Thursday, December 26, 2019

12-25-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-25-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am so very happy that we can join together heart to heart in our Sacred Communion of coming together tonight. And yes, it is I, Sananda, and this is my Feast Day in remembrance of my being born on your planet, in that Beloved Lifetime that was prophesized through the timeline, through the blood line.  And so much happened in that lifetime. But as you know, Beloveds, your Holy Book, your editions of it, only twist what my transmission was really about in that Lifetime. Because you who were in that lifetime, and had roles to play in raising the level of the vibration through your individual Missions, by being on the planet at the same time, that I was carrying forth my Mission. There was no separation between our Missions, just as there is no separation now, Beloveds.  

We all made these Soul Contracts to be here at specific times, and interact with one another for the bigger picture of what we were putting forth, to raise the level of this Beloved Planet, and your hearts and minds into higher vibration, to let the Love permeate and dominate these forces of darkness, that had used the density of duality to make themselves the kings and queens of your material reality. 

But, Beloveds, you know that you are all inter-dimensional beings. And this was a large part of my transmission to each and every one of you, Beloveds, that you are all a part of God. And the more that you can breathe into your hearts, and let go and bring in the Love and Light that you are, the more you’re able to experience this, and to bring about successful completion of your Soul Contracts, for the overall good of the Mission, that we have for Ascension of your Beloved Mother Gaia, and all of you, Beloveds, who have been incarnating on this Beloved Planet to raise the level of the vibration higher, not just for yourselves with your Ascensions, but for all of Creation, to root out this dynamic that the AI tries to enslave you with, and to lie and deceive you with, that their dynamics in the 4th Dimension of fear and separation are stronger than Love, and the Love and Light that you are collectively, individually. It shall never be! It is impossible! Because Love is the most dominant, dynamic, and strongest force in all of Creation.
Creation was created at the seat of Conscious Awareness, which Love is, Beloveds. And you are a glowing emblem, a glowing representation of the dynamic of Creation in this Beloved Lifetime, the levels that you have raised the vibration on your Beloved Planet to in the Collective Consciousness.
We love you so very much, Beloveds. We honor you for doing these meditations with us, and just shining this LoveLight into your hearts, all of us Mentors, sending you this Divine Gift of the LoveLight, around your circle into your hearts, going up, and down, in this spiral all throughout your energy bodies and your energy fields, Beloveds.

Yes, you are the Love and Light of this communion, this Conscious Awareness that we are all part of God. And that what you have been endeavoring to work with in these lower dimensions, where this density of duality has been playing out, has been challenging. But now you have risen, passing the markers for Ascension. We celebrate you in this communion in our hearts with yours. 

And we transmit to you that this is all a hologram.  What you are experiencing in your physical reality, in your embodied realty, it is a hologram that, yes, you gave permission to create within the Collective Consciousness, within its energies. But also, your Mission is to transcend that, and that’s what we have been doing together, Beloveds. This is our Mission, to bring in this Love and Light, & raise it higher and higher, to permeate all of the subatomic particles, all of the DNA, of all of you Beloved Beings on your planet, to enable, yes, your next rise in dimensionality into the 5th Dimension.

Beloveds, we are here for you all of the time. We love you so very much. We honor you for being a part of this meditation tonight.
Namaste, Beloveds, and the happiest of Holy Days, and the brightest and shining of New Year’s to each and every one of you.

Namaste, Beloveds.

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