Friday, March 31, 2023

3-29-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

3-29-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you once again on this conference call.


Beloveds, we are the love and light of the universe unified as one in mission with Beloved Mother Gaia, and you are seeing many rapid fire changes transpiring now compared to what your reality has been, before these last two plus years of you being in this first wave of integrating ascension protocols.


Now you are seeing more and more of the truth coming out. Yes, and false flag events are still happening, but they are becoming increasingly obvious to those, who have been paying attention such as yourselves. Because, Beloveds, you have grown this integral fondness for the truth, and for knowing how things really work, and empowering yourself with that truth of learning the integration of these higher light encodements. So that you can radiate more and more of the love and light coming in, which is part of your being.


There is no separation, Beloveds. It is universal energy, and you can have and conduct as much of it as you like, with the intentional requirement of service to others, service to the whole, and the empowerment of humanity to win back their liberty, their freedom, and to have justice for all of the people, by the people, and for the people, Beloveds.


You are making this a reality for humanity, all of you Beloved starseeds, all over the world. In each and every country you are strong in your conviction, in radiating the power of love, and of not accepting anything less than the truth. This has accelerated this process of ascension on your Beloved planet.


We are working as one, Beloveds; and yes, this old system is being replaced by the new systems of NESARA to be fully implemented, as the cornerstone and foundation of your Fifth Dimensional reality. Beloveds, you have learned to have faith and trust in the power of love, and now it is stronger on your Beloved planet, with these waves of higher light encodements coming in continuously enabling you to integrate these ascension protocols, and to move into the Second Phase of ascension, Beloveds.


We are here with you. We are continuously shining the love and light into your hearts, observing you as you pass through this labyrinth of tests and challenges, empowering yourself with what you resonate with as the truth, and creating your own personal narratives, that allow you to express from your heart. This is your magic, that you are here as way showers, as the tip of the spear, bringing forth ascension on your Beloved planet.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle offering you these Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your heart, to empower yourself with, as an emblem of our connection of oneness in mission with all of you, on the ships, all throughout the councils of heaven, carrying out this divine decree for ascension en masse on your Beloved planet. Beloveds on this call, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight. 

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