Thursday, May 28, 2020

5-27-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-27-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And I am so very happy to be with you tonight. I am shining my LoveLight. And I am joined now together with all of the Mentors. And we are shining the LoveLight, heart to heart, to each and every one of you in your Beloved Circle.

Yes, Beloveds, such high vibrations are available to you in every Now Moment on your Beloved Planet. And all you have had to do in these many lifetimes, that you have been reincarnating onto Mother Gaia, they are flowering. The plans for liberation, for the acceleration of your Ascensions are multiplying, and becoming very powerful and potent.

And you are reaping the Wisdom of all of the work, that you have done on yourself, which is enabling you to have these remembrances of other lifetimes, of realizations of how these Divine Universal Laws work, and empower yourself with this experiential knowledge, that you have gathered deep within your hearts and your souls. 

Beloveds, every time, that you are in meditation, every time that you open up your heart with the Intentional Requirements, to bring in more of this Love and Light, and shine it out onto your Beloved Planet, and into all of the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings and the Kingdoms on your planet, you are in Mission with us. We are One, Beloveds. We are doing the same work with you, because we have all made this commitment to liberating your planet, to allowing your Beloved Mother Gaia to reach her Ascension, and to bring in so much Love and Light to this part of your galaxy. And yes, it enables so many other Star Races to rise up higher, in empowering themselves in their Ascensions, rising up on ever higher.
Yes, Beloveds, you have gone through all of these tests and challenges, to know in this Now Moment that you are part of the Godhead. And Love enables you to feel this Oneness, and enables you to manifest from this Power Source of the Love and Light that you are in your Now Moment, to shine it forth, from the higher dimensions, to bring it in resonance on your material plane.
And yes, over and over again, we have been calling forth the enabling of this Beloved Divine Law called NESARA. This will level out the playing field.  This will give all of the Beloved Beings leverage to be who they really are, and to expand their gifts and talents, to use their creative energies in such a Divine and influential way at this time, to bring all of you Joy, Peace, and Happiness, all of these Beloved Traits of being in the 5th Dimension, and empowering yourselves with the Truth of who you really are, feeling your Oneness with Ease and Grace, creating your reality in Divine Harmony.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We too have been in physical incarnation on your Beloved Planet. And if anything, the tests and challenges that we see you having gone through in this Beloved Lifetime have been very extreme, and have placed much difficulty and stress upon each and every one of you, in having to play out anything that needed to be healed, all of the polarities that have come up, by playing out all of your Soul Contracts to heal all of the negative programs that have been perpetrated upon you, and to dissolve this Negative Energy Matrix.
Beloveds, it is happening right now! And we are here with you every step of the way, shining the LoveLight into your hearts, for it to go down seamlessly, to enable NESARA, to reach that saturation point on your Beloved Planet, which will be the springboard into your Ascensions.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night. We are always here with you. Just call us in. 

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