Thursday, December 30, 2021

12-29-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 12-29-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be here on this call with you, feeling your hearts, feeling your vibrations, being in this flow of energy coming into your Beloved Planet. And feeling your inner flow of energy expand out throughout your energy fields.


Beloveds, we have been in Mission with you for such a very long time, for thousands of years, in playing through this scenario of empowerment, of helping to guide you, helping you to remember who you truly are, as an emanation of Godhead, of your Divinity, of the power of your Love and Light. 


And yes, you have been working through tests and challenges, that this 3D Matrix, and all of its minions in governments, and the rest of the institutions continuously level upon you, using their bullying and intimation tactics, trying to trigger your fear, your emotions, into being in low vibration.


But, Beloveds, you have been around the block, as they say, more than one time. And you know the drill. And you know where your Power is, when you let go, and be in a meditative state. And you can do it with your eyes open. 


And basically, it is just paying attention to this flow of inner energy, being aware of your intuitive guidance, connecting up with these higher aspects of your being. And feeling this Joy, this ultimate Power, this pure Love. And using your pure intent, to stay the course, to be at this point of Zero, where you can allow these higher Light Encodements, coming in, to inform yourselves, that it is time to be in their perfection, to strengthen your Immune Systems in this war against evil, that no matter what is thrown your way in this time frame, Beloveds, that the Power of Love overcomes.


That Creator Source is seeing it, and allowing only so much foolishness and evil to be done, to show all of Humanity the true colors of those, who claim that they are in the right, who have put themselves in positions of power, and in their media, and in their institutions. 


And being the doctors, those that have the approval of the 3D-Matrix systems, they are showing their true colors: that they are against Humanity, that they are against the children, that they have been in mission of propagating this transhumanist agenda, seeking to control, and to take away your Human Rights, your Sovereignty.


But Beloveds, you know and feel the Truth of who you are, and you have learned to pay attention to the stories, and the unfolding of events on this timeline, and the dynamics that this Cabal has used against Humanity, for eons and eons. And as you have awakened, you are radiating these high frequencies of Love and Light into the Collective Consciousness, so that the other Beloved Beings, who are not the First Wave of this Ascension Process, who are not the Starseeds, that they too can awaken, and be in high vibration, and start and expedite their Ascension Processes. 


Beloveds, we are One. There is no separation. And as you progress into the higher frequencies with more lucidity, and going up into the 5th Dimension and beyond, you start to know this is oh-so true. And you can allow yourself to let go to these feelings of Joy, of Satisfaction, and Bliss in knowing the Power of Love.


Beloveds we are with you, as you move forward from this First Phase, into the Second Phase, of Ascension. We love you ever-so much. We are with you every step of the way, shining our LoveLights into your hearts.


Namaste Beloveds. And now my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

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