Thursday, December 5, 2019

12-4-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-4-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena, in Grace, and Ease, and Joyfulness, that I come to you tonight with this feeling of Freedom, of enjoying all of the energies, that I have felt with you once again tonight.

And you knowing, that you are coming upon the end of your Beloved Physical Calendar Year, and that means, that you are in the season of your holidays, of celebration. And we feel that there is much to celebrate about. And that it will be an ongoing progress for what is transpiring, what is coming about. Because, Beloveds, we have all worked so hard to feel this dynamic of the Truth being freed, being disseminated on your Beloved Planet, so that people will understand their connection with one another, and how we are Divine Beings, Divine Spirits, who came here, incarnated in physicality. And, yes, I put myself in that category, because of the lifetimes I’ve had on your Beloved Planet and other planets, too.

And right now, we see the shift in all of its glory, and its blessings unfolding. And it is such a fine time for us to witness your growth. And we nurture you, Beloveds, sending you the Love and Light, as you nurture each and every other Beloved Being on your planet, when you come and you do these meditations, and you raise the level of the Collective Consciousness on your Beloved Planet. It is wonderful!

And we ask you to open yourself up more and more with your breathing, with being aware of how you feel in each and every moment. Because, yes, your meditation is ongoing with every breath, that you take in your conscious physical states of beings. 

And the gifts that are awakening on your Beloved Planet are truly marvelous, because of these energies, that are coming in, but also the choices, that you are making, because more and more you are understanding, that you don’t have to be limited in any way by duality any more. That the 5th Dimension is available to you all of the time. And the more, that you can find people and ways to express it, and commune with it, such as taking walks in Mother Nature, and feeling yourselves let go with dancing, with singing, with anything artistic that is of the heart.

Ah yes, Beloveds, this is a time of expansion. And we ask you to be ever conscious of expanding that Love and Light that you are, radiating it so that you will attract Beloved Beings, who you can help very much so, who maybe haven’t awoken yet, or that they just have. And they are looking for someone such as yourself, who has been doing this for a while, and that could share with them in such a Divinely Miraculous Place, shining the LoveLight between one another.

Ah yes, Beloveds, we are always here for you. And we ask you to call us in, anytime you want to feel our Love and our Support.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.
And now we’re going to bring in Sananda.

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