Friday, October 19, 2018

10-17-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

10-17-2018 Mary Magdalene by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am so happy to be here tonight. We feel your Love, your dedication and your willingness to be here at a time when your Love is so needed on your Beloved Planet. Because, yes, as Mother was saying at the end of the Meditation, Now is the time when a lot of choices are going to be made within the next month or so and in the United States whereby we see a lot of plans unfolding and coming to fruition. 

And all we really want to get across to you, heart to heart tonight, is really how powerful your Love is, because when you are centered in your heart and being the Love and Light that you are, you access this place of knowingness within the four bodies of your being. And it allows you to shine this LoveLight out into all of Creation and to rise up into these high vibrations. And this allows you to feel the Oneness of all of Creation. And the more you can let go to this feeling, this realization that all of Creation emanates from this same consciousness, which a lot of you call God.  Well, you are all an integral part of this Godhead. And you all have such Divine Creative and Imaginative Powers that are only increasing and multiplying in an exponential way at this time while your planet is being bombarded with these high frequencies.

So, we ask you to take advantage of this and not to get bogged down into the mental overload of the way that all of these tricksters and spin doctors try to confuse you and drain your energy (laugh) and make you think too much. Because really with ease, grace and with Joy, you’ll know what to do and when you need to do it. And you’ll have more than enough energy and you’ll have our Divine Love and support right there with you, Brothers and Sisters.  Because we are never apart from you.

We are always there with you heart to heart and all you have to do is to breathe into your heart and to call us in. And we’ll take it from there, because we are all One. We are all on this same Mission of accelerating the Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet. And we are so happy that the levels of consciousness have risen in this past year. And now we’re in the last few months of this Beloved Year. And we see that there is such a chance for Divine Change on your Beloved Planet. And that it is a time of celebration! It is a time of coming together more and more heart to heart and knowing that Love is the most important force in all of Creation.

So you are supported by the Universe, and it becomes even more so every day. Because the level of the Love and Light on your planet, as we say, is rising exponentially. And the level of transparency into the dark deeds and, ah, the very, umm, nefarious intentions of this cabal and its minions are becoming well known. It’s really hard to keep secrets on your Beloved Planet at this time because of the level of the vibration that is shining forth. 

And yes, this is part of our Mission too, to be shining the Love and Light into your hearts and into your Divine Planet and cleaning up all of that confusion, that static, that pollution, all of these things that this cabal has tried to use to manipulate you, to keep you in fear and separation. Well, it’s not working very good at this time for them, because you all are shining the LoveLight more and more. And every day that this goes on, it goes more in that direction of bringing in Divine Love and saturating it with every subatomic particle on your Divine Planet.
And yes, you are the Wayshowers. You, Beloveds, are the Masters of Forgiveness, Gratitude and Unconditional/Universal Love. And this is your time to shine. And we are so very happy to be in Mission with you. 

And we say to you, “We thank you so very much for all of your efforts, for your imaginative, creative ways that you bring the LoveLight to your Beloved Planet and for the Love that you show us, the Mentors. 

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. And good night. 

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