Thursday, May 17, 2018

5-16-2018 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

5-16-2018 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones,

Good evening. Once again it is such a pleasure to be here to join you in a Communion of our Hearts to meditate and just bring in the overall good vibes that are so available to us in these higher energies that are coming in continuously now into the four bodies of our being and all throughout your Beloved Planet. And it is this connection into the Solar Sun up into the Central Sun that is the conduit for all of these energies coming in at these really tiny intervals right now. Before there used to be such gaps when the energy would raise in vibration. But now we’re seeing that is very different and the vibration is creating a certain field of energy, if you will, a harmonization up into the higher dimensions.
And so we are preparing, all of us, not just you in the physical human form on your side of the veil, but all of us Beings of the LoveLight because we know what’s coming for us on this side of the veil. Because we don’t have linear time, it’s already here, Dear Beloved Ones. And so part of our Mission as the Mentors is to help to prepare you for what it’s going to feel like when it finally gets here for you. 

And it’ll be very, very joyous for this particular group, we see, because you’ve worked on yourself and done meditations and joined together heart to heart to envision what these changes are going to be like, not only for you, but for the rest of the planet and the Kingdoms of the planet and for yourselves and all your Beloved Ones and all of the human beings on this planet and, of course, the sentient being known as Mother Gaia also. And yes, it is all in preparation for your Ascensions. 

But just as it has been up unto this point, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it has been a step-by-step meditation of putting one foot in front of the other and one meditation on top of the other. And doing our work from day to day has gotten us to this place where we can feel our hearts and let go of the ego and send it up into the Heart Center to integrate these high-vibrational energies and make it our ally instead of this force that was always pushing us along a treadmill, if you will, for survival purposes that really aided the intentions of the cabal, of these dark energies. But now that dynamic, along with your being rewired with the crystalline energies, has made it so that these higher vibrational energies can come in with so much more regularity that we are on the precipice of bringing in this Cosmic Blast.

So I’ve gone through all of that right now because I just want to assure you that the rhythm and timing that lead you up to this place isn’t going to abandon you, Dear Beloved Ones, even though the energies are going to get exponentially higher. And we believe the amount of bliss that you will feel and the amount of joy and harmony that you’ll feel inside of the four bodies of your being coming into balance with one another, you will also feel that joy, harmony and Oneness with all of the people on your planet that are choosing Ascension. For this Cosmic Blast, when it comes in, that’ll be one of the main dynamics that will feel liberating to, we believe, all of you.  And so, things will get, we feel, much easier for you because of this flow in the higher dimensions really permeating every cell within your beings.

And it is on that note that I ask us to join together and in our circle. And I’m extending a paw to you. And you can reach out for the hand of the person next to you. And let us get into our breathing now. And with the power of our breathing, our intentions to rise up off of the planet into the atmosphere, through the layers of the ships, up into my ship. And coming upon it, now I’m opening up the bottom of the ship and we’re coming right through it onto this -- hovering above the airlock here while the landing deck closes. And we’re touching down now that it’s safe and walking all the way back to the elevator. And with our circle intact, going inside, closing the doors and rising up here for a ride into the Pent House. And now stopping, opening the doors and coming out with our circle intact. And feeling the wonderful energies of all the Beloved Beings that have assembled here tonight in anticipation of our meditation and our mini reunion with one another, because here it is. Some of your ancestors are here. And all of the faces and energies, even the crystals, are so familiar to you. And we feel your joy and we know you can feel our joy too of being in this Oneness once again to do our Beloved Mission here tonight.

So now ringing around our Beloved Altar and having the outer circles fill in.  And breathing into the heart and sending this energy through the circles, sending it all throughout this Crystal Room from the energies of the crystals in the floor to the walls. And spiraling it now up and down a few times, breathing into it into our hearts. And sending it all through the circles, all through the room. And allowing ourselves to relax into this feeling of liberation, of complete and utter trust in our knowingness that we are never separate from Creator Source. We are never separate from all of the higher aspects of our being across all of the timelines and the different realities.

And focusing this energy now right into the crystal on the altar and making our intentions for the Announcements to come about, for the liberation of all of the Beloved Beings and Kingdoms on your planet and the intention of raising up the level of the vibration for all of Creation. And removing all of these negative energies from your Beloved Planet, and transmuting them into the highest frequencies of LoveLight to enable us to once again be in the 5th Dimension.
And yes, Dear Beloved Ones, I was there through various incarnations in Lumeria. And it has been quite some time since your planet has felt these high vibrations being what they are in this Now Moment. So I hope you feel great joy in knowing that this dynamic is returning to your planet, and that each and every one of us are playing our part into getting all of us back into the high vibrations of the 5th Dimension to prepare for our Ascensions at this time. 

And now all together feel the energies move through us into our crystal here and penetrate the opening in the ceiling of the Crystal Room. And now sending it down into Beloved Mother Gaia and following it down. And now as we get into the atmosphere, spiraling this energy as we move through the layers of the ships onto the surface and penetrate all of the different particles underneath the surface of the Beloved Planet, energizing it with this Golden White LoveLight. And spiraling it up and down and through from the atmosphere to the surface, all the way underneath the surface, out to the other side.  Just breathing into it. And allowing these energies to permeate the consciousness of your Beloved Planet.

And now sending this energy out into the oceans and underneath the oceans.  And tonight, we’d like to focus for awhile on adjusting the tectonic plates here. Because with the high vibrations coming in, it’s always a good idea to go down and commune with these energies sending them Love with the intentions of balance and harmony to allow them to move through their gyrations in a peaceful, easy manner. And perhaps you can feel the plates, some of them locking into place. And just continue to shine these LoveLights on them wherever you’re called to do so underneath the surface of the oceans here. And spiraling our LoveLight down through these plates of energy. And now feeling them strengthen and come into higher vibrations of harmony, ease, grace and joy. 

And then rising up to the surface and shining this LoveLight on all of the debris in the ocean with the intention of soon clearing up all of the plastics, the oils, the contaminants that have been deposited in our Beloved Mother Ocean. And in this Now Moment, seeing it done. Seeing the oceans all over the planet returned to their pristine nature as in the days of the Garden of Eden, Dear Beloved Ones. And this is where we are headed once again. And it is with our envisioning that we are making it happen.

And now we’d like to take a bit of a ceremonial trip over to the White House here. And we know who’s here. He’s that one who nobody thought would get into office and yet he did. And there sure has been a lot of changes and shakeups since he has been in this Office of the President. And we see him going through a very important time, not only in his presidency, but in the History of Humanity, Dear Beloved Ones. So tonight, no matter how you feel about this Beloved Man, to shine the LoveLight into his heart in a spiral here. And allow him to feel the Unconditional, Universal Love of the whole Cosmos coming into him now to raise him up into the highest vibrations so that it will be upon him, and within his realm of expertise and acumen to make the highest vibrational choices at this time. And to rise up above the fears and innuendos and the threats that are being showered down upon him. And namaste and so it is. 

And now let us focus on these underground networks in North America at this very pivotal time. And once again from the surface, shining the LoveLight in a spiral, spinning it around, coming onto the surface, penetrating underneath the ground into these networks. And now turning the LoveLight horizontally into a spiral to go all through these tunnels and into each and every one of the underground bases here where all of the secrets, the hidden energies of power sources for black magic are kept. These secret weapons, advanced technologies that the dark ones had thought would be their saving grace if they were pushed underneath the ground when the time of nuclear catastrophe struck. But that’s not happening as much as they have tried to perpetrate their wars and nuclear attacks. Our technologies have far outweighed theirs and neutralized them and cancelled out their intentions every time that we were guided to. 

And now just flushing this whole network with the LoveLight, spiraling it back and forth now all the way from Mexico into the United States, through Canada. And feeling this LoveLight multiply as we spiral it in faster intervals here. And feel it pulsate underneath these regions of the earth, cleaning out all of the old putrid energies, the decay, the mold, the hidden secrets and all of these intentions for domination and usurping our rights and making us slaves, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Raising the level of the vibrations right up into the 5th Dimension and beyond. And neutralizing and cancelling all of their evil intentions, all the way through the artificial intelligence, which is where their network is in these underground bases. 

And now let us focus our energy once again on the Dear Beloved Children who are still captive in many of these underground bases and the ones who have given up their lives and some of the ones who were too afraid even to transition. And shining the LoveLight on their energies. And showing them the Love in our hearts for their sacrifices, for their commitment to their Mission in raising the level of the vibration. They have played such an integral part not only in what they have done on the underground bases but now allowing these secrets to come to Light. Because their energies have harmonized with the energies of our meditations and the rest of the Lightworkers on the planet to expose all of these dark deeds of the cabal as we move closer and closer and through our Ascension Protocols at this time.

And so, Dear Beloved Ones, we thank you so very much in coming together with us once again and feeling our hearts be joined in this Now Moment to raise the level of the vibrations on this planet for clearing and transmutation at this most pivotal time.
We love you all so very much beyond mere expressions of words, Brothers and Sisters. Namaste and good night. 

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