more so at this time of this your full moon.
But we would say with the attention right now in North America
where most of you are from that you are feeling a lot of anxious energy all
around you, because there are so many people that are telling you one thing. And
there are just, it seems, an equal amount of people telling you the exact
opposite or pretty close to it. And they are trying to win your vote. And they
are trying to control the laws, the legislative process in your Beloved Land. But
we would like to remind you that there is so much happening underneath the
surface of what you are being shown on your mainstream media. And that
basically it is being controlled, this flow and dissemination of information, by
your alphabet agencies. So we would like for you to remember that.
And we know that so many of you are attuned to alternative forms
of media, but even with that, we ask you to use your Discernment. To breathe
into it and allow yourself to really feel into your heart whether this vibrates
at a high level of Truth. And of course, it really isn’t about what anyone else
is doing. It is about how you are feeling about yourself and how much you love
yourself to allow yourself to feel as good as possible to bring in as much Love
and Light as you can possibly assimilate into your experience within the four
bodies of your being at this very auspicious time in your planet’s history or
her/story. And yes, this balance between the masculine and feminine, and
transparency on your Beloved Planet is becoming more so each and every
So, with our Meditation here tonight, let us bring in this
energy with the Intentional Requirement of, yes, bringing in Peace, but more
clarity and more Love for each and every one of us. Because, Dear Beloved Ones,
Love is stronger. Love is the most important force of healing that you have in
all of Creation.
So let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to you. And we
ask you to reach out to someone else on the call to form our Beloved Circle.
And breathing into the heart sending it around through the left hand, circling
it all the way around, bringing it into your right hand, breathing into the
heart, raising the level of the vibration. And with the Power of our Thought
and our Intentional Requirement, rising up off the surface of your Beloved Planet
and up into the atmospheres, through these layers of ships, going high, high
above and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru, which is really large and has this
landing deck in the underbelly of my ship that I’m opening up right now.
And we’re popping through it with our circle still connected, of
course. And we’re hovering in this airlock as the landing deck closes beneath our
feet here. And now we’re touching down. And we’re walking all the way back to
this elevator. And we’re getting inside and, yes, the doorway is opening up to
accommodate our circle as it is. And we’re pushing the button. And we’re rising
rapidly right on up to the top of my Beloved Ship which takes us to the Crystal
The door opens. And we enter and feel all these Beloved Energies
greeting us. And we see and feel these
high vibrations and this Love and this Light that is dominating my Beloved
Crystal Room. And you may feel a touch or a whisper or a tickle from your
Beloved Ancestors at this time to let you know that you are well supported and
that they are very glad that you are here and that they are part of this
Meditation tonight too.
So, let us form our circle around the altar, which is in the
middle of this gigantic Crystal Room. And, yes, our Beloved Master Crystal sets
right in the middle of that alter. And forming our circle and having the
Mentors form their circle directly in back of us and these other Beings of the
LoveLight, other angels, and Ascended Masters, and Beloved Beings from the ships
who wouldn’t miss this for anything, because they realize that this is a main
part of their Mission. And that this is one of the most empowering ways to
bring their Beloved Mission to completion with all of us.
And sending this LoveLight by breathing into our hearts, sending
it out to the left hand, through our circle and throughout the outer circles,
throughout all of the room from the floor to the walls, to the ceiling, up,
down, around and through. Just breathing into it and experiencing it as if it
were a gyroscope and us intensifying this energy with our breathing. And
feeling all the high vibrations of the crystals and, of course, the
consciousness of all these Beloved Beings that represent virtually all of
Creation, just as the crystals represent all of the dimensions of Creation. All
of these high vibrations are available to us. So just breathing them in and
allowing our hearts to resonate with them in the highest frequencies of Love
and Light.
And now, setting our personal Intentional Requirements for this
Beloved Meditation, whatever you require for yourself, whether it be
financially, feeling better within the four bodies of your being, healing
relationships, healing some polarities within yourselves. And of course, let us
all together set our Intentional Requirement for Peace on your Beloved Planet,
for prosperity and abundance, compassion and understanding and, of course,
Unconditional Universal Love for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet and
all of the kingdoms. And just breathing into it and allowing ourselves to rise
ever higher into these high frequencies of Love and Light.
And again sending it all throughout the circles, throughout the
room, up, down, around, and through, through all of the atoms. And intensifying
this LoveLight once again, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness
Energy. And now focusing it into our Beloved Crystal and shooting it out
through the tip, up through the hole in the ceiling in my ship. And aiming it
right down on your Beloved Planet with us following right along beside it and
hovering over the North Pole.
And now, spiraling this energy from the atmospheres, onto the
surface, and below the surface into each and every subatomic particle. And
going up, down, around and through and feeling this energy intensify, this
LoveLight. Breathing into it and allowing it to affect and raise the level of
consciousness on your Beloved Planet in such an exponential way now,
harmonizing with the vibrations that are coming into your Beloved Planet through
the Central Sun and the Solar Sun. And sending this Intentional Requirement for
Peace and self-Love and Compassion into the hearts and minds of all the Beloved
Beings on your planet.
And yes, this even includes what you would call the cabal or the
deep state. Because yes, they are all
children of God just as we are. And they have agreed to play their roles, have
their own Soul Contracts that they’ve been fulfilling. But now, let’s send them
the LoveLight so they can let go and come back into the Light and let go of
their attachments to the darkness. Because the darkness will not serve them
anymore in this environment, where the LoveLight is dominating and sure to
raise the level of the vibration to fully encompass your Beloved Planet in the
5th Dimension once again making all of the machinations of this
negative programming, and black magic, and Satanism inoperable.
So let us shine this LoveLight all across the planet, but
particularly in North America where these elections are only, oh, umm, a couple
of weeks away actually. Breathing into the Heart Centers of the Beloved Politicians
in Washington, D.C., seeing them all together in your Capital Building, shining
the LoveLight into their hearts with the Intentional Requirement that they
allow themselves to see and feel the Truth.
And yes, this is quite hard for them to do, because it goes
against their conditioning. It goes against the way that they have been
manipulated by their egos, by the people who have been their handlers and their
overlords. But this is the only way that
they can acknowledge who they really are. So breathing into their Heart Centers
and sending them this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness
And now, we require that they allow themselves to regress all
the way back to childhood. And we see them, oh, as like four or five years old.
And we see them healed with this connection to their Inner Child in all of them
by shining this LoveLight into their hearts. And let us see their energy field
and spinning this LoveLight, all two feet outside in every angle around their
body, in a clockwise direction. And clearing out all of these negative
dendrites, all of these blockages in their energy field, removing from their
DNA all of this negative programming by spinning their energy counter
clockwise, and transmuting all of these lower vibrations into the highest
frequencies of Love and Light. And spinning in a clockwise direction, up, down
and around and through their energy field and their energy body.
And now, expanding this Meditation to everyone on your Beloved
Planet, first spinning counterclockwise to remove any of the lower vibrations
and negative programming, the negative programs, disqualified and discredited
energies, polarities and traumas. And going up, down, around and through. And
depositing all of these lower vibrations in the center above and the center
below. And then transmuting these energies by spinning clockwise with these
high vibrations of Unconditional Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and
Gratitude, Joy, Harmony, Peace, Wisdom, Understanding, prosperity, abundance,
And spinning from the center above to the center below with this
Intentional Requirement that everyone become free, free to be the love and
Light who they are, free to express that part of themselves which is the
Godhead. And free to be in Unity Consciousness with each and every other being
on your Beloved Planet.
And that is our Intentional Requirement for the outcome where we
are all headed, because once we get to this place of Unity, of Peace, of
Harmony, then it will be so easy to bring in the 5th Dimension and
to make all of the changes that need be for you not to be slaves anymore to
this dark consciousness of these Beloved Beings who worship some very dark
energy. But yes, they will be taken off the stage, and so much energy will be
freed up.
And now, once again, going down underneath the surface of your
Beloved Planet, starting from Mexico. And shining this LoveLight horizontally
in a spiral all into these tunnels, into the underground installations, these
bases. And this is where these dark players have hidden their secrets, their
stashes, umm, the places where they do their dirty deeds, where they make sure
that they have the rituals and their sacrifices that have kept them above the
fray, operating in the higher reaches of the 4th Dimension.
But now that’s not good enough anymore, because virtually your
planet is in the 5th Dimension and the consciousness of you and the
kingdoms and all of the other Beloved Beings on your planet are pushing that
threshold of the 5th Dimension each and every day now. And soon it
will be fully anchored onto your planet.
So, shining this LoveLight horizontally in a spiral, up, down,
around and through all of the tunnels, this network of the underground bases,
from Mexico to the United States, up into Canada in the upper reaches and over
and back again. Just feeling it spiral really fast and shining these high
frequencies of the LoveLight, this Golden White Light of the Christ
Consciousness Energy to root out all of the secrets, all of the lies and the
deceptions, to dis-incorporate this mechanism of the artificial intelligence so
that it won’t be able to operate any more ever again on your Beloved Planet. And
we’re talking about those aspects of the artificial intelligence that have been
used by the cabal and the deep state to enslave you, to trick you, to cause
wars, confusion, fear and separation on your Beloved Planet.
And now, sending this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the
Beloved Beings who with their Soul Contracts agreed to play their parts of
being captured and sold into slavery to serve these dark beings; because by
doing so, they have brought a spotlight into these dark players, their actions
and made their secrets transparent now. They can’t hide them anymore.
And we say to them, “We love you so very much, that we are One.
And we have never forgotten about you and neither has Heaven, neither has the
higher aspects of your Being. And soon you will ascend. You will be united with
those higher aspects of your Being over on the other side. And some of you will
even survive this and ascend fully conscious within your physical beings.”
And to all of the Beloved Spirits that have left their bodies
but have been too afraid up until this point to cross over, “We shine the
LoveLight onto your Heart Centers and give you the permission to cross over and
to feel this Joy of bringing your Soul Contracts to completion. You’ve done all
you needed to do. And now it’s the time of celebration and being rewarded for
your sacrifice, for being the Love and Light that you are under very trying
And we say to you, Beloved Beings on this call, we love you so
very much. We honor you for your
dedication, for your commitments to raising the level of the LoveLight on your
Beloved Planet. And we say to you, Namaste and good night.