Friday, December 24, 2021

12-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

 12-22-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Yes, I too am very happy to be with you in our communion of our hearts on this Beloved Call. The enthusiasm that we have in this Now Moment with you, and Beloved Mother Gaia, being in such high vibration in this portal energy has been bringing in so much high-vibrational energy, from the Galactic Center, from all over Creation. Because, Beloveds, you are at this point of transition. 


And yes, I too will reiterate, we give no dates. Because everything is in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. And you know the way that these Plans for the implementation of NESARA, for the acceleration of your Ascension Process, and going through all of the necessary phases to integrate the many protocols, that are coming in, that are allowing you to go through these phases of Ascension, are playing out.


Because, Beloveds, it has been the intention of the Elders of the Company of Heaven, that anyone on your Beloved Planet, who has been chosen to come here, that they have done the work in such a miraculous way, to overturn the evil thrust upon Humanity, the darkness that has manipulated, controlled and imprisoned your planet for eons. 


And that everyone, who is incarnated at this time, is worthy of ascending, even those who have been playing along with the dark side. It is not too late for them to come into the Light. This is the magic of this process of Ascension, of being in these energies, of this framework for Divine Change, for Spiritual Evolution, and truly manifesting the Power of Love. Because there are no judgments on any of you Beloveds. 


You have had such bravery, and such Love, and Compassion, to be here, all of you Starseeds, who it wasn’t a karmic challenge for you to be here. It was a Divine, Supreme Act of Love for you to come in, and incarnate at this time.  And we love you ever-so much.


We know that there is no separation between all of us. You have just taken on the load of being the Ground Crew. And Beloveds, you have been doing a magnificent job. And you know, that your Mission is just to radiate the Love and Light, who you truly are, because the Power of Love is the strongest force in all of Creation.


Beloveds, we are with you. We celebrate with you in this holiday season, upon the completion of your calendar year. Yes, we will say it again. We are all victorious in the Light! There is nothing to worry about. Everything is in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.


And the best that you can do for yourself, and all of Humanity, is to rise up through the higher dimensions, and radiate this LoveLight, this connection as a conduit into the Godhead, Beloveds. And be in Joy, Harmony, and Bliss with all of Creation.


Namaste, Beloveds. We are with you every step of the way.


Good night.

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