Friday, March 10, 2023

3-8-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

3-8-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you on this conference call tonight.


Beloveds, the power of love is always there for you to access, for you to shine forth, for you to stay in the Now Moment. There are so many events playing on your Beloved planet, and again and again, the narrative of the mainstream media and all of the institutions, that are propagating this deception, these lies, and this trickery upon humanity with their secret agendas, and ulterior motives, are trying to take you out of your heart center, trying to get you to go for your imprints.


Your imprints of negative programming are laden with judgement, negative responses; responses to fear and guilt mongering. But Beloveds, the same patterns, that have enslaved humanity for these thousands upon thousands of years, are playing out once again, in correlation to these events of weather warfare, of child trafficking, of the cartels having open borders to propagate their money-making machinery ,that is against the sovereignty of humanity. You are continuously being told one thing, and that the reality of it is quite another.


Because Beloveds, this Third Dimensional matrix control system orchestrated in each and every one of you, by the ego mind, is designed to lock you down in the same low vibrational behavior patterns. More and more of you, Beloved beings, are waking up to the strategies of this cabal, as these dynamics of enslavement play out, and more and more of the truth is coming out, and as it does, it becomes so very obvious of the patterns of this cabal, to justify themselves, to portray themselves as innocent of any wrongdoing, when they have been planning for the demise of humanity, because they could never be what you are, Beloveds.


They have not evolved to a place where they can create their own reality in the high vibrations of the Fifth Dimension. They have given their power away to these deities of Satan, and this is the harsh reality that many Beloved beings will awaken to in this Event of the Truth. But Beloveds, you have volunteered. You have signed up for this mission to be the teachers, to be the leaders; and that is what you are doing right now, Beloveds, because your essence and the frequency of your vibration is shining to raise the level of the collective consciousness, to awaken more and more Beloveds to prepare humanity for this Event of the Truth. So that you will all choose the light when this near death experience happens, and it will be the final trap for this cabal to walk into, Beloveds.


Because when the truth is made known in such a way that humanity, all of humanity that is open, opening their hearts, and their minds, and clamoring for the truth. It will eradicate any illusion that this cabal is the protector of humanity. It is quite the opposite, and it has always been. But they knew what buttons to push, and what control mechanisms to work upon humanity, to keep you in this unending seemingly endless dynamic of fear and separation, to keep you in low vibration and frequency.


Now the truth is coming out, and it is the choice of all of humanity to empower yourself with this truth, to feel this compassion for the human condition. And to allow yourself to do it in a very creative, high vibrating way. Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight, now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

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