Thursday, May 7, 2020

5-6-2020 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-6-2020 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I, too, am so very happy to be with you once again.

Ah yes, tonight I am talking about chakras, energy centers inside of your body. And most of you are aware of the seven major chakras, that correspond to the seven rays of consciousness, or the seven dimensions, that are available to you to embody on your Beloved Planet within your solar system.

Beloveds, so much energy of this dark, Satanic Cabal has been used to mutate your DNA, in such a way, that so very many of you, on your Beloved Planet, are only really aware of the Power of the three survival chakras. Well, this is all good in the context of you need to feel that connection with the earth, with being able to ground your energies into Beloved Mother Gaia. But that is only half of who you can be.

And the Real Power, the Real Truth, of who you are is maintained in the Unity of these seven major chakras, and all of the minor chakras, working in concert, in harmony with one another, and spinning them in a clockwise direction. And yes, I have shown you at times how to spin them, and Mother Sekhmet has made quite a production of telling you the power of using these exercises called the Five Tibetans, which are really the Six Tibetans. Because the sixth one is a Divine Breathing Exercise, that really allows the connection of spinning the chakras to create the unified-chakra effect. But once you focus so much of your daily routines, on spinning your chakras, it is so much easier to meditate, and feel the connection with us, Beloveds.

So, now we direct our energy on your root chakra. And yes, each of the major chakras is associated with a color. And we will say ruby red for your root.  Spinning it in a clockwise direction, allowing yourself to feel grounded, to feel the energy going out through the bottoms of your feet, feeling your ankles, the soles of your feet, all spinning in a clockwise direction.  Spinning your knee caps, in a clockwise direction, and your hips. 

And bringing the energy to two inches below your belly button. This is your sacral chakra. And spinning it. And it is associated with the color of orange or you could call in the energy of the carnelian. And raising it up into your solar plexus which is two inches above your belly button.   

And the third chakra, this solar plexus, is of the citrine color. And breathing into it, and raising it into your High Heart Center. And this Beloveds, is two inches below your breastbone. This is your Thymus Gland. This is what Christianity calls your Sacred Heart, and spinning it too in a clockwise direction.

And going up into your throat and spinning it, and into your third eye, which is a very strong connection, from the middle of your brain, your Pineal Gland which looks like a small pinecone, and shining it out. Shining it from the Pineal Gland to the Pituitary, which is your third eye. And breathing into it, allowing more and more of this LoveLight to come in. And then opening up the top of your head, your Beloved Crown Chakra, and feeling the energies come in, spinning it in a clockwise direction, having this energy permeate all of the other chakras. Spinning them, at the same time, in harmony with one another. And just breathing into your whole energy field with these chakras, radiating these high vibrations of Love and Light, radiating through this two-foot area of your energy fields. 

Also spinning the palms of your hands, your wrists, your elbows, your shoulders, bringing it across your collar bone and into your Heart Center once more; the Heart Center being your balance point. Radiating these energies all throughout our circle, expanding our energy field. Breathing into it, radiating it onto your Beloved Planet, directing it into your Collective Consciousness, with the Intentional Requirement of Truth, of Liberation, of Harmony, of bringing in these high frequencies of Love and Light, with Ease and Grace, with allowing yourselves to know the Truth of your Divine Power, as part of the Godhead, with there being no fear and separation, that can possibly hold you back in these feelings of the Unity of the Love and Light we are in our communion with all of the Company of Heaven, with Creator Source.

Beloveds, we love you so very much. We are so honored to work with you once again today. And yes, we are here for you any time, that you want to do this meditation with us, or for any reason, to feel our Love, and our Support, and Compassion for your human conditions. Because, Beloveds, we understand, having been embodied in physicality on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste, Beloveds, and Good Night.

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