Friday, May 1, 2020

4-29-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening! We are coming to you directly from the Nibiru, shining LoveLight into your hearts. Yes, we are so very happy, that the energies are really taking off at this time. 

And yes, we ask you to focus on how the vibrations, that are coming into your planet, these high frequencies of the LoveLight, have intensified. And in your realities, we are very sure, that you’ve been seeing signs of this in your own personal realities, unfolding day by day. And yes, there have been signs on the Internet, and in your mass media, and even the mainstream media, having to comment on some of these things, that are coming forth, which have never been dealt with this way before. 

And yes, we’re not only talking about Covid-19, and the way that this, humm, quarantine has been progressing. And now, you are at the point of going on back into businesses, and step by step coming out of the quarantine, and insuring that your economies once again move forward and thrive. Well, ah yes, as we have been saying; this Covid-19 attack, this pandemic, has allowed the Alliance to move forth in many dynamic ways. And no dates, but you have been seeing some evidence of this. And more and more of the components of the plans being implemented will come forth.

But Beloveds, we ask you, day by day, in your meditations to bring in these energies into your hearts, raise the level of your vibrations. And yes, as we are doing here tonight in our meditation, to focus your Intentional Requirements in the Here Now Moment, when you are meditating, to go into your preferences for what you would like to experience in the 5th Dimension. 

And Beloveds, this is very important because, as St. Germain would say, believing is seeing. And Beloveds, this is what we have been doing in our meditations all along. We have been calling forth the Divine Energies to implement NESARA, so that your physical, embodied realities will come in alignment with being able to anchor in the 5th Dimension just as you have in the long-ago past, in civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis. 

But as we have said, now that you have traveled through this impasse, where you have been testing this density of duality in varied ways, by really having to deal with a type of amnesia, when you come in through the Ring of Fire lifetime after lifetime. Well, that’s not happening anymore. You have passed the markers for Ascension.
All of the Beloved, what you call the Crystal Children, or Rainbow Children, they are coming in with more strands of DNA activated. And you marching, moving steadily toward anchoring in the 5th Dimension, and your Ascensions being enabled and completed, will un-mutate yourself. Because yes, your genetic programs will come back online, the original genetic programs unmutated. And this will carry you up, and enable the right lobe of your brains to be fully activated.
So, this is very wonderous, because truly these dynamics that have been set forth by the Company of Heaven, by the Company of Heaven’s Divine Decree for your Ascensions are playing out, as we see it, in a very harmonious way. So, we ask you once again for your patience, for your compassion, for your ability to be the Compassionate Observer of your reality, and to allow yourself to go with your inner flow and use your discernment. 

Right now, you are getting bombarded with a lot of different stories. There are so many different layers of the Cabal’s, the AI’S plans for continued domination of your planet. But as we see it, their plans are falling apart, Beloveds, because the vibrations day by day are becoming intensified ever so much higher.

And now, let us join together to form our circle, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you, with your other hand, to reach around for someone else on the call, to form our circle with. Ah, breathing into our Heart Centers, allowing ourselves to slow down and relax, and to be in the Now Moment. And sending this energy coming in, through our hearts, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand.

Breathing into our hearts, feeling this LoveLight come in, in its spectacular majestic way, activating all of those centers of the brain, spinning our chakras and unifying them, to intensify this inner flow of energy. And it is with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, that we lift ourselves off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres, coming upon the layers of the ships, coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru.

And we’re opening up the landing deck. And we’re popping right on through, hovering in the airlock while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to an open elevator here.  And we’re getting all in, still connected within our circle. And I’m closing the door and pushing the button to take us right on up.

And now, we’re opening up the door. And there’s so many Beloveds, once again, here to greet us, the Mentors, other angels and Ascended Masters, the Commanders from the ships, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a past lifetime or two.

And we’re walking on over into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, to form our circle around the Altar, where the Master Crystal sets. Breathing into our Heart Centers, sending it around from the left, to the right. And sending it into the circle of the Mentors, who have assembled around us, and all of the other outer circles. Shining our LoveLights, throughout all of the circles, and spiraling this energy to expand our energy field, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through.  Feeling this energy, the subatomic particles, the photons full of Light, full of the brilliance of our connection with the Godhead.

Up, down, and around and through, accessing the Divine Intelligence of all of the higher dimensions of reality represented in this Crystal Healing Room, from all of the Crystals, from the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings assembled here, and those who have bi-located into the Crystal Healing Room, from their ships and their planets, all over the cosmos. Allowing ourselves to feel Peace, to feel Harmony, to feel this Joy of being assembled together in this Now Moment, Beloveds. 

There is nothing to prove. There is only Divine Perfection in our hearts, that enable our meditations, our Intentional Requirements made in high vibration, with our Intentional Requirement to stay in high vibration, and to fully cognize, that we are all Divine Aspects of Creator Source, and there is never any separation. There is only the fullness of the flow of being a conduit into the higher vibrations, into the higher aspects of our being.

And now, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements, for what each and every one of you want to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, whether it be personal, having to do with your relationships, your finances, your health and wellbeing, and the health and wellbeing of your friends, neighbors, and family. Breathing into the Heart Center, and shining your LoveLights into the Crystal. And for all of us, all over the cosmos, doing this meditation, we require that the Truth be known, and that this confrontation of the Light and the Dark, this, what you would call an invisible enemy, which has been all of the manipulations of the Cabal, that have been underscored by the power sources of the AI on your Beloved Planet, that they will be extracted, and taken off of the stage, and dealt with in a compassionate way, to liberate your Beloved Planet, so that all of these plans for NESARA can be completely implemented in the Divine Vision, that we have for your Ascensions, and for Beloved Mother Gaia ascending herself.

And we require, that all of the Beloved Beings, who have been able up to this point to sleepwalk through their lives, just to concentrate on their survival, and their family’s survival, that they be woken up from all of the interactions in their heavy-dreaming states. And that this information shall be made available to them in a very conscious, awakened way, through their daily routines. And they will have these moments of connection with these higher energies, and Beloved Beings such as yourself, who have already been through these things, who will be able to explain in different archetypal ways, what will resonate with them, where they will be able to see things more clearly, because of the way, that you are stating them, and with the energies, that they feel from you, which more and more are becoming higher in vibration, Beloveds.
So, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, shooting these energies up through the tip of the crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. Up, down, and around and through, penetrating with this LoveLight into the photons, the subatomic particles, into the DNA, into Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.  Shining this Love and Light, the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, up, down, and around and through, resonating throughout all of your Beloved Planet, in the highest vibrations of Love and Light.  Feeling the limitlessness and the eternal flow of Divine Consciousness, permeating the Collective Consciousness at this time, to awaken all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms, shining it into every particle of Creation, on your Beloved Planet, with our Intentional Requirements for Peace, for the Truth being enabled, and activating these Divine Plans of NESARA, to lift you out of the density of duality in this Now Moment, from now on, throughout all of eternity, Beloveds.

Yes, you are passing the tests each and every moment, that you breathe into your hearts, and acknowledge, and feel, and express the Love and Light, that you are. And now, it is so much easier for you to be able to do this. And envisioning this connection, that we have, spiraling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, all through all of the Beloved Beings, on your planet, up, down, and around and through, letting go in your hearts. 

Feeling this unified chakra, as one big bubble of LoveLight, transmitting to all of the consciousness on your Beloved Planet, through all of the Humans, all of the Kingdoms, to the mountains, to all of the water ways, raising the level of the vibration with the Intentional Requirements for Prosperity, abundance, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Understanding, Clarity. For everyone to know and fully appreciate their purpose, of being here in this Now Moment, that they are a Divine Instrument of Heaven into enabling Ascension to happen, not just on your Beloved Planet, but throughout all of the Cosmos.

And now, spiraling our energy vertically, into all of these deep underground bases, that have sequestered all, so many Beloved Beings, who have been enslaved there, so many secrets of wealth, of what has happened in the past, that they, the Cabal, have kept hidden from you.

Because no, they didn’t want you to know all of the things, that they have done against your genetic nature, how they have been guided by this Artificial Intelligence, to be able to control you with time-tested ways, that would keep the fear, the lies, and deceptions, to keep you separated from one another, so that you would not be able to have reflections of the Love and Light, that you are. 

And this is basically the way that they mutated your genetics. And right now, all of that is being transformed, by you going into being crystalline based consciousness, and activating the Crystalline Grid, that surrounds your planet, Beloveds, and its Divine Geometry. And this will wake up all of your personal powers, that you used to have before, when the 5th Dimension was fully activated on your Beloved Planet. 

Shining this LoveLight out to all of the Beloved Beings, who are carrying out this Mission of Liberation of these deep underground bases, of rescuing all of the children there. We say to you,

“We love you so very much. We honor you for your courage, your bravery, for your Passion in doing the right thing, at the right time, to take advantage of these high vibrations, coming into the planet, and liberating your planet in a Most-Divine Way, and taking these children out of the grip of turmoil, so that they can undergo an intensive healing program, and live their lives once again in Freedom, and Harmony, and in Joy.”

And shining the LoveLight into all of your hearts in the Divine Recognition, that we are all part of the Godhead. There is absolutely no separation, no judgments on any of you, for any of the things, that you have done in this, or other lifetimes. We are all free, Beloveds. We are all One.
We love you so very much. We are always here for you. Just call us in when you want to feel our Love and Support.

Namaste, Beloveds. And Good Night.

And now we’re going to bring in Maria Magdalena.

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