Saturday, December 18, 2021

12-15-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 12-15-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


It is I, Sananda. I am with you. I am happy to be here. As a child you see time as a river, as being in flux with no rigid boundaries. And you have the ability to have the continuity, to some degree, with your Guidance Team and Ascended Masters. 


And all of you have been on this journey, coming in knowing, that you came here for a reason. Although you lost continuity with the narrative of that story, of what the reason was, it is unfolding before your very eyes, Beloveds, as another calendar year passes by. And you are in the last stages of portals opening up, and very-high vibrational frequency energies coming in, and informing your hearts, and your psyches of the Truth of your being.


Beloveds, it is within your hearts, this knowingness, this Divine Flow of Energy.  And having the courage to let go with your breathing, to trust in the process that has been put forth by this Earth Alliance, working with us on the ships, in Divine Mission as all of you, our Beloved Ground Crew, have been.


And we see that so many of you are having these ah-ha moments, of knowing that what really is the core of your Mission is to be in high vibration, is to be able to be heart centered, and express the Truth of who you are. And to give Love and Light to shifting the energy ever higher, in vibration and frequency. And bringing all of the polarities first within the four bodies of your being into balance. 


And then radiating that Love and Light into the Collective Consciousness, and all through Beloved Mother Gaia, into all of those pockets where weather warfare is being waged, where factions of the Cabal are trying to stir up another world war, where the lies and deceptions are continuing to enslave the consciousness of Beloveds, who are fear stricken.


Beloveds, shining your LoveLight, raising the level of the vibration into the Collective Consciousness, for all to wake up. To be ready for this moment of Truth, when the movies from the star ships, from the factions, the Star races that chart your history, the one, the true history, the true movement on the timelines of the patterns, that kept on repeating, that kept on creating these dynamics of fear, ownership, secrets, lies, and deceptions, to keep you down in vibration, to keep you enslaved.


Beloveds, all of those instructions, all of those filters, all of the mutations on your DNA, the right lobes of your brain. With these higher Light Encodements, coming in wavesare allowing you to know deep within your heart, into the inner-most chambers of your heart, the Truth, the real of who you areand the Power of Love, that each and every one of you possess, the freedom of being in this Now Moment, of knowing your true nature, your Divine Being. And knowing that all you have been subjected to, on the material plane, has been a hologram. It has been an illusion. 


And you are victorious in the Light, Beloveds! You cannot go back to the same enslavement, that you came into this lifetime with. Those barriers are being erased. And all obstructions are being released in every Now Moment.


Beloveds, take heart! This is the season of celebration, of Oneness, of joining together the Truth, disseminating it from your hearts with one another, and allowing your Love to radiate, and shine, in every Now Moment from now on.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.


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