4-29-20 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you
here tonight. We, and I’m talking about myself and all of the Beloved Mentors,
we have a meditation for you tonight, that is a bit different from what Sekhmet
has just done with you. Hers is a NESARA meditation.
And tonight, we are going to do a Purification of
the Beloved Airwaves of your Beloved Planet. Because a big part of what has
been unleashed, upon you, has been this activation of 5G. And let us explain to
you that 5G in itself is not a danger to you. But when it is manipulated at
certain high frequencies, it becomes a danger, and a threat, because it affects
the level, the purity of the oxygen on your Beloved Planet. And this becomes a
health hazard and to some degree, this is what activated this Covid-19 pandemic
on your planet.
But we see you as still joined together in your
circle. And shining our LoveLights, we’re calling in Archangel Amethyst and her
Legions of Angels with the Violet Flame, and my Dear Beloved Brother, St.
Germain, and his Violet Torch. And all of the Mentors here assembled, to spiral
this energy into our Collective Fields of Energy, expanding them right now.
Shining the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and blending
it with the Violet Flame and the energies of the Violet Torch. Spiraling it up,
down, and around and through, to remove any impurities, any vibrations, that do
not serve your genetics, that are not in harmony with Mother Gaia.
There has been a Transhumanist Agenda, that has been
perpetrated upon you. And tonight, it is
our purpose, and our Mission, to remove those energies, and to transmute these
energies into the vibrations, that resonate with the higher dimensions of
reality, Beloveds. Spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through,
clearing anything less than Love, from the four bodies of your being, from your
energy body, your energy fields, your DNA.
And now expanding this LoveLight to affect your entire
planet, from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, in underground
cities such as Telos and Agartha, the deep underground bases, everywhere within
the width and the breadth of Beloved Mother Gaia, all of the Humans, all of the
Hybrids, all of the Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet. Spiraling these energies
of purification, for activation, going into the DNA, all of these Beloved
Angels, the Violet Flame penetrating the DNA encodements, that have mutated
your genetic programs, freeing them, and enabling that from now on, you only
resonate with these vibrations that are in harmony with the LoveLight, with the
higher dimensions of reality.
And that all perpetration of harming frequencies of
this Transhumanist Agenda be removed, and have absolutely no power or control
over you. Because Beloveds, Here Now we call for Peace, Harmony, and Joy, and
the dissolution of all fear-based programs, to disincorporate them with this
Violet LoveLight, with the Christ Consciousness Energy, to bring all of the
Beloved Beings on your planet to this recognition, that we are all One.
We are all free, because we are Divine Co-Creators
of our reality. We are all part of the Godhead. We all are empowering
ourselves, taking our Power back, and being One of Single Focus in the healing
of your genetics, of your Beloved Planet, Beloveds. Spiraling this energy all
through the atmospheres, the surface, beneath the surface, all of these underground
cities and bases, with our Intentional Requirements of Freedom, Liberation,
Joy, Harmony, Bliss, Peace, the Peace that passes all understanding, that each
and every one of you are so very capable of breathing into your hearts, and
never forgetting, who you truly are, and knowing, that you are Divinely Supported
by all of the cosmos, Beloveds, that there is no separation, between you and
Creator Source.
We love you so very much. We are always here for you,
Beloveds. We ask you to call us in any time you want to feel our Love and
Namaste and good night.
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