Saturday, October 13, 2018

Mary Magdalene, 10-10-2018, by Eli Galla

Mary Magdalene, 10-10-2018, by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

We come to you and shining the LoveLight into your hearts and in this place of Oneness and Holiness and coming together and feeling our Divinity with one another. And allowing ourselves to totally be in this Now Moment and to feel forgiveness for all that has ensued in all of this time that you’ve been playing through the density of duality on your planet. And all of these things that have allowed you to take your personal journeys into such levels of intensity.

And yes, you’ve not just been doing it for yourselves, but you’ve been doing it for the All That Is. And in your level of consciousness with the veil still in place, you really don’t have a total comprehension of what that means, just how magnanimous, how wide all of Creation, how much it encompasses, dimensionally and all through this illusion of time and space. Because it’s really all inner-space. And by allowing ourselves to breathe into our Heart Center, we can go anywhere in the Cosmos. And pretty soon, with advanced technology coming into your planet in the form of anti-gravity spaceships, you’ll actually be able to realize that for yourselves.

And it is a most wonderful time on your planet. And we ask you not to be confused by the Illusions perpetrated in the main stream media.  But we ask you just to feel the energies with your heart and to let go and to truly love yourselves for being on this planet at this time. And know we are never separate from you. We are always One with you.  Just your acknowledgement that you want us to be with you is more than enough for us to be right there with you for however long you want us.

And we are so grateful for your efforts because we know that if you believe all of the lies of your ego, of the dark energies that still seem to be so dominant on your planet, well, they’re not dominant at all. They’re just scared and they’re running like chickens with their heads cut off, to get graphic on you (laugh). Well, they have made their best plays and they’ve tried to make war on your Beloved Planet.  And they can’t do it. And the reason why they can’t do it is because of your Love for each other, not just in your country, but all over the planet. And for many of you, you realize that all of Creation is with you on this journey, on this Mission for you all on your Beloved Planet to actualize your Ascensions. 

And this has been a long journey. And there’s been many twists and turns in the road. But the Truth of it is that you are Love. And that by breathing into that Love and allowing yourself to rise up into the highest frequencies that you can assimilate at this time, you spread out this LoveLight in such a grand fashion, not just through your Beloved Planet, but all over Creation you are felt. Yes, you are the center of attention right now because every moment you are getting closer to the completion of this Mission of yours to anchor in the 5th Dimension, to bring Harmony and Peace to your Beloved Planet and to clean it up, to return back to this Beloved Garden of Eden that it used to be not so many thousands of years ago.
And once you are there at that point where the 5th Dimensional energies take dominance on your planet, then all of these other changes will fall into place. Because we see that the Spirit will take you over. And each of you will have a role to play in, whether it be feeding you brothers, disseminating advanced technology, cleaning up the pollution on your planet, making fresh water out of salt water. They’ll be so much that you can do really to bring your planet to such a high vibration. And this will be all in the Divine Timing of you accelerating your Ascension Processes.

And yes, even when you all ascend, it’s not the end, but it’s at the beginning of another upgrade, if you will. You’ll have so much more variation of your experience within the Cosmos to rely upon. You’ll be supported by the LoveLight in a new way after you learn these protocols that will allow you to access all of this high-vibrational energy and this will truly be a time of wondrous adventure for you.

So, Dear Beloved Ones, we can only celebrate with you in this Now Moment because we see so much is changing on your planet as we move through these final gateways of this year. Yes, every year has a different cycle of energies, of gateways to be played out. And never has there been such high-vibrational energy on your planet as there is right now. 

So, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we love you beyond all verbal expression. And we thank you so very much for your commitments to your Mission. Namaste and good night.    

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