Thursday, December 2, 2021

12-1-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-1-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloveds,


It is I, Sananda. I am with you once again. And tonight I ask you to bless yourselves, and all others with these high frequencies of Love and Light, that have been coming onto your planet, in these, the highest frequencies available to Humanity, through these higher Light Encodements being sent to you from all corners of the Cosmos, through our Galactic Center, and onto your Beloved Planet, most directly, at this time.


Beloveds, when you open up your hearts, and bless yourself with Compassion for all that you have been through, to be in alignment with the Truth of your Divine Nature, and to synchronize with the Power of Love, in a very real and integrated way, up through the higher dimensions, connected with your I AM Presence, Guidance Team, and Ascended Masters. You enable this process of being a conduit into the Godhead. 


And Beloveds, this is what you had before Humanity plunged into what is called the Fall. You were in the 5th Dimension. And Beloveds, we have worked together, since this fall in consciousness, to reclaim our rightful place of higher consciousness, in alignment with our Divinity, and the true nature of our being. 


Beloveds, you have been in our Ground Crew all during this process. And now, it is a most pivotal time, when things are coming to a head. And you are at the end of your calendar year, with a few more bangs, we would say, of higher Light Encodements, enabling portals and gateways to be opened, to bring in the most-high frequencies of Love and Light.


Beloveds, it is always up to Humanity to raise the level of their vibration, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you deem to be necessary, to bring your Soul Contracts to completion, to reach this place of fullness, through the activation of Unity Consciousness, and the Crystalline Grid on your Beloved Planet. And this, Beloveds is what NESARA has been designed to do, ever since its inception, to win back the Power of the 5th Dimension, at the precise rhythm, timing, and synchronization, whereby everyone, who wants to ascend, will be able to do so.


It is just a matter of letting go of the fear and separation. And feeling the Oneness, feeling the Power of Love in an all-encompassing, beautiful way. There is no substitute for self-love. And for you, each and every one of you, radiating the Truth of your Divinity out to all of the Beloveds on your planet, throughout all of the Cosmos, and into the Collective Consciousness. Yes, Beloveds, more and more are waking up every day. 


But you are the First Wavers. You are the teachers. And you will continue to play your roles in helping all others, to take back the planet, to bring in the 5th Dimension, and to thrive in these high frequencies, whereby you will never be in low vibration. And dark forces will never perpetrate their evil on Beloved Mother Gaia ever again.


Beloveds, we are victorious in the Light! You are our Ground Crew, and you have been playing your roles ever-so wonderfully, beautifully along with us.


Namaste, Beloveds. And good night.

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