Thursday, April 16, 2020

4-15-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. Ah yes, I too am filled with the Spirit of Joy and Happiness, for the changes that are happening on your Beloved Planet. And they are changes within your hearts, and within your consciousness, because the bridges are being made through this Awakening Process, on the totality of your planet, that allow you to bring in these insights of how you are all joined together, through what seemed to be the limitations on your energies from this pandemic. 

But Beloveds, because you are making new choices, that are more heart centered, because you are walking up in the realization of what really matters to you, and that being with your families, and feeling good in the Now Moment and allowing yourself to let go of the worry. To let go of the mind control, the negative programming, that you see more and more is in the lower vibrations. And the consciousness is awakening to the mandate, that they don’t want to feel bad anymore. 

They want to feel, all of you want to feel, liberated. You want your Freedom. You want the Joy of being in nature. You want the Joy of holding one another again, of being intimate, of showering each other with your Truths, with your Love, with your Compassion for this human condition, that you are all going through together. And not having to hold back, not having to play the survival game anymore.
And this, Beloveds, as you know, is what NESARA is all about. It is giving you a foundation for living in Passion, and in Love and Free Creative Expression, in allowing free theater to manifest on your Beloved Planet. And this is a Joy. This is a Miracle for us to behold, my Brothers and Sisters. 

Yes, it has taken years and years to reverse this dynamic of mind control, of enslavement, by these powerful dark energies, that pervaded the consciousness and the physicality of your Beloved Planet, that created this Negative Energy Matrix to keep you in low vibration, to keep you so very controlled and enslaved in fear, in separation. And now we see it being rinsed away like a gigantic wave of Unconditional/Universal Love, that is putting into your hearts, this Universal Eternal Flame of Knowingness. And it is so very wonderful for us.

We love you so very much. And as we keep on saying, please call us in any time that you like. Feel our energy. Let us commune together, as much as possible to do our Missions, to bring them to completion in this Now Moment, Beloveds.

Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Beloved Sananda now.

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