Thursday, April 9, 2020

4-8-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

4-8-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come to you tonight, during this Holy Week, this week where we feel a regeneration upon your Beloved Planet, Beloveds. Ah yes, the Passion Play, this is what we feel is about to be played out on your Beloved Planet for the last time. Because these players of the dark energies, enabled by the Artificial Intelligence, that have had Power and Control upon your planet, are being rounded up, are being made to see the Light, and given the opportunity-- Well, they’ve had this opportunity for quite a while. And some of them have come over to the Light, and have helped the Alliance by giving them information, by making sure that all of the bases and Power Centers for the Cabal would be recognized and neutralized.
But there are still many beings of the Cabal, who do not recognize that this is it. They are still in denial. They are wishing and hoping for what has been called the “Hail Mary.” And that is not going to happen, Beloveds. Because the level of your consciousness, on your Beloved Planet, has risen to this level where the Truth comes out. All of the Beloved Beings on your planet will recognize the dynamics, that have led these changes to come about, and to liberate your Beloved Planet, whereby you will not feel that you have to do things, that you don’t want to do in order just to survive, and be able to take care of yourselves and your families.

Ah no, you have been in this schoolhouse, and now you are graduating. And now your abundance and prosperity is in the process of permeating your Beloved Planet, and allowing you to feel this communion with all of the Beloved Beings, with all of the Kingdoms of your Beloved Planet.
Ah, Beloveds, just go out in nature, and open your hearts to the animals, to the tress, to the crystals, the crystalline energies. And let that Love shine forth from your heart into them. And see what it feels like. It is not a stagnant energy by any means of the imagination, Beloveds. It is a fond remembrance, this connection that you have with your environment, with nature, of the power of your being as co-creators of your reality.

Beloveds, this is a special time for all of us, this Holy Week, this Remembrance of Resurrection. This is what we see and feel happening right now on your Beloved Planet.

Just call us in Beloveds. We are always here for you. We are so very happy for you, and feel your Love, and send it right back into your hearts.

Namaste, Beloveds. And good night. And now Sananda will come in.

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