Saturday, October 27, 2018

Mary Magdalene 10/24/2018, by Eli Galla

Mary Magdalene 10/24/2018, by Eli Galla

My, oh my, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Once again, we are enthralled, we are enchanted with being with you here tonight and feeling this LoveLight in each and every one of your hearts. It is such a miraculous time of raising the level of the LoveLight on your Beloved Planet.

And yes, we say to you that it is all One. And those that tried to separate and divide and pit one party against the other are only testing your resolve. Because whoever you vote for, when you vote for them with your hearts open, with you feeling in your own inner Truth and your awareness, that you are making the best choice based on the information that you have available, you are raising the level of the vibration of your Beloved Planet when you do this. Because you are aiding your Peace of Mind in knowing that you played an active part in this process of keeping the Spirit of Freedom alive as, umm, laid down line by line in the Declaration of Independence and in the original United States Constitution. And yes, you are being true to yourselves, no matter what anyone says.

So we ask you not to judge yourself in any way. And just allow yourself to feel so much Love for yourselves and for your Beloved Planet and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And come together in this space of Compassion in allowing everyone their Free Will, because your planet is in the 5th Dimension, Beloved Beings. And there is this plan, this process that is fully taking shape in this Now Moment. And it is coming to completion.

And all of the different parts that are needed, they are there. And you know, we laid the groundwork for this more than 2,000 years ago, because Sananda and myself and the Beloved Apostles and Disciples, and harmonizing with the vibrations of Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of the higher aspects of our Being. In other words, connecting up with Creator Source, we were urging everybody on your Beloved Planet to be God, to empower themselves with that part of themselves which is God, which knows no separation from Creator Source through their “I AM Presences” and the higher aspects of their being, of course. 

But the higher we get in vibration, the more that it all leads us back to Creator Source, which is the seat of Cosmic Consciousness from where all of Creation emanated from. And it is so splendid that all throughout eternity, we get to play a part. And no, we never die. We are eternal. We are part of the Godhead and we are this Universal Consciousness and Love. And it never gets done. It never ends.

And so on your Beloved Planet, you’ve come to this precipice of where it’s taken a major upshift in this Now Moment. And it will change everything, because this is going to bring in the 5th Dimension, but in a way that has never been experienced before. So, Beloved Beings, you are all part of this because, yes, you are the trailblazers, you are the Wayshowers. You are the teachers. And yes, when we say teachers, you are all the Divine Students of these high vibrations and the unfolding process that you have been a part of ever since you passed though the Ring of Fire and incarnated in this Beloved Lifetime, this Lifetime of Ascension.

And so, it is working itself out and all of the kinks are getting worked out.  And so much Love and Light is pouring into your Beloved Planet each and every day now. And one day soon, you won’t need money. You’ll be able to manifest instantaneously in these higher dimensions of the 5th dimension and beyond. You’ll be able to travel the Cosmos and teach people on other Beloved Planets. 

But right now, your focus is raising the level of your Love and Light so that it benefits the rest of your planet and the rest of Creation to expedite this Process of Ascension on your Beloved Planet. And yes, of course, it’s going to affect all of Creation and raise all of Creation into higher vibration and frequency. And it will affect the multiverse, so many planets, so many suns and moons will be affected. And Beloved Ones, you are playing a major part. 

And we ask you to call us in anytime that you feel that we can be of assistance to you, because this is what we are here for. We are on the same Mission, Brothers and Sisters. And we so honor you and love you far beyond all verbal expression for your expression of the Love and Light that you are and your efforts and your commitment to bring in more Love and Light, to accelerate the Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet.

We love you so much, Brothers and Sisters, and we thank you for your contributions from the bottom of our hearts. Namaste and good night. 

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