May 23, 2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Ones,
It is such a pleasure for me to be here tonight in our Communion
of our Hearts with one another. And yes, we see that there’s already been a
question, and it’s been about the astral plane. And first we would like to say
that the astral plane is very much different when it comes to the limitations
of time and space. And it can allow these beings who like to manipulate it to
their own means a certain amount of freedom that they don’t have within the 3rd
Dimension where the density is stronger; it is heavier.
And up in the 4th Dimension, or what you call the
astral plane, it is lighter. There’s
more play with the Light if you will. But this Light can be turned into the
other aspects of its being, which is the darkness. And it can contain secrets
and encodements that are against the Prime Directive of rejoining with Creator
Source. And really, all of us come in knowing who we are. But it is these
beings who are choosing the darkness and Satan to remember Satan over Creator
Source. And they don’t allow themselves to go back onto the Bridge of Flowers
and cross over to the other side.
So, if you could think of a dynamic when they are in the 4th
Dimension, disembodied, if you could think of it as a type of waxing dynamic
that you have when, you know --. This is a little bit maybe offbeat for some of
you to compare it this way. But say that in growing marijuana, there are
certain strains where you just remove the seeds, and you don’t allow the plant
to go into its procreation cycle. You just wax that energy to let it get
stronger and stronger.
Well, this is the same dynamic that these dark ones use over in
the astral plane so that they can bypass Universal Laws and come back in to a
body they are choosing within that blood line which will give them the same
amount and degree of power dynamics within the darkness that they had in the
previous lifetime. And does that make sense to the person, DJ, that asked the
DJ: Yes, thank you. That
was very good, but it did bring in another question to my mind, Mother Sekhmet.
Do these beings who achieve that, do they know who we other beings are? I mean
the higher aspect of us. Are they aware of who we are in the higher
MS: Yes, they are aware
of the higher aspects of their being, but they choose to deny it because, you
know, they don’t feel that that serves them.
They think in terms of manipulating the 3rd Dimension. And
the way that they have been programmed, that is really all they are choosing to
go by. So, it’s like they have a wall put up to protect themselves from the
Truth of who they really are in the broader sense. And they just try to make it
as simple for themselves. Well, they think they’re making it simple, but
they’re really making it very hard, because they’re trying to cheat the Laws of
Karma and the Laws of the Universe in doing so to give themselves these
astronomical levels of power when they are incarnated in the 3rd
So, up until this point, they’ve been able to do that. But now
we see that Lightworkers and people, everyone that has awakened into the higher
dimensions, have pushed that possibility out of the realm of them being able to
create it from this lifetime for themselves. And, is there anything else?
DJ: Thank you. No. I
really appreciate your clarifying that. Thank you very much, Mother Sekhmet.
MS: You are so welcome,
And, ah, just breathing into the Heart Center here, and with
these high vibrations, I would like to remind us all of the opportunity just to
tune in with our breathing into the Heart Center and to let go of all of the
things that in the Now Moment that we think we have to do and accomplish. But
to really enjoy and celebrate where we are because it’s taken such a long,
tedious journey to get at this level of vibration, Dear Beloved Brothers and
And I am all for dancing right now. I am overcome with joy at
seeing the Light show from our side and knowing that we’re not even halfway
through this cycle of what you call your year. And we see many things coming up
that are going to raise the level of the vibration higher and higher. And we
are truly enthused about your cycle of the eclipses and the other gateways
coming into play like the Lion’s Gate. And this year, it’s going to be a triple
eleven. And you know we can always count
on that dynamic to give us a thrust of the LoveLight in a very high-vibe
So, we know that a lot of you feel weariness sometimes. But we
promise you that if you just allow yourselves to breathe into your hearts and
to bring in this LoveLight, that we can go higher and higher and bring in these
very high-vibrational feelings of joy in a way that you really haven’t
experienced in a long time.
So, on that note, let us join our hands together and me bi-locating
a paw with you to get into our circle here. And raising right on up out of the
atmosphere, breathing into our Heart Centers with the Power of our Thoughts,
lifting up and going up through the layers of the ships, up, up and away ‘til
we come upon my ship. It’s such a splendid Mother Ship, so large and so beautiful
in its own way. And we’re coming upon the landing deck at the underbelly of
this Beloved Mother Ship. And it’s opening up and allowing us to pop through
into the airlock here, hovering above the landing deck while it’s closing.
And now we’re touching down. And we’re moving right on back to
the elevator, and fully intact, moving into the elevator, closing the door and
we’re riding up to the top of my ship here and feeling the energy push us on
up. And opening up the doors. And still in a circle, coming through and feeling
the energies of all of those gathered here to meet us and greet us with their
smiles, with their warm high-vibe kudos at us coming together to be the
spearhead in this meditation once again.
And perhaps you’re feeling a touch on the shoulder or a whisper
in the ear from one of your Beloved Ancestors as we form our circle around the
altar here. And with the knowing glances and the smiles of the Mentors and the
other beings participating in our meditation tonight, allowing this energy to
take us over with the feeling of gladness and the confident understanding that
we are well supported in this Oneness that we all are in coming together in the
same Mission, Dear Beloved Ones, to raise the level of the vibration even
higher on your Beloved Planet, to accelerate this process of the Announcements,
of the Cosmic Blast, of the Ascension.
So, breathing into our Heart Centers, sending the energy from
our hearts to our hands, heart to heart through this circle, through the outer
circles, spiraling this energy all throughout the room, through every atom in
the room. And accessing the energies of the crystals lining the floors and the
walls. And spiraling this energy up and down and around and through. And now
allowing these energies to come back into our Heart Centers. And with the power
of our Free Will, requiring our intentions of our visions to manifest by aiming
them into the crystal in these high vibrations, in these feelings of awareness,
of being at peace, of being at joy, of giving ourselves permission to celebrate
throughout all of Creation. Sending this vibration out there to let all of
Creation know that we are in a State of Joy with the opportunity that we have
once again at bringing our Mission closer to completion.
And feeling all of the energies in the room focused on this
crystal right now. And shooting it up through the opening in the ceiling of my
ship. And projecting it with our thoughts and vibrations down through your
atmosphere, through the layers of the ships and on to the surface, spiraling it
all over, up and down and around and through into every particle of Beloved
Mother Gaia. And spiraling it from one end to the other, filling up your
Beloved Planet and all of the living beings, the kingdoms on your planet with
these really high vibrations of the LoveLight that haven’t even been
experienced on this planet.
And this is the way that we jump start our plunge, our launch
into the Cosmic Blast, Dear Beloved Ones. Because it takes a little bit of
nudging to wake up all of these Dear Beloved Souls that have still been
sleepwalking, because of the way that they’ve been programmed and brainwashed
to be in that perpetual state of low level fear. But now, it’s harder and
harder to maintain that pose, that guise of being unaffected by this LoveLight
by the higher vibrations, because guess what? It feels so good, and it’s
alright to really live a little in the Now Moment.
The reality is that we could be living within the reality of
manifesting our birthrights in each and every moment. And this is what we’ve
had in our Golden Ages before when we were completely centered in the 5th
Dimension. And there were no lower vibrations to drag us down and to create
these crevices of decay in the mind of the Ego eating away at our innards with
the delusions of fear and separation and all of the other lower vibrations.
So now we are liberating ourselves and sending this energy in a
spiral to the surface of all of the kingdoms, all of the Beloved Beings in the
rural areas, in the big cities, in the small towns, all over the earth, in the
underground bases, even in the on-the-surface bases of the militaries where
these agendas have far outgrown their purpose. We are shining the LoveLight to
instill peace within the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on this planet and
all throughout all of Creation.
And now let us focus our energy once again on this underground
network in North America here. Because this encompasses the underground bases
of Washington, DC, and their secret networks there where a lot of secrets about
this country and the manipulations that have been done to it to make it into
what it is today, which is not the Republic that our Founding Fathers
envisioned at all, but just another conduit for the cabal to keep their control
and keep our consciousness dumbed down.
So, we’re going to blow the lid off of that boiling pot right
now. And we’re going to focus our LoveLight, spiraling it above the surface
down underneath into this network of the underground bases. And now
horizontally going in a spiral, spinning it through all of the tunnels starting
in Mexico, working our way through the United States and into these populated
regions of Canada. And with the Power of
our Thoughts, going into each and every one of those honeycomb layers of
And raising the level of the vibration in a very tangible way
with the Spirit of Forgiveness, with openness, with exposing the secrets, of
letting the Love make all of the hearts of Creation whole and rejoining with
Creator Source in this Now Moment. Giving them, even the most ardent practitioners
of black magic and Satanism, a jolt to their reality by allowing them to feel
just for a moment the Power of the LoveLight which is something that truly
cannot be denied. No matter how hard they tried to hold on to their old
dynamics of trickery and control and mass manipulation, it will not kill the
Spirit of Love that engenders the Truth within each and every heart that has
awakened now, Dear Beloved Ones. Because we are the ones that are driving the
engine of evolution here.
And now sending the LoveLight into all of the Beloved Beings who
have been trapped here against their will in the underground bases, all of the
children, the adults who perform very special procedures to maintain those
bases to keep the cabal happy in their delusions of superiority against these
Beloved Spirits who have contracted in this lifetime to be the slaves of these
very dark beings in a very unharmonious situation.
Our hearts open to them and shine the LoveLight on them to give
them the support that they need reminding them that this is almost over. And
that the level of the vibration is raising up each and every day so that these
dark energies will be extinguished and released from underground to be exposed
into the Light. And they will be neutralized and cancelled. And some of them
will even allow themselves to be transmuted into the higher frequencies. And
some of these beings are so resistant that they’ll just be taken off planet.
So, Dear Beloved Ones, we congratulate you on this Mission, once
again very well done. We feel your hearts. We feel the level of your Love
expanding exponentially now. And we are so very grateful for this communion
that we have shared with you tonight.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Ones, and good night.