3-22-23 Sananda by Eli Galla
Beloved beings on this call tonight, it is I, Sananda. I am
very happy to be with you once again.
Beloveds, the power of love is within. It is waiting
continuously to be generated by you breathing into your high heart center, and
radiating these high frequencies of love and light, all throughout your Beloved
planet. This is your mission, Beloveds, and you are doing this wonderfully
well, There are many ways to keep
yourself in high vibration and frequency, by choosing thoughts that resonate
with the higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension.
These higher attributes such as ease, grace, harmony, joy,
bliss, abundance, prosperity, peace, creativity and clarity, etc. When you breathe
their energies into your heart, Beloveds, you want for nothing. You know that
in each and every Now Moment you are supported and loved all throughout the
The work that you are doing, and have been doing, and will
continue to do on your Beloved planet, to realize ascension of Beloved Mother
Gaia all living beings on your planet is lauded and appreciated so, and honored
so very much, by members all over the cosmos who have become your cheering
section, Beloveds.
Because you are making conditions on your planet very
amenable to this tremendous amount of change of the fractalizing and
disincorporating the control system of this cabal, this Third Dimensional
matrix, that has been instituted with black magic, lies, tricks, and deceptions.
It is falling apart, and people are clamoring for the truth all over your
Beloved planet, and this is what you shall be having very, very soon, Beloveds.
We on the ships are working with leaders all over your
Beloved planet. We are working with the Galactic and Intergalactic Federations,
and of course the Ashtar command, to bring into synchronicity all of these
plans that institute all of the provisions of NESARA.
NESARA is your springboard to once again be in the Fifth
Dimension, and this is oh, so necessary for humanity, and Mother Gaia, to
ascend, to be in this place of peace, harmony, and joy, and all of these higher
attributes of the Fifth Dimension, that will allow you to exponentially abound
in high frequency and vibration, to create this dynamic of ascension in mass on
your Beloved planet.
Beloveds, it is happening, and you have been the catalyst for
this, demanding the truth, doing your clearings, raising your frequency and
vibration in your meditations with your intentional requirements. This is what
you have signed up for, and when you find yourself choosing the light in this
Event of the Truth, it is then that you will be called upon to be the teachers,
to show the others, who will just be awakening the direction into the
realization of ascension en masse, Beloveds.
My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and they are
passing out the Kumara roses offering them to you. Take as many as you like
into your hearts. They contain the energy signature of color spectrums, and
sounds of high frequency and vibration, to remind you that we are one in
mission with you, Beloveds, to create harmony, peace, abundance, and joy on
your Beloved planet, to bring about this mass ascension. Namaste, Beloveds and
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