Thursday, April 2, 2020

4-1-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And tonight, I ask you, once again, to breathe into your hearts, and to allow yourself to feel this Love, and this Peace that passes all understanding. Beloveds, this is your foundation to create your reality in this time of Shift. Beloveds, we are here with you, all of us Mentors, all of the Beloved Higher-Dimensional Beings on the ships, from all over Creation, shining our LoveLights into your hearts, in this Now Moment.
We ask you to feel into these high vibrations, to feel this connection into Creator Source, to know that you are always here in our hearts. You are always Home, Beloveds. The extension of the higher aspects of your being, your I AM Presence, and other aspects of yourself in higher dimensions, and parallel realities, and universes, are always connected to Creator Source. It’s just that they can feel it more so, than you battling these perceived limitations of the density of duality. But that too is changing in this Now Moment, my brothers and sisters. You have earned this feeling of being at Peace.

Ah yes, we ask you to be ever vigilant in allowing yourself to feel self-Love. Beloveds you don’t even need a reason to feel and to be the Love and Light, that you are. You are Divine. You are an integral part of the Godhead. It’s always been this way. It will always be that you are eternal, infinite expressions of the Godhead, of Divine Perfection embodied right now, in this Now Moment, in physicality on your Beloved Planet. 

Ah yes, we know that this time can feel a bit chaotic, because the questions that Mother brought up of when will it end? When will NESARA finally take hold and change our reality, so that this abundance, this feeling of Joy, of Harmony, of not having to compete, of not having to be paying the bills, and being on this heavy, survival treadmill of fixed incomes will all end, will all become meaningless, and Love, and Light, and Understanding, and sharing from the heart will be the currency, of the value, of who you really are, Beloveds, and enable you to bring into being in the fullness, that they were intended to, your Beloved Birthrights, where they will be met and even exceeded in this new reality, that you, my brothers and sisters, have ever-so diligently been working toward, in all of these lifetimes, you have been going through in duality, and even before that, when the AI started to take control of your Beloved Planet? 

Yes, this feeling of us all being together and seeing and experiencing this Shift is one of great Power, of empowering ourselves to see reality in a way, that serves all of us, and Beloved Mother Gaia, to know that we are limitless, that we are Divine, Eternal, and Infinite in the Love and Light that we are.

Yes, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, once again we remind you, that Love is the strongest force in the Universe. And our Love for you is immeasurable. It is outstanding. It is glowing ever so abundantly, throughout all of Creation.  And all of Creation is shining the LoveLight into your hearts, onto your Beloved Planet, through your Galactic Center, through your Central Sun, through your Solar Sun, raising the level of the vibration to allow you to feel this Ease and Grace of being who you really are, in this Now Moment, to kick start all of these changes of the Alliance into Divine Completion.

Ah yes, Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are always with you. And for you to feel us even more so, just call us in, while being heart centered. And we are here with you, to Love and Support you, in most-Divine and integral ways, to help you unburden yourselves, as these changes transpire, and bring you into this Divine Expression of Christ Consciousness on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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