Sunday, December 22, 2019

12-18-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-18-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, once again, I am filled with happiness and a joyful heart to be a part of this conference call with you. Ah, what a dynamic turn of events are transpiring on your Beloved Planet.

And wouldn’t you know it, that this is perhaps the highest-vibrational time of the year on your planet. We can see that your Beloved Earth Year is coming to a close, and the promise of the awakenings, of what this year purported for you in bringing to completion are well in hand, Beloveds.

And we have been aiding those Intentional Requirements for these plans to bring in the Truth, to change your systems of finances and government, and your institutions in a very dynamic way, to enable you to be in the 5th Dimension, where none of these low vibrations, and machinations, and manipulations of the Artificial Intelligence, the hybrid Reptilians, who have become their minions, black magicians, and what have you, that have been front people for this Artificial Intelligence, running your planet, trying to annihilate so much of your species, and so much of your planet, too, with their various means of doing so. And trying to fulfill their blueprint of destruction, endless war.

Well, we didn’t let them do that. And now the time of changeover is happening on your Beloved Planet. And the change is the rising up, the Truth being told, the feeling between each and every one of you, with the aid of this Crystalline Grid coming online, and being in activation with the Intentional Requirements of your hearts, with the Ease and Grace of these high vibrations, transmitting to each and every one of you, waking up all of those, who have been sleeping. And we find this to be so very wonderful.

This, Beloveds, is what my Beloved Sananda, myself, our Apostles, Beloved Mother Mary, and Joseph of Arimathea, and all of the other Beloveds, who joined us. And yes, so many of you were with us at that time, in that lifetime, to transmit this idea, that we are all God. This feeling, you could feel it, when we were doing what you call these miracles, when the sermons were being spoken. And we were harmonizing in the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of the vibration, and to wake up the hearts and minds, that have been cast in an overwhelming spell of fear and separation. Well now, that is all coming to culmination within the trajectory of these high vibration’s, that we unleashed in that Beloved Lifetime.

And we are so very happy to be with you, and to be a part of your evening tonight, of your holiday celebrations and meditations. Dear Beloveds, we are always here for you. We love you so very much, more than our physical words could ever convey. It is a deep feeling, that we have within your hearts, within your DNA, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night. And now Sananda will be here.

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