Friday, March 24, 2023

3-22-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

3-22-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena.


All of us mentors are shining our love and light, of the golden white light of the Christ Consciousness energy, into each of your hearts. We are calling forth you to feel these high vibrations and frequencies, that are streaming into your Beloved planet in each and every moment, Beloveds, and for you to remember just how much you are loved and supported.


We know who you are. We know of your commitment. We know of all of your tests and challenges. You are loved so very much. We could not have come to this point of reckoning, that is happening right now on your Beloved planet, without all of your clearings, your meditations, your prayers, your intentional requirements.


Beloveds, we are one, and the power of love has never been stronger on your Beloved planet, because the people like yourselves, who have been doing the research, who have been knowing that the answer is always within, have radiated and raised the level of the frequency of the love and light that you are into the collective consciousness, to help other Beloved beings awaken, and that is what has been happening so exponentially in these last two years, while you have been in the first wave of integrating ascension protocols.


Beloveds, you are taking a stand every time that you bring yourself into focus being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions. Allowing yourself to breathe deeply into the Now Moment, and feel the power of love in your heart, and radiate it into the collective consciousness. You multiply this love and light. You assimilate and integrate these higher light encodements with placing your intention on what you are here to do, to complete your soul contracts, and to bring about ascension on your Beloved planet, and yes, this can only happen with the truth being made known that will allow all of the provisions of NESARA to be implemented Beloveds.


Because when the truth is known, when the heinous nature of this cabal is truly understood, by Beloveds who are choosing the light during this Event of the Truth, this near-death experience where you are being pushed to the brink. You will rise up in unity and compassion for one another, and you will see the dynamics of the lies and deceptions, that have been perpetrated upon your consciousness, that lock you down in low vibration. And you will rise up victoriously once again into the Fifth Dimension, Beloveds.


We see it in the higher dimensions that it has already happened, and we are with you, shining our love and light continuously in your hearts as you go through this very rough stretch of transitioning out of the old paradigms of how your planet is run into the new systems, that are generated with advanced technologies and the power of love.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.



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