Thursday, May 14, 2020

5-13-20 Maria Magdalene by Eli Galla

5-13-20 Maria Magdalene by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy once again to be with you. And as Mother says, the complexion of your planet, the dynamics of control are changing in a very rapid way. 

We can see that the people on your Beloved Planet want to get back to their work, want to be social once more. And some of the states in the United States, and throughout the world are, you would say, are going back online, and becoming active again, and getting back to their normal routines of the economy, of the supply chain, of food, and services being available. And yes, even sports will come back.

And more and more the Truth is coming about, about the numbers of people, who were, and have been affected by this manmade virus, and the ulterior motives of the people that designed it, and disseminated it, for the purpose of having more control over you Beloved Beings and depopulating. 

And yes, to breathe into your hearts, and to feel such Compassion for yourselves. Because now you know, you really can feel, that you are all the same, no matter what country you come from, no matter what religion, or skin color. All of you have been plotted against. And very devious plans have been made to eliminate such a substantial number of you. And we don’t say this to scare you. We say this to inspire you, because you have won, Beloveds.
With your meditations, with your sharing of the Truth with one another, talking from your hearts, being in high vibration, and shining your LoveLights, you are coming into this rare space, whereby just appearing and being around people, they feel this Magical LoveLight emanating from you, you being a beacon of high vibration, of such Divine Momentum, we would say, of these high vibrations. Being a reflection of who you really are, as a part of the Godhead, shining forth this LoveLight.

And this is so splendid for us to see, because it has been such a very long time, that you have been committed to being in Mission, in carrying forth your Missions, and to feeling more and more the Love and Light, that you are. And learning to express that, and learning to let yourself feel worthy, to opening up yourself on a subatomic level, to let these LoveLights permeate your being, your DNA, genetics, and activate those once-dormant parts of your brain. And more and more, Beloveds, this is happening.

And we are so very happy because, yes, the Light is winning. And you are at a crucial point, where your Light is needed more so than ever before. And this is why in recent weeks, we have been asking you to focus your energies in your meditations, to shining your LoveLights all throughout the Collective Consciousness, to help those who are on the cusp of waking up, to send them this LoveLight, this knowingness, that will help them to have the Courage to feel, to be who they really are. 

Because we are so very close in our Missions of activating this LoveLight throughout all of your Beloved Planet, and bringing to completion these plans of the Alliance, that will allow the implementation and announcements of NESARA, and the Truth behind it. And that will be so very well received by all of the Beloved Beings, because at that point, their hearts will be open ever so much more than ever before. And they will be ready for the Truth, and it will resonate all throughout humanity in a most beloved and inspired way.

We love you so very much, for who you are, for all that you do. We are always here for you, Beloveds.

Namaste and Good Night. And now my Beloved Sananda will come in.

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