Sunday, December 22, 2019

12-18-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-18-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I Sananda. Ah yes, to be with you right before the Beloved Feast Day, that has been attributed to the transmissions, that I came in, from that Beloved Lifetime as Yeshua, and to celebrate it with you. 

Because, ah, your hearts and your psyches are open, to this level of Love and Light, that you truly are at the core essence of your being, and to these Beloved Photon Energies, that are coming onto your Beloved Planet in waves of such high vibration, unified in focus, with waking up your planet so that, yes, Beloveds, you will do what I endeavored, to plant the seeds of in that Beloved Lifetime, the one in which I am being celebrated for at this time.  And this is Ascension.
Because each and every one of you, Beloveds, are a part of the Godhead. And your institutions, your religions didn’t want you to know this, so they gave you the role model of having there be one puppet master, if you will. And that being the only way to raise yourself up in high vibrations was by adhering to the dogmas of one of the many different religions, that purported to be the only one.

Well, Beloveds, fear and separation are the ways of the energy dynamic that has controlled your Beloved Planet, that has built this matrix, that has become your prison. And Love and Light, with Ease and Grace, are your liberation. And that is basically the message that myself, Maria, Mother Mary, my father, Joseph, Joseph of Arimathea, my beloved uncle brought forth.

And so many Beloved Members of my Soul Family were with me in that lifetime, to shine out this LoveLight, to fully plant these seeds of awakening onto your Beloved Planet. Ah yes, well now, we are so happy to see the fullness of the harvest, starting to manifest right before your eyes, and our very eyes over on the ships.

So, let us join together our hands once more, and jettison ourselves up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet and rise up through the layers of the atmospheres, onto Ashtar’s Beloved Ship, the New Jerusalem. And ah, yes, Ashtar, the Commander, he’s opening up the landing deck for us. And we are popping right through it, hovering in his airlock now. It’s closing. 

So, we’re touching down and going over, to that one elevator, that opens up for us. We have a short way to go on his ship. And we’re getting in all at the same time, and rising on up, closing the door, pushing the button. And breathing into it, these energies on the New Jerusalem. And we are here opening the door, walking on out into the spacious hallway. And walking just a little ways, and taking the first right-hand turn here. And we are met by so many of the Beloveds with Ashtar and Athena, in the center of the circle of this assemblage, to meet and greet us.

And ah yes, we bring you here tonight once again, for you to have a bit of a more intimate feeling and experience, of merging your hearts and souls with all of your Beloved Ancestors, with all of the Beloveds, who have left your planet in this current lifetime of yours, say your mother, or your father, or your uncles, or brothers, or sisters. And forming our circle with them in it. Call in whoever you like, who is over on the other side.
And sending the LoveLight around our circle, with all of the outer circles assembling, all of the many Spirits of the Commanders, Angels and Ascended Masters, once again joining us in this farewell meditation, bringing in these high vibrations of the Feast Day, of this feeling of heart to heart, being connected with Joy, with Harmony, and Compassion for the fulfillment of our Missions, and all that we have meant and brought to one another, in these billions of years, that we have been incarnating on all of the planets, in all of the species, in the kingdoms of nature, and this feeling of Gratitude, of Forgiveness, for any feelings of separation, or heaviness, or sadness, or grief.

We intentionally require to wash that all clean, because, Beloveds, your ancestors who are over on the other side, they do not want you to feel any grief. They are in such Joy, over where you are in the Missions, that you came in to do in this Beloved Lifetime. And they are so very happy to be aiding you from the other side, to help to raise the level of the vibration in their own way. So many of them have come into Ascension Status, since they have left their bodies from this lifetime, that you have known them.
And last of all, ah yes, Beloveds, we say to you, we are so very grateful for you joining us tonight, and for all that you do. And we are always here for you, in any way that you deem necessary, for you to feel our Love and our support.

Namaste, Beloveds and good night. And Happy Holy Days!

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