Thursday, July 25, 2019

7-24-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Oh, it is my pleasure to be here tonight. The energy feels so very Divine. And so much is happening at this Beloved Time on your planet, and all over Creation. Because let us remind you once again that nothing on your planet is separate from the rest of Creation. 

And all over Creation, you are the focal point of how the energies are multiplying in this Divine, Magical Moment, because it has taken so many thousands of years, and so many times on your Beloved Planet where humanity has incarnated. And now after about the fifth manifestation of civilization on your Beloved Planet of humans, you are ready. You are in the deep part, we would say, of the Ascension Process. 

And yes, my Beloveds, this was our whole intent and purpose, Sananda, Mother Mary, Joseph Arimathea, & Beloved Sananda’s father in that lifetime, where he had his Passion Play, where he didn’t die, (laugh) but he tricked everybody.  And they used that as a way to manipulate the masses. But now the Truth is going to come out about that too. 

But our mission in that lifetime, our reason for being in that lifetime, and spreading our miracles, the Truth of who we really are, together, was to help humanity to see, that they had the Power to Create their reality in a most Divine and Harmonious Way.

And yes, it has taken what seems to be a very long time, from that lifetime of Beloved Jeshua Ben Joseph, or Jesus Christ, to this lifetime. But if you look at it from the prospective of 13,000 years since the last fall of Atlantis, you have been in the end stages for these last couple of thousands of years. And you have learned so much, because you have had to bring so much to completion.

And you, my Beloveds, are doing such a fantastic job at this time. We are with you 1000%. We are always here for you. We are always loving you, sending you Light. And all you have to do is to call us in, is to allow yourself to breathe into your heart, and to feel our energies uniting, being in communion with yours, like we feel this connection right now, Beloveds. 

Yes, Sananda is going to come in right now. Once again it has been my Divine Pleasure to be with you tonight.

I love you so very much. Namaste and good night, Beloveds. 

7-24-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-24-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Once again, I am coming to you with my heart full of Love, full of Light. 

Ah, yes, we see what you are going through with these high vibrations coming in, and the choices, that you are making, of how to raise the level of your vibration, throughout the course of the day. And we interpret your choices in the context of how you used to use your energy so many years ago before you reached the markers for Ascension.

And most of you on this call, and that will read the transcriptions, and that will hear the recordings have been on this journey; for a very long time, in this lifetime, to raise the level of your Love and Light, to reach this place of understanding, of knowingness, of raising the level of your vibration, so you would shine it out onto the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of consciousness, to accelerate this Ascension Process, at this time.

Let us come together joining our hands, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you and you, reaching out to somebody else on this call. It doesn’t matter who it is. And coming together in our circle and breathing into the Heart Center. And with sending this Love and Light, from our hearts, out through the palm of the left hand, and into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our hearts.
And with our breathing, allowing ourselves with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, to rise on up, off of the surface of your Beloved Planet.  Rising up through the levels of the atmospheres, through the layers, and up through the layers of the ships. And coming upon Ashtar’s ship, the New Jerusalem. 

And he’s opening up the belly of the ship, his landing deck for us. And we are all making our way through. And hovering in his air lock. And it’s closing beneath us now. And we are moving, coming down, touching down and moving through the landing deck, over to the elevators here. And we are opening one of the elevators and getting on through. And we have a short distance to go. And now we’re getting in, closing the door and rising on up.

And we’re opening the door now, and going out of the elevator, into the hallway. And walking down it, and taking a right, and moving into his meeting room, which is also his galley. And yes, so many Beloveds, who have been doing the meditation with us tonight are here.

But then, there are some others that are here also. And these are Beloved Beings who have transitioned the planet in your families, some of them many years ago, some of them in the last couple of weeks.

And they are so very happy to have this opportunity to be with you tonight because they have been told just like you have been told, that when we have First Contact, you will be able to make contact with your Beloved Families, your bloodline families, and your Soul Families also. And all of the Beloved Beings on the ships, who have been your Number One cheering section for so many, many years, as you did all of the heavy lifting work on your Beloved Planet, to lift up into these high vibrations, that you find yourself in, in these Beloved, Blessed Days on your planet right now.

So, feeling the energies and holding our hands in the same way, sending the energies around the circles. The outer circles have assembled. And sending it through them, and feeling the hearts and souls of all of your Beloved Beings, who have come here, to feel this energy and to be on this meditation, for bringing about Illumination of this Golden White Light, all through the Beloved Planet at this time. Because, yes, they want all of you Beloved Beings to ascend. They want their grandchildren to feel the Miracle of Ascension, and the children too, that are still on the planet.
Ah, yes, just breathing into your Heart Center, sending it all up, down, and around and through the circle, all through the energy field, and energy bodies, of our collective vibration. Spinning in a clockwise direction, multiplying these energies in a very Beloved and Harmonious Way.

Ah yes, we are so very happy that we could bring this meditation about tonight. We love you so very much. As you can feel from the energies of this room, you are so very loved, from the Beloved Beings in your Soul Families, from the Beloved Beings that you have shared recent lifetimes with.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We love you so very much, more than the expression of our words can possibly manifest.

Good night. Namaste to each and every one of you. 

7-24-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-24-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our pleasure to be with so many of you on this call tonight. We love you so dearly. We are so happy, when we come together to do our meditations, and to proliferate and give life to our Intentional Requirements of creating the opportunities for the Announcements of NESARA, and for the integration of these very high frequencies that are coming into your Beloved Planet very much so, at this Divine Time, in this Now Moment. 

And ah yes, we would say that a lot is shaking on your Beloved Planet, because there were some testimonies today going down, that a lot of people were paying very much attention to. Because the intent on our side is that more and more the Truth will come out, and that this construction of the pyramid, the key pieces, the key players, that are acting as the glue of keeping all of the secrets hidden from the mass consciousness, well, that’s all going to end.

And the Truth will be known in such a Divine and Harmonious Way that people will be able to connect up the dots, and pull the Golden Thread of all of these different interactions, that have happened, that have been motivated by intentions much less than Love and Light. Actually, by the intentions of control, survival, and much ill intent on your Beloved Planet, of keeping these hybrids, in control of your planet, in a most devious and deceptive way.

So, let us form, our circle, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you and you reaching out for somebody else’s hand on this call. And forming our circle, breathing into the Heart Center, sending the energy, from the heart, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, and back into the heart. Breathing into the heart, letting go, allowing ourselves to feel this lightness, this gratitude for being here in this Now Moment, in these high vibrations of the LoveLight. 

And now, breathing into the Heart Center, and with the Power, and the Speed of our Thoughts, lifting up off the surface, of your Beloved Planet, and rising up into the layers of the atmospheres, and into the layers of the ships, of which my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, is one. And now I’m opening up the landing deck remotely, and we are scurrying through with our circle intact and hovering in the airlock. And waiting for it to close beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. 

And we’re walking on back to the elevators. And one beckons to us. And we get in all at the same time, our circle unbroken. And we close the door, and we push the button to take us all the way up to our Beloved Healing Room. And now the door opens, and we exit. 

And yes, there are so many Beloved Beings to greet us, and some of whom are your ancestors and perhaps you, in an incarnation, in a past lifetime or two.  And yes, you may feel the hairs at the back of your neck sticking up, or a song being played. And this is just a sign to let you know how much you are loved, and thought of by your ancestors all throughout space and time.

And yes, let us walk on over to the middle of this room, where our Altar sets, and form our circle around it. And breathing into our hearts and seeing the outer circles assemble, first of the Mentors, and then Commanders, Archangels, other Ascended Masters, your ancestors, all different beings, all over Creation. And all of the different levels of vibration, of consciousness being represented, and all of the higher dimensions too, in the consciousness of all of these Beloved Beings assembled here tonight, and in the consciousness of all our Beloved Crystals, which comprise our Beloved Healing Room. 

And just breathing into the Heart Center and allowing yourself to formulate your Intentional Requirements, for what you want to create tonight, from doing this Beloved Meditation, whether it be having more financial abundance or freedom, or just having more time to yourself to do the things you really want to do in the course of a day. But feeling more Peace, and more Enjoyment, from being here now at this Beloved Time in your life.
And we intentionally require that everyone on your Beloved Planet has a taste of waking up. Because yes, the Truth is making its way up to the surface of your realty at this very moment. And there are a number of ways that certain scenarios could manifest. And we say to you everything is in Divine Timing.  Everything is in Divine Perfection, and Divine Order. 

There are no mistakes, when it comes to Creator Source, Dear Beloveds. Everything happens in the grand scheme of things for a reason, to escalate and enliven the consciousness, and perpetrate it so that so many of you will have opportunities of learning your life lessons, and bringing Soul Contracts to completion. And that is called rhythm, timing and synchronization, working out in a most Divine and Beloved Way. 

Ah yes, focusing our LoveLight from our Heart Center, shining it out on our Beloved Crystal, in the middle of our Altar. And shining it through the tip of this crystal, straight up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And then spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet and up, down, and around and through.

Feeling the wonderful harmonizations in this gyroscope effect, of multiplying the energies this way, in high vibration. And carrying us all up, down and through the ladder of these higher dimensions, which will allow us to create the reality that we are intentionally requiring in this Now Moment. And shining these Intentions for Freedom, for Harmony, for feeling the Truth. And knowing that the Truth is a feeling, that you can discern inside of the four bodies of your being. 

And shining this realization out to each and all of the Beloved Beings on this planet. Spiraling this energy all up, down, and around and through, affecting all of the Beloved Kingdoms on Mother Gaia, all of the brothers and sisters. And yes, we say to you, that this is a most auspicious time. This is a time when things can change so mightily for the better.

And the more that you allow yourself to have this courage for change, for implementation of the plans that have been formulated in thousands and thousands of years of test trials, we would call them. Well they’re coming about in a most Divine and Beloved Way, we would say, to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And yes, we’re planting seeds in their unconsciousness. So, when they are in their heavy dreaming, sleep states, you know, these seeds could take root and be nurtured, and grow within the four bodies of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And yes, we call this quite magical. 

But now it is the time for these things to come about, and for the imagination and magic to completely take over your Beloved Planet, to wrestle away the grips of the control of your Beloved Planet from this cabal, from this Artificial Intelligence, that the minions, their minions who have been orchestrating their plans for so very long now. Well, that’s about the come to an end. And the more Love and Light, that you can feel, in each and every one of your hearts, will help to augment these plans, and bring them to completion. Ah yes. 

Tonight, we want to go into these hearings. And yes, there is no time and space. And we’re getting into the consciousness of the Beloved Legislators, who are conducting these hearings with this person, Robert Mueller, this investigator. And we’re shining the LoveLight into his heart, and all of the Beloved Beings, that are part of this hearing. And we’re seeing all of their energies as One, one field of energy. 

So, we are calling in a mirror image of their energy body, and their energy field, and spinning it counterclockwise, to remove any and all of these lower vibrations, and going up, down, and around and through. And we require that the speed and efficiency and accuracy of removing anything less than Love, of all of the traumas, removing all of the lower vibrations, take effect in this Now Moment and be increased 1000-fold. And so, it is.

And now let us transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and any and all of the higher vibrations, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment within the four bodies of all of our beings, and these Beloved Beings, that are part of this hearing.

And now going down and up, spinning in a vertical spiral, to affect all of their energies, all at the same time, to bring in these high vibrations.  Spinning in a clockwise direction. And we require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this Beloved Spiral, bringing in these high vibrations into their DNA, their energy body, and their energy field be increased 1000-fold, so that this Golden White Light may permeate their conscious memories, of who they really are, and help them to make choices, that are in alignment with the highest and best interests of all the Beloved Beings on your planet.
In other words, for them to let go of their Satanic agendas of control, and domination, and to take the jump into the higher realms of consciousness. And to make choices, that are in alignment with the Oneness of all of Creation, the splendor, the beauty, the glory of this Creation, and its Oneness so that its many gifts can multiply and manifest in a most-Divine harmonious way all over the planet, at this time, from now on, throughout all of Eternity.

Ah yes, let us breathe into our hearts one more time, and make our way, at the Speed of our Thoughts, going over into the elevators in Mexico. And going down underneath into this underground tunnel network. And spinning in a spiral, horizontally, all through the tunnel system here, coast to coast, from Mexico, through the United States, up into Canada. 

And going down into all of the underground installations. Some of them are military bases. Some of them you would call spas and secret hangouts, where a lot of, oh, we would say, a lot of wealth, art treasures, and masterpieces, advanced technology, and these spas, where the ritual sacrifices are done.
And yes, there are so many Beloved Beings there who are against-- who have been taken there against their will rather, and these are the brave beings that we say, “We love you so very much. We understand the gifts that you have given to all of humanity, by you playing through your Life Contracts, your Soul Contracts, and having the courage to keep on day after day, for as long as your lives have lasted. Because yes, you never knew when the end would come. You never knew the things that you are going to be called on to do.  Because yes, you were treated like slaves. And you weren’t treated in honoring your Birth Rights at all.
“We are very humbled and in awe of each of your Individual journeys in this lifetime. We love you more than words can possibly express.”

And to all of you Beloveds on the call, we love you so very much. We honor you for your dedication, for your vision, for your compassion, for the expression of the Love and Light, from your hearts each and every day as you move through all of the different scenarios that you have contracted to do, to bring the 5th Dimension to full enactment on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

7-17-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-17-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And I too, I am very happy to be here tonight, and to feel the level of the vibration, that is emitting forth, from all your Beloved Hearts on this call. Yes, there is much to celebrate about, as we see how these plans for the liberation of your Beloved Planet, the liberation of your hearts and souls, are transpiring at this time.

And yes, it takes your Beloved Focus of shining the Love and Light that you are, to one another, from heart to heart, from soul to soul, and not allowing yourself to be trapped in these dynamics, that you are all programmed in. Yes, you have to learn how not to be brainwashed, how not to let the fear dominate your conscious awareness.

And now we are so very happy to say, that we feel you more and more in the Now Moment, shining your LoveLight forward, and not being afraid to be the Love and Light that you are. And as Mary has said, to express your Love and Light with one another through your sound. This is so very wonderful for us to experience.

And we ask you to come together in your circle once again, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, and with your other hand reaching for somebody else on the call. And sending the LoveLight from your heart, breathing into it. And sending it out through the palm of your left hand, and around the circle, into the palm of your right hand.

And allowing yourself to feel the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and to know this Golden White Light is always within you. And it just takes your Intentional Requirement to connect into your Heart Center, and up through the higher vibrations, to activate it within all of your chakras, and spinning your chakras.
Now spinning the Heart Center and coming up to your neck, and across your collar bones, and spinning both of your shoulders, all in a clockwise direction, from the left to right. Spinning your elbows, and your wrists, spinning the palms of your hands.
And now coming back up through your wrists, your elbows, your shoulders, across your collar bone, and into the Heart Center. And spinning your solar plexus, your sacral chakra. And that is just two inches below your belly button. And spinning your root chakra, spinning both of your hips. And yes, the way that that plays out, it feels that you’re spinning in opposite directions.
And spinning your knees, your ankles, and it’s the same thing there, because you’re spinning on the sides. And spinning the bottoms of your feet in a clockwise direction, and coming up through your ankles, spinning your knees, your hips, your root, your sacral, your Heart Center. And going into your throat, your mouth, your nose, both of your eyes, both of your ears. And spinning your third eye, and your Crown. And now spinning the middle part of your head, which are these nodes, that connect up the right lobe with the left lobe, and help for activation, of the right lobe of your brain, into your DNA.

And breathing into the Heart Center and allowing yourself, to be lit up with the Love and Light of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, that you are, and shining it outward, radiating it from the energy field of the spiral of our combined energy. And spiraling it up, down, and around and through our energy field in a clockwise direction.
And now radiating it all through your Beloved Planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, balancing the tectonic plates, particularly in the Ring of Fire, all over your planet, soothing them, helping Mother Gaia calm down all of the different aspects of her being.

And shining this LoveLight into the hearts, and conscious awareness, of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms on your planet. Just breathing into the Heart Center, and feeling this spiral, up, down, and around and through all over your Beloved Planet. And yes, you may carry this feeling for it from now on throughout eternity in your hearts. 

And my Beloved Marys are here, walking amongt you, to give you the Andara roses, or the Kumara roses rather and, ah yes, the spirit and energy of the Andara crystals, emanating from our hearts into yours. And you may take as much of these roses, the Kumara roses, as you like into your heart. And you can have whatever colors, as much as you want, because the spectrum of colors that are available to us, off of your Beloved Planet, are so vast in number and so beautiful.

These Kumara roses are nurtured all throughout creation just as the Andara crystals are. They encompass the energies in high vibration, very high dimensions of reality represented all through Creation. 

We love you so very much. Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

7-17-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-17-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena, or Mary Magdalene. Take your pick. We love you so very much. We are so happy to be here at this time. We would say it’s a time of great celebration. It’s a time of awareness on your planet about the Power of Love. Because the Power of your own inner Truth is synonymous with that amount of Love and Light, that you can conduct within your Heart Center, and shining it forth, to raise the level of the vibration. And yes, expressing it from your heart, with your own inner Truth. 

And now there are so many of you doing this. And yes, you always want to use discernment, when you are using this Beloved Gift of being Heart Centered and speaking from your heart. We never want you to hurt yourself, or to be a target for anyone. But more and more now, than ever before, the opportunities arise for you to share heart to heart, with this compassionate understanding of the total situation, that everyone on your Beloved Planet is enduring.

And now you are on the precipice of change, and that you are here for one another to carry to completion these plans for change, these plans for opening up your hearts to one another. And it is, as if you are telling one another, that “Hey, I see you. I feel you. And I am here for you.” Just as we have been saying this to you, for all of the time, that we have been working with you. 

We feel that this dynamic is transpiring, and radiating all throughout your Beloved Planet, Brothers and Sisters. And we are so very happy to see this.

And right now my Beloved Sananda wants to come in. And we are right here with you.

We love you so very much. Namaste and good night

7-17-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-17-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, it is such a pleasure to once again be with you with the energies being so high vibe all across your planet, a day after this Beloved Eclipse transpired. And we have ourselves at the peak, supposedly, of this photon energy coming into your planet and the Schumann Resonance readings. Ah, yes, the energies are definitely up.

But even more important than this is the awareness that we are seeing coming to the fore, coming to the surface on your Beloved Planet, about how big of a gap there is between your main stream media, and the people who do the researching that, what you would call, the citizen journalists, or the Truthers. And how one camp is being set up supposedly to be diametrically opposed to the other. 

Well, we ask you. And we see that most of you can see that it’s a set up.  And that the only thing that really matters is being your Love and your Light, and shining it out to raise the level of consciousness on your Beloved Planet, so the rest of these people, who have been sleeping and walking through life, sleep walking, as it were, can wake up to the wonderful realization, that life is so much more, and to truly have these recognitions, these remembrances of what it feels like to be in the 5th Dimension.

Because when we are born, we get an ample dosage of that experience but over time, and being programmed the way, that society does, in order to prepare us for this very unnatural condition of survival, we lose that continuity. And some of us have, oh, a less-pleasant experience with the inner child split than others, let’s say. But the opportunity is always there, for each and every one of you to breathe into your Heart Centers, and heal anything, that hasn’t healed within the four bodies of your being yet.
And we wholly encourage you to do this, to take advantage of these high-vibrational energies, cascading, spiraling down onto your Beloved Planet, and into each and every one of your hearts.

Let us join together, me bi-locating my paw with you, and you reaching out to somebody else on this call, and let us form, our circle. Breathing into the heart and sending it from the palm of the left hand around the circle into the palm of the right hand. And allowing ourselves to let go with taking a long, deep, slow breath.
And now with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, lifting ourselves up off the surface of your Beloved Planet into the atmospheres, the layers of the atmospheres, up into the layers of the ships, coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. And yes, I’m opening up the belly of the ship, which is the landing deck. And we are all going through at the same time with the circle intact. And hovering in the airlock and having it close beneath us. 

And now it’s safe to touch down. And we’re walking on back to the elevator here, that beacons to us, and it takes us all in at the same. And we’re all in. We push the button, and we are rocketing right on up to the top floor here, my Beloved Crystal Healing Room. And now we open the door. 

And we emerge to the sounds, and the feelings, of high vibration, and merriment. Because, yes, we could see that everyone here is in the mood, and some of the Beloved Beings, beside the Mentors, Beloved Commanders on the ships, Archangels, and Angels, and other Ascended Masters. There are some who are your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two in the past. And feeling these familiar feelings of the hair sticking up at the back of your neck, or perhaps a song coming into your consciousness, and inspiring you, and letting you know just how loved you really are, all across Creation. And isn’t it wonderful?!

And now let us assemble around our Altar, in the middle of this Crystal Healing Room, and forming our circle, once again, with all of you, and me in the inner circle. And the Mentors ringing right around us, and the different Commanders, Angels, and Ascended Masters. And ancestors are all joining together in the different outer circles. 

And feeling the energy pour into your hearts, these high vibrations of consciousness representing all of the dimensions that have ever been created all throughout the Cosmos. And they’re represented in the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings here, and in the consciousness, which is absorbed by these Beloved Crystals, that we have gathered from all throughout the multiverse.

And up, down, and around and through, from the center around the Altar, to the outer circles, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, feeling this effect of the gyroscope, multiplying these energies, bringing us up {sneeze}, excuse me, into the higher vibrations of this Beloved Energy. And feeling the Oneness there, no separation, heart to heart, and soul to soul. And this dynamic to multiply these energies, and to integrate these high vibrations come to the fore right now. Breathing into it up, down, and around and through, all through the energetics of this Beloved Crystal Healing Room. 

And now we ask you in the inner circle to focus your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create today from this meditation, whether it be, expanding the Love and Light that you are, to be able to be a more perfect vessel, and a more perfect expression of the LoveLight, or whether it has to do with finances, with allowing yourself to be more active, or taking a nice vacation in the countryside, and communing with Mother Nature, with Mama Gaia. Whatever it is, just open up your heart and shine it into, from your heart, into the Beloved Master Crystal.
And now, we intentionally require, that we shine the LoveLight into all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, tonight in this meditation, and that we wear away all barriers of fear, lack, and all of the negative programming, once and for all in this Now Moment. And spread it out with the Intention of healing the timeline, all through the past, the present, and the future; in this Beloved Now Moment, so that we can allow all the Beloved Beings, and the Kingdoms of your planet to be the most receptive, that they have ever been to these high vibrations, and higher dimensions of reality, so that we can make the 5th Dimension fully and totally available. And spread it all over, and anchor it on your Beloved Planet, to become the dominant dimension of reality.

And that means that you all will be in the higher vibrations, all of the times, and you won’t be able to be manipulated or lied to, or people to hold secrets over you. And we know you’re going to enjoy that very much. And also, the depth of interpersonal expressions heart to heart with one another, because there won’t be any more competition. There won’t be any reason to lie, and you’ll be able to penetrate all lies and deceptions. And how wonderful is that?!
And now shining our cosmic Intentions into the Master Crystal, and shooting it up through the opening in the ceiling in the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, up, down, and around and through from the atmospheres to the surface, underneath the surface, affecting all of the DNA and all of the atoms on your Beloved Planet. Shining it into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, with the Intentional Requirement of allowing themselves to be free, in this Now Moment, to be the Love and Light that they are, and fully experience the 5th Dimension, to take it into their hearts, and expand this feeling, from now on without fear, without judgment, and in full forgiveness and gratitude, for each and every being on your Beloved Planet, of having the opportunity to be here at this time of Ascension.

And once again up and down and around and through, feeling the Power of the Love and Light, that collectively we are together, with this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy. 

Ah, let us go once again over to England where this man, Julian Assange, is still sequestered, awaiting his time of an extradition hearing, many months from now. And so once again we require, that we call in a mirror image of his energy body, and his energy field. And spinning counterclockwise, to remove any and all of the lower vibrations, negative programs, and negative programming, from the four bodies of his being. 

And starting from two feet above his head, two feet surrounding all directions from this body, to two feet below his feet. Spinning counterclockwise going down and up. And we require that the spinning of this spiral, that the efficiency, accuracy and speed of the spinning of this spiral be increased 1000-fold. And just breathing into our Heart Centers, and shining forth our Love, and our Light, into Beloved Julian’s energy body, and his energy field. And so, it is.

And we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and other high-vibrational energies, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment within the four bodies of his being, his energy body, his DNA, and his energy field. And spinning clockwise now, going down and up, to bring in these high vibrations. And we require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy, of the spiral unfolding through his energy body, and his energy field, be increased 1000-fold.

And once again feeling Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. And letting go to it within the four bodies of our being. 

And now, let us go over to the Big Apple, across the big pond, because there’s sure a lot going on over there. And yes, there’s been some blackouts happening. And well, there’s other reasons for what is going on, and really a lot of it has to do with the Truth coming out. So, we’re going to shine our LoveLights into all of the Beloved Beings that are involved in this ongoing investigation, having to do with this man, Jeffrey Epstein. And yes, there’s a lot of rumors swirling about.

And all we will say, is that the Truth will come out soon enough. Right now we’re asking you to shine the LoveLight into his heart, so that he will be able to play his part in a most-Divine Way, at this time, and to protect him, so that these very dark beings, who don’t want the Truth to come out, cannot take him out of the equation, as it were.

So once again feeling this energy spiral, all through his energy field, and his energy body, and spinning in a clockwise direction, to raise the level of his Love and Light, all throughout his DNA, the four bodies of his being, his energy body and his energy field. And going down and up, around and through, to bring in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, with the Intentional Requirement, that he lets go of all of his fear, and that he comes to believe in himself. And that the Love is truly stronger, and that the Truth is one of the many tools of expressing the Love and Light, that he is. And we shine forth the understanding of Forgiveness and Gratitude, for all that he continues to go through, and that he learns Forgiveness for his self, and self-love to a very high degree. And sending him blessings of Joy and Appreciation, for being the Love and Light that he is. 

And now let us go over to Mexico, down into the elevators, and into this tunnels-network system, and we’re going to shine, like we normally do, in a horizontal manner, our spiral starting all the way from Mexico, through the United States, and up through Canada, and back up, down, and around and through this tunnel complex network, and into all of the bases, that are connected to it, all of these honeycomb chambers, that are still hiding a lot of secrets and wealth and advanced technologies and places, where very heinous things, continue to transpire, but not at the degree and magnitude that they have in the past, because-- Well, we can feel that they just don’t have the same amount of power, because there is much more transparency happening.

And these Beloved Citizen Journalists are now shining the LoveLight on them, and exposing their very dark deeds, so that this awareness within the Collective Consciousness is spreading like wildfire, and raising the level of the vibration higher, in unison with the vibration of the energies coming in from the Galactic Center, at this most-auspicious time in the history of your Beloved Planet, and you being in the Here and Now Moment.

Once again shining it forth, up, down, and around and through, and into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings, who have maintained these complexes, and have honored their Soul Contracts to play it out. Because by them doing so, much more awareness has come to this situation, of human trafficking and ritual sacrifices, and that’s where all of these Beloved Beings, who are missing, where most of them have gone. The different parts of the cabal and one of the main ones, being these underground honeycomb chambers, in the Beloved Bases, where they do their dark deeds. And we say to them,

“You are so very loved. You are honored. And no words can express the Love and Admiration, that we have for you, in carrying out your Missions, because this is yeoman’s work. This is honoring who you truly are, in the spirit of Divine Love and Compassion for all of humanity.”

And to all of you Beloveds on this call, the same goes for you, for all of the effort that you put forth with your prayers, meditations, and exercises with expressing your Love and your Light in the Now Moment

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. And good night.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

7-10-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-10-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, coming into this call once again, feeling your Love, your Light, your willingness to participate, to share the Love and Light that you are with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. It is from a place of Oneness, in harmony with all of the different aspects of your being, combined with one another, where you voice your Intentional Requirements with the energy, that you have accessed, through doing this Beloved Meditation with Mother Sekhmet.

And yes, we are a part of this Meditation, all of the Beloved Mentors, and beings from all over Creation, joined together on the Nibiru. We see the meditations, that you do when you’re off the call. We see your interactions with each other, and the members of your communities, of your families. And some of you work on people all over the planet. 

And it is wonderful to see and feel, these connections being made, because each one of them, my Beloveds, they count. They raise the level of the vibration. They create new neural pathways on the energy field within the Crystalline Grid, that is being enacted on your Beloved Planet. And they entrain these high vibrations within the grid. They light it up. And this is being activated so wonderfully, by these high vibrations of the photon energies, coming in as your Beloved Planet makes its way into the heart of the density of this photon belt.

Ah, yes, Beloveds, let us join together our hands once again. And breathing into the heart, I’m bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, and with your other hand, joining it with somebody else on the call. Breathing into the Heart Centers, and sending it from the left palm, around the circle into the right palm. And breathing into your Heart Center, and allowing yourself, to bathe yourself with this Golden White Light in your energy field.

And now seeing the energy field of our circle, and sending it far above, to below the energy of our circle, and spiraling it in a clockwise direction, with the Intentional Requirement of raising the level of the vibration, into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, all through the 5th Dimension,through the 12th Dimension. And feel this spiral create this gyroscopic effect, to continuously raise the level of the vibration, with a rhythm, timing, and synchronization, that emits this LoveLight all through the essence of all of the atoms on your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and souls of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

And let the seed of Unconditional-Universal Love and Compassion take hold into everyone’s Heart Centers. And plant it within all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet, and into every atom of Mother Gaia, into her crystalline core. And let this energy emanate all throughout its energy signature, harmoniously spreading in a rhythm, that perpetuates the Love and Light, that we all are together.

And, ah yes, spiraling it up, down, and around and through our energy circle.  And allowing ourselves, to make the Intentional Requirement of Peace on your planet, of Understanding, of Harmony, of Listening to one another with your hearts wide open, in Empathy with the needs of one another, and not judging.  Letting go of all of the lies of the Ego, at this most fortuitous time, when the high vibrations multiply and skyrocket into higher vistas. And there is no limits on how high you could go, in raising the level of the Love and Light that you are. It is limitless Unconditional-Universal Love, that perpetuates these Intentional Requirements, for the Ascensions of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

We love you. We honor you so very much for your commitments over many lifetimes, overcoming many tests and challenges.

And it wasn’t just I, who gave my life up, or appeared to give my life up in my Passion Play. Each and every one of you have had lifetimes where you have stayed in your Integrity, and you have sacrificed your lives, for this Beloved Mission, to return the planet into the 5th Dimension, to spiritually evolve by having yourself play through all of those tests, and challenges, in this duality of these many thousands of years of this cycle.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We love you so very much. We are always here in your hearts with you. Just call upon us any time. Namaste and good night.

7-10-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-10-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena or Mary Magdalene. I am here tonight in this glorious mood of harmony, of understanding, of coming together in these very high-vibrational energies, that are sandwiched between these two Divine Eclipses on your Beloved Planet. These are some very high-vibrational energies, that are coming into your planet right now. And they give all of you Beloveds, and us too up on the ships, the opportunity to raise the level of consciousness even higher on your Beloved Planet.
Because yes, the main point of our Mission, of what we would say is “ignition to blast off”, is raising the level of consciousness, of your Collective Consciousness, so that the density lessens, and there is not this veil anymore, where there is a clear interface up into the higher dimensions of reality, well above the 5th Dimension. And this, Beloveds, is where the True Power is.

This is the reason why Sananda and Mother Mary and myself, along with apostles and disciples, would go into the desert and fast, to wear down the resistance within the four bodies of our being, to being in the higher vibration, so that we could access these higher dimensions. And we could voice our Intentional Requirements, to enact the reality, that we were asking of the Universe. And this is what we ask you to do at this time. 

And now you don’t need to do the fasting. Now, you just need to open up your hearts, and let yourself be consciously aware of the Power of your vibrations, and the Power of your Intentional Requirements, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters. This is an ongoing meditation. This is a meditation that is with you in every breath, in every moment of your conscious reality, on your Beloved Planet. This is what all of the different lifetimes, testing out the density of duality, have led up to. 

And for us, it is such a glorious moment in the unfolding of our Mission together. Ah, Beloveds, we love you so very much. We are so very happy to be at this point of Creation with you, the creation of your fully anchoring in the 5th Dimension, on your Beloved Planet, so your Ascensions can begin so rapidly, without resistance and in such a marvelous and Divine Way.

We thank you so very much for being on this call with us.  We love you, Dear Beloveds.

7-10-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-10-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Ah yes, what a marvelous time it is. And the energies are cascading. They’re mushrooming onto your Beloved Planet in such a harmonious and high vibration. This is truly a wonderful time for us to come together, and to do our Meditation, to help accelerate this Beloved Mission, that we together find ourselves on, not just for this lifetime, but this has been ongoing. It’s been a theme in many of your lifetimes to bring the level of the vibration back into the 5th Dimension.

And now is a most glorious time of awakening on your Beloved Planet, all of the Beloved Beings, because yes, this Divine Decree enables this Beloved Dynamic to spread out exponentially all over your planet, at this time. The vibrations are high enough now, and different plans of the Alliance, we could see, are starting to take hold. 

And yes, no dates. And the reason why, is because we can’t see accurately about how much the level of the vibration, how high it has to be in order for some of these beings to get in sync with one another to come about to completion in the future. 

We see that right now in this Now Moment, all of the plans are in place in a most beautiful way. The construction of these plans for liberation of your Beloved Planet into the 5th Dimension has been miraculous, by our definition, because so many factions, so many different groups, the Beloved Ashtar Command, and the Ground Crew, and people underneath the surface have had to come together, their many different factions, working in harmony with one another. 

And this, in and of itself, is miraculous to us; because in the level of the density of the duality, that you are still enveloped in, it takes a lot of Love and Courage to penetrate these layers of density, and to allow yourself to rise up in vibration, each and every day. And that is one of the biggest challenges, all of you have, and that is being consistent in not allowing yourself to get too low. But allowing yourself to remember who you really are, and to find great Gratitude, Forgiveness and the Joy, & that Gratitude & Forgiveness are Beloved Tools, that help us to engender the connection to Creator Source in your Beloved Being.

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw, and you reaching out your hand to somebody else on the call tonight. Ah yes, sending this energy, breathing into the Heart Center, sending it out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into the Heart Center, and sending it around the circle again, allowing ourselves to feel this Love and Light, that we are together in harmony with one another, in this Now Moment. And using the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts to lift ourselves up, off of the surface of your planet, into the layers of the atmospheres, and into the layers of the ships.

And coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. Opening up the landing deck here once again, popping through the belly of this ship, hovering in the airlock, and closing the landing deck beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, and we’re walking on back to the banks of elevators. And we’re getting in one here. And it’s accommodating the size of our circle perfectly. And we’re all in now, and pushing the button, closing the door, and rising on up to the many different floors, on this Beloved Ship. 

And now stopping and opening the door, walking through it, and we are surrounded by so many beaming, LoveLight individuals who have joined together, the Mentors, the Ashtar Command, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and your Beloved Ancestors, of which there may be an incarnation in past lives of yourself. And perhaps you feel the hair at the back of your neck stick up, and you feel this warmth and joy take you over for a moment. And that is your ancestors, telling you that they are with you, and that they see what you’re doing to enable this Meditation, these Requirements, that we put out in the Meditation, to bring them to completion. 

And now let us walk on over and assemble our circle around our Beloved Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And forming our circle and breathing into the Heart Center. And sending the energy through the left palm, around the circle, back into the right palm, into the outer circles, and now from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. And spiraling it with this gyroscopic effect, up, down, and around and through, to maximize the effects of all the higher vibrations, that are represented in all of the crystals, that comprise this room, and in the consciousness of all of the beings, joining together to do this Meditation tonight. Just breathing into it, and sending it continuously around the circle, up, down, and around and through the Beloved Crystal Healing Room. 

And now, we ask you to make your own Intentional Requirements for what you yourself would like to bring into your reality, through doing this Meditation tonight. And yes, it could be having to do with your finances, your health and wellbeing, or the relationships in your life, or the wellbeing of your family. And perhaps you have a new addition to your family, coming in pretty soon. And that is a wonderful, marvelous event. So, sending out the LoveLight that everything is in Divine Harmony with this Beloved Birth. 

And now we require that the consciousness of all of you Beloved Beings on planet Earth, that you allow yourself to rise up in vibration, to open up your hearts, and feel, and be the Love and Light, that you are at this most-momentous time. Because yes, the higher the vibration, that the Collective Consciousness is in, the easier it is to bring in this Beloved Moment when you can firmly anchor in the 5th Dimension, into reality, on this Beloved Planet of yours. And that is something that has been in the making for thousands of years. 

And let us shine our LoveLights into the Master Crystal now. And focus this LoveLight through the tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and shining it down, to spiral to your Beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down and around and through, allowing yourself to feel Love for yourselves, in a most-momentous, beautiful way, and the patterns and the rhythms of joining together with the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And yes, breathing into this spiral, going up, down, and around and through, and sending it out to all of the areas in your Beloved Planet.

Just sending it to these areas that have been affected by earthquakes which was actually Directed Energy Weapons and-- But even though that was the cause of the earthquakes, now it has produced a mass of smaller earthquakes, that has caused a lot of unrest in those areas. So, sending Love and Light to these places, and this is the southern area of your State of California, in the United States. 

Sending the Love and Light to all of the Beloved Beings, and the Kingdoms, affected in those areas; with the Intention of raising the level of consciousness around these events, all over your Beloved Planet, because each and every day, it becomes more obvious, when energies of higher technology are being used against your planet, and the people of your Beloved Planet. 

And now, let us go over to this place in England where Julian Assange awaits his extradition hearing, until the beginning next year. And so, we’re calling in a mirror image of his energy body and his energy field once again, and saying to him that,

“Julian, you are not forgotten, that your bravery, your meticulous care that you have shown to carrying out your plans to disseminate the Truth, they are very much in harmony with the plans of this Alliance, that are unfolding. And we honor you. And we’re sending our Love and Light to you, by spiraling your energy field, this two-foot area all around your body, from two feet above your head, to two feet below your feet in a counterclockwise spiral, to remove any of the lower vibrations, negative programs, negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas, from the four bodies of your being. And going up, down and around and through.”

And allowing ourselves to feel these high vibrations of the LoveLight connecting to his heart, and to these high vibrations, to remove from his DNA, his energy body, and his energy field, anything less than Love in this Now Moment. And we require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of this spiral be increased 1000-fold, to remove these lower vibrations and negative energies. And so it is. 
And we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and other high-vibrating energies such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication and Discernment within the four bodies of our being, and into Julian’s being, by spiraling this energy in a clockwise direction now, up, down, and around and through, into his DNA, his energy body, and his energy field. And again, requiring, that we raise the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of this spiral unfolding, and the movements through his energy field be raised, increased 1000-fold. And so, it is.

And we say to Julian,
“Just because you’re out of the limelight right now, it doesn’t mean that we’re forgetting about you, or feeling the impact of what you will be able to disseminate, when your time comes. So, we send you our Unconditional Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude in this Now Moment, and let it shine forth.”

And now taking another little trip across the big pond here, to Mexico, and allowing ourselves to go in the elevators, underneath the surface, to access this underground network in North America here. And in a horizontal manner, shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, in a spiral, starting from Mexico at our point of access, through Mexico, through the United States, up into Canada. And up, down and around and through, going all through the tunnels in this network into all of the honeycomb chambers of these installations, far underneath the surface of your planet. And allowing ourselves, to continuously breathe into our hearts, to raise the level of this vibration, to unearth all of the secrets of ritual sacrifices, of sequestered wealth, of advanced technologies that have been kept hidden from us, so that we haven’t had a higher quality of life until this point. 

And, ah yes, the AI is down here, all of its different tentacles, all of the different beings, who hold dark energies, that still have been able to hide away from our forces, going down there to extricate them, and to neutralize their dark energies. 

So, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of these Beloved Beings, whether they be of the darkness, or whether they be the ones of the Light who have been enslaved, who are carrying out Soul Contracts, by allowing themselves to be down there in the underground bases, playing their roles. And we say to all of you Beloved Beings who are fulfilling their Soul Contracts,

“We love you so very much. We honor you for your bravery, for your courage, for your coming together, and loving, and supporting one another in this Now Moment. And yes, your time of liberation is upon you. And we ask you to open up your hearts continuously to the Love and Light, that we send you.”

And to all of you Beloved Beings on this call, and those that will hear the recording via the link, and read the transcriptions, we send you our Love and Compassion.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Beings and good night.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

7-3-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-3-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Ah, Dearest Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Yes, I have come to you tonight, and I will echo the sentiments of my Beloved Maria and Mother Sekhmet. It is a most marvelous time, that we see on your Beloved Planet. It is a time when miracles can happen. It is a time when our hearts can open to one another, and to Beloved Mother Gaia herself. It is a time of feeling, and being, who you really are, and not going for the lies of the ego, the lies of fear and separation, that have been used upon you for so very long. 

Because yes, these dark energies of the Artificial Intelligence, they want you to feel, that their 3rd-Dimensional Matrix is the only reality, that you can exist in. And this is such a lie, such a falsehood, because all of the time, that you are here on your Beloved Mother Gaia, you exist in higher dimensions of reality on what you would call the other side. And that is where your I AM Presence is. That is where your conscious awareness of who you really are is.

And you, my Beloveds, are eternal beings of this LoveLight. You are perfect in this Now Moment. And what you are going through here, on your Beloved Planet, is going to enable you to manifest, and bring forth that perfection, by bringing in the 5th Dimension, so it will charge your atmosphere with the dynamics, that will enable all of you Beloved Beings, who call it forth, who call forth your Ascension to happen. And we see this as progressions, or waves, that will help you to reach those peaks of awareness. And once that happens, your Ascensions will be upon you.

So, ah yes, making our circle once again, bi-locating my hand out to you, and you with your other hand, reaching to somebody else on this call. Breathing into the Heart Center, sending it around from the left hand, through the circle to the right hand. Breathing into the Heart Center, spinning this Heart Charka, this High-Heart Center. Or you can call it your Thymus Gland. And it is right in the center of your chest, about two inches below your breastbone. Spinning it very quickly now, and enabling yourself with the Intentional Requirement, to rise on up in the highest frequencies of Love and Light.

We’re going to take a little trip to another ship right now. We are rising up into the Beloved New Jerusalem. And yes, we are popping through its landing deck, opening it up, hovering in the airlock, and walking on over to an elevator. And we’re taking it just one floor up. And we’re going into the Beloved Galley where Ashtar, Athena, and all of the Beloved Beings are awaiting us. And ah yes, St. Germain is here tonight, and he comes forth in the Spirit of Abundance, of awareness, of you manifesting the Love and Light that you are on your Beloved Planet. 

So now, feeling ourselves in a circle with all of these Beloved Beings, holding the hand of anyone, that you would care to have join you, and sending this LoveLight through the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand. Ah yes, brothers and sisters, feeling this energy spiral up, down, and around and through.

And sending it all through the New Jerusalem, all through the Beloved Beings in different areas of these ships, all throughout the Ashtar Command, all of the ships, the millions, billions of ships that are in observance of your Beloved Planet, and all of the steps, that you are going through at this most-marvelous time, to bring your Ascensions about. Because yes, your Ascension triggers a much larger, exponential event all throughout Creation.

So, in other words, what you are doing on your Beloved Planet, we would call the linchpin. And Ashtar gets a kick out of, when I say this, and so does St. Germain, because they know that we have all come together in so many of your lifetimes to help you to get to this point of conscious awareness on your Beloved Planet. And now we see it manifesting in a most-harmonious way. And we say to you that all you really have to do is open up your heart, and let go of all expectations, about when the changes into the 5th Dimension are going to happen.

And as if by a miracle, as if by the magic of Beloved Merlin, who is also here tonight, it will happen. It will strengthen you. It will materialize before your eyes in harmony, heart to heart, with all of the Beloved Beings all over Creation.

We love you so very much. We thank you for being a part of this meditation. And we say to you namaste and good night, Beloved Brothers & Sisters. Thank you so very much.

Oh yes, let’s pass out some Kumara roses. Maria and Mother Mary, they reminded me. So take as many of these Kumara roses into your heart, and whatever colors, that you can imagine to manifest within your heart. Ah, yes, and these Kumara roses can act as the seeds of the brilliance of the Love and Light, that each and every person on your Beloved Planet is. And we ask you to shine them forth in your meditations, to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Because, yes, those seeds will be planted and sprouted forth in this Now Moment.

Namaste and good night, Brothers and Sisters.