Saturday, December 11, 2021

12-8-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am very happy to be with you once again, after this meditation of Mother Sekhmet, and my Beloved Maria.


And, Beloveds yes, you are at a point on this timeline, where the power of this Cabal is being eroded. And the same old tricks, the lies and the deceptions are playing out once again. But Beloveds, this is a moment on this timeline where this shift is in full force, because the Truth is being made known. It is in the Collective Consciousness.


It is being generated in so many ways over the internet, into the hearts and minds of so many Beloveds, that are seeing the patterns, that have unfolded in these last almost two years of lockdowns, of mandates, that make absolutely made no sense whatsoever, because they are not backed up with science. They are being thrust upon you in emotional tirades, scare, guilt and fear mongering. And this is not the Truth of who you are. You are all interdimensional sovereign beings. 


And in that lifetime as Yeshua Ben Joseph, some two thousand years ago, with my Twin Soul Maria, and my Beloved Mother Mary, we planted the seeds, and the blueprints, for this Ascension Process. And we integrated with the great teachers the lessons that had come before, and that had illuminated Humanity. We brought that forth in our own special way, so that it would be aligned with all that has come after it.


Whereby now, you are seeing that the lies of the institutions, having to do with religion, with banking, with education, with what is called big pharma, and medicine, and insurance, they are all part of this 3D Matrix. They are a part of the control mechanisms, that have been perpetrated upon you, to keep you in low vibration, so these Satanic factions would retain their leverage, and be able to get away with their control systems.


But Beloveds, the Truth is more powerful, when it is aligned with the inspiration of Love. And that is what you Beloveds on this call have been motivated and enthused with, to create your reality in high vibration with your meditations, with your creative endeavors, and with the Love that you feel for family and friends. This transmission has been shining through you, as we have gone through all of these stages that have allowed you to pass the Markers for Ascension.


And now, you have been in this First Phase of Ascension Protocols. And energies of this dynamic shift are multiplying and carrying you forth into more Love and Light, and high frequencies. Yes, all of the Plans have been made and put forth. And they are playing out. And we give no dates.


But, Beloveds, you can feel these changes, that you have gone through in the last twelve months of your calendar year. And you can feel your Beloved Year coming to a rather high-vibrational close. These things will continue to play out. The Truth will be made known in a far-reaching, all-encompassing way, whereby NESARA can be implemented to be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality.


Beloveds, we are in Mission with you. You are our Beloved Ground Crew. We honor you for all of the tests and challenges, that you face ,and for holding the line, and being your Truth, being in integrity with who you truly are, as a conduit into the Godhead. 


Beloved Beings, Namaste and good night.


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