Thursday, April 23, 2020

4-22-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Ah yes, everything’s a popping! We can feel the energies being in high vibration.

And yes, this ongoing momentum,, that has been stirred up on your Beloved Plane, by all of us being in Mission to reveal the Truth, to fully take the density of duality, and clean it all out, so all of the secrets, and the lies, and the deceptions, that have been used against you, and your True Sovereign Nature, can be shown in their completeness and their totality. But the Alliance is working on, with all of their plans, that are impregnating the institutions and the structure of this Cabal Deep State.

 So yes, progress is being made, and Beloveds, we ask you from the bottoms of our hearts to focus on your Joy, to focus on what you feel, when you are in meditation, in your own meditations and with us, and any other mass meditations that you care to join, most probably these days on the Internet. And there have been quite a few of those, that have been raising the level of the vibration. When you have thousands of people turning it into a live stream, yes, it becomes a very potent conduit to awakening the Collective Consciousness. 

But our calls cannot be discounted either, Beloveds, because of what we are asking the Universe for in the dissemination of the Truth, and all of the components of NESARA being implemented in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And yes, it has been an ongoing creation of ours together, has it not? Over the years, through all of the different layers of polarity, and slicing through those layers of negative programming, which have been perpetrated by the institutions of your Beloved Planet on you, to get you to be docile and to be afraid-- Well, you haven’t gone for it. And we are so very proud of you, because you have been using your Discernment.

And now, with the energies being what they are in coming onto your planet, and the momentum of the Great Awakening, the Great Shift in focus, coming about in the unfurling of these plans, and indictments getting served and unsealed, and the change over into a financial system, that will serve the needs of the people. And, of course, this is what our Beloved St. Germain had envisioned in the birth of your country hundreds of years ago. Well, now these things are coming to completion and fruition.

So, let us join together, Beloveds, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And we ask you to reach for someone else’s hand on this call. And forming our circle, breathing into our hearts, bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax and to feel good, Beloveds; to feel this light drenching every cell, every subatomic particle within the four bodies of our being.  Breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to rise on up, and sending the energy out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle, and back into the palm of your right hand, breathing again into the Heart Center.

And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts that we lift ourselves up off of your Beloved Planet up into the layers of the atmospheres. And coming to the layers of ships, and coming upon by Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.  And we’re headed straight to the underbelly of the ship. And I’m opening the landing deck up. And we’re hovering in the airlock now, and the landing deck is closing beneath us, while we hover.

 And now, it’s safe to touch down and, of course, we’re walking on back to an open elevator here, and we’re all getting in. And I am pushing the buttons, closing the door, and selecting the penthouse here. And we’re going all the way up, allowing ourselves to feel weightless. And here it is. We have arrived! We’re opening up the door. 

And so many Beloveds are here tonight to greet us, the Mentors, smiling at us, and in a spirit of Joy, and welcoming, and happiness, Beloveds. And we are walking on back, seeing all of the other Beloveds there, Commanders, and other beings from the ships, other angels and Ascended Masters, your ancestors, and yes, perhaps you from a past lifetime or two. And we are coming to the middle of the room, where our Master Crystal sets on the Altar. And we are forming our circle around it. And as we do this, the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their outer circles.
And we are breathing into our Heart Centers and sending this energy around the circle to the outer circles. And spiraling this energy, expanding our energy fields, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Allowing ourselves to get down into the subatomic particles of all of the crystals, and the high vibrations of the higher dimensions of reality, which are represented in the crystals, and in the consciousness of so many Beloved Beings, joining us, and some from the ships that are bi-locating into our field of energy right now, which they are very capable of doing, and shining their LoveLights on us, breathing into all of these high vibrational energies and feeling this Divine Power, this connection with Creator Source at Zero Point in this Now Moment, Beloveds. 

And we ask you to state your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies, these high vibrations, that we are partaking in, in this meditation tonight. And yes, it could be anything that brings you Joy, such as the health and wellbeing of your family, allowing yourselves to have stronger, more intimate relationships with your Beloveds, with financial independence, and even being more artistic, and allowing yourself to feel more connection, more LoveLight in your meditations.

And shining these Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. And we state for the Intentional Requirements of what we all want to create, for all of the Beloveds, all throughout the Cosmos tonight, for the dissemination of the Truth. And to have so many people realize all of the different layers of lies and deceptions, that have been perpetrated upon you, to keep you in lockdown in your minds, for these many thousands of years, so that you would be so afraid and so conditioned. And your responses, your choices would be so automatic, that it would not allow for you to reach your full Cosmic Potential as being a part of the Godhead.
Well, the times have changed! The Great Awakening or Great Shift, if you will, is afoot, Beloveds. And we are now in free flow with the plans of the Alliance, taking hold more and more, each and every breath that we take. And this is so very profound and beautiful for us, to experience with you all together, our hearts connected with the threads of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.
And now, shining our LoveLights with our Intentional Requirements, for this meditation, into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down on your Beloved Planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, to underneath the surface. Affecting all the atoms, subatomic particles, the cellular composition of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms of your planet.  And spiraling it down into Mother Gaia’s crystalline core. Sending our LoveLight into her center. Resonating with the highest frequencies of Love and Light, and appreciation, and gratitude for her thousands and millions of years of service, of being the sentient being of your Beloved Planet. And all along, she has shared with you, and all of the natures and Kingdoms of your Beloved Planet. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through, and transmitting this Golden White Light into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

We intentionally require for all of the beings on your planet to awaken, to how they are an integral part of the Godhead, to allow them to feel without any fear, to know, that they are loved and supported by Creator Source for all of their choices, for all of the Truths they will intuit within the four bodies of their being with these high vibrations continually coming in. And allowing them to see with clarity, who they really are, and enable the connections with their I Am Presence and other aspects of their being.

And yes, this is an ongoing process for them, as it has been for all of you Beloveds. Only that their process will be a bit more accelerated, because of the energies of the plans coming to fruition in this Now Moment, and it being much easier to see the transparency of the lies, the dynamics by which you have been conditioned, and controlled, and deceived by this Cabal, by the AI that is its underpinning. 

And now, we’re shining our LoveLights, in particular, on all of the Beloved Beings of the militaries who have been in siege, you would say, on the underground bases, to disable the strongholds of the Cabal, and to free all of the Beloveds, that have been held against their will, all of these children, who have been abused, whose energy has been drained. Well, now it is time for them to be rescued, and so many have been so far. But this is such a far-reaching exercise, we would say, such a far-reaching Mission for Liberation on your Beloved Planet. 

And yes, it takes faith of all of these Beloved soldiers, to go down there, and to be at war with what is not easily seen. But yes, they are growing also, by being a part of these Missions, and allowing themselves to have the Courage to bring these Missions to completion. And we honor them and we salute them as well, as all of the Beloved Beings, such as Julian Assange, and all of the WikiLeaks people who have made it their Mission to disseminate the Truth, and all of the Beloved Children, who have fulfilled their Soul Contracts, by being on your planet and have allowed themselves to be put at the mercy of this Cabal. And now, they have been bathed in the Light, and they are being rescued.

And we love all of you Beloved Beings so very much. We honor you for all the choices that you have made, because you are the epitome of Courage. You are the game changers.

All of you Beloveds in your meditations, in your acts of selflessness, in rooting out the Truth, and revealing all of the perpetrators, who would enslave you, to make themselves the kings and queens of your Beloved Planet, at the expense of others. 

Well, Beloveds, we are all one in the Love and Light that we are created in.  There is no separation. There is no one, that is better than another. And this is the Power and the Beauty of Creation, because no matter what level of evolution you are on, it is perfect for you. There are no mistakes.  Everything is in Divine Timing. 

Beloveds, there is no reason to be afraid. You are loved and supported. And we so appreciate each and every one of you, all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, all of the Beloved Beings on this call, and those who will hear the recording, and read the transcriptions. We love you so very much.

Namaste and good night. And we’re going to bring in Maria Magnalena now.

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