Friday, March 3, 2023

3-1-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

3-1-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be on this conference call with you tonight.


Beloveds, we shine our love and light into your high heart centers. Now, you are going through very many testing challenges, but also at the same time, the frequencies of these energies streaming in from the Galactic center have never been more powerful on your Beloved planet, and we ask you to slow down and relax every opportunity that you can.


We know that you are dealing with many requirements, many perceived limitations having to do with finances, and the energies that you feel, when you go out in public because, yes, shedding is real; and the ill intent that has been propagated amongst humanity at this time. It is very heavy and dense by all of these minions of the cabal, who carry out the plans of this cabal for depopulation, and some of them are very ignorant of what they are doing, and what the real bigger picture of these jabs are of selling themselves out for money, to rig elections, and all of the forms of criminality on your Beloved planet.


That, yes, they are affecting you in terms of the United States being taken over, by foreign entities and you having to deal with this very corrupt individual who sits as president. Beloveds, it is only when you allow yourself to be heart centered, to be in the Now Moment. to unlock this central column of energy, to raise the level of frequency and vibration, to assimilate and integrate these higher light encodements, that are streaming in, that you truly empower yourself.


So that you remember who you are, and you remember why you are here being in mission with us as ground crew and to raise the level of consciousness of the collective, so that many, many Beloveds are awakening in each and every moment preparing humanity for this Event of the Truth, for these upgrades of energy that you will receive by making this transition, once again, into the Fifth Dimension.


Beloveds, you have the wherewithal to choose the light in each and every Now Moment, and that will carry you forth and carry you through this near-death experience of the Event of Truth. It will empower you. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are with you, seeing the energy streamers, on your Beloved planet, raise up in frequency and vibration, and in color spectrums continuously as this empowerment of humanity for ascension en masse is accelerating, Beloveds, with each increment of the truth coming about. Namaste Beloveds and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul, Sananda is coming in.

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