Thursday, July 11, 2019

7-10-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-10-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Ah yes, what a marvelous time it is. And the energies are cascading. They’re mushrooming onto your Beloved Planet in such a harmonious and high vibration. This is truly a wonderful time for us to come together, and to do our Meditation, to help accelerate this Beloved Mission, that we together find ourselves on, not just for this lifetime, but this has been ongoing. It’s been a theme in many of your lifetimes to bring the level of the vibration back into the 5th Dimension.

And now is a most glorious time of awakening on your Beloved Planet, all of the Beloved Beings, because yes, this Divine Decree enables this Beloved Dynamic to spread out exponentially all over your planet, at this time. The vibrations are high enough now, and different plans of the Alliance, we could see, are starting to take hold. 

And yes, no dates. And the reason why, is because we can’t see accurately about how much the level of the vibration, how high it has to be in order for some of these beings to get in sync with one another to come about to completion in the future. 

We see that right now in this Now Moment, all of the plans are in place in a most beautiful way. The construction of these plans for liberation of your Beloved Planet into the 5th Dimension has been miraculous, by our definition, because so many factions, so many different groups, the Beloved Ashtar Command, and the Ground Crew, and people underneath the surface have had to come together, their many different factions, working in harmony with one another. 

And this, in and of itself, is miraculous to us; because in the level of the density of the duality, that you are still enveloped in, it takes a lot of Love and Courage to penetrate these layers of density, and to allow yourself to rise up in vibration, each and every day. And that is one of the biggest challenges, all of you have, and that is being consistent in not allowing yourself to get too low. But allowing yourself to remember who you really are, and to find great Gratitude, Forgiveness and the Joy, & that Gratitude & Forgiveness are Beloved Tools, that help us to engender the connection to Creator Source in your Beloved Being.

So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw, and you reaching out your hand to somebody else on the call tonight. Ah yes, sending this energy, breathing into the Heart Center, sending it out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into the Heart Center, and sending it around the circle again, allowing ourselves to feel this Love and Light, that we are together in harmony with one another, in this Now Moment. And using the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts to lift ourselves up, off of the surface of your planet, into the layers of the atmospheres, and into the layers of the ships.

And coming upon my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. Opening up the landing deck here once again, popping through the belly of this ship, hovering in the airlock, and closing the landing deck beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, and we’re walking on back to the banks of elevators. And we’re getting in one here. And it’s accommodating the size of our circle perfectly. And we’re all in now, and pushing the button, closing the door, and rising on up to the many different floors, on this Beloved Ship. 

And now stopping and opening the door, walking through it, and we are surrounded by so many beaming, LoveLight individuals who have joined together, the Mentors, the Ashtar Command, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and your Beloved Ancestors, of which there may be an incarnation in past lives of yourself. And perhaps you feel the hair at the back of your neck stick up, and you feel this warmth and joy take you over for a moment. And that is your ancestors, telling you that they are with you, and that they see what you’re doing to enable this Meditation, these Requirements, that we put out in the Meditation, to bring them to completion. 

And now let us walk on over and assemble our circle around our Beloved Altar where our Master Crystal sets. And forming our circle and breathing into the Heart Center. And sending the energy through the left palm, around the circle, back into the right palm, into the outer circles, and now from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. And spiraling it with this gyroscopic effect, up, down, and around and through, to maximize the effects of all the higher vibrations, that are represented in all of the crystals, that comprise this room, and in the consciousness of all of the beings, joining together to do this Meditation tonight. Just breathing into it, and sending it continuously around the circle, up, down, and around and through the Beloved Crystal Healing Room. 

And now, we ask you to make your own Intentional Requirements for what you yourself would like to bring into your reality, through doing this Meditation tonight. And yes, it could be having to do with your finances, your health and wellbeing, or the relationships in your life, or the wellbeing of your family. And perhaps you have a new addition to your family, coming in pretty soon. And that is a wonderful, marvelous event. So, sending out the LoveLight that everything is in Divine Harmony with this Beloved Birth. 

And now we require that the consciousness of all of you Beloved Beings on planet Earth, that you allow yourself to rise up in vibration, to open up your hearts, and feel, and be the Love and Light, that you are at this most-momentous time. Because yes, the higher the vibration, that the Collective Consciousness is in, the easier it is to bring in this Beloved Moment when you can firmly anchor in the 5th Dimension, into reality, on this Beloved Planet of yours. And that is something that has been in the making for thousands of years. 

And let us shine our LoveLights into the Master Crystal now. And focus this LoveLight through the tip, through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and shining it down, to spiral to your Beloved Planet, from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down and around and through, allowing yourself to feel Love for yourselves, in a most-momentous, beautiful way, and the patterns and the rhythms of joining together with the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And yes, breathing into this spiral, going up, down, and around and through, and sending it out to all of the areas in your Beloved Planet.

Just sending it to these areas that have been affected by earthquakes which was actually Directed Energy Weapons and-- But even though that was the cause of the earthquakes, now it has produced a mass of smaller earthquakes, that has caused a lot of unrest in those areas. So, sending Love and Light to these places, and this is the southern area of your State of California, in the United States. 

Sending the Love and Light to all of the Beloved Beings, and the Kingdoms, affected in those areas; with the Intention of raising the level of consciousness around these events, all over your Beloved Planet, because each and every day, it becomes more obvious, when energies of higher technology are being used against your planet, and the people of your Beloved Planet. 

And now, let us go over to this place in England where Julian Assange awaits his extradition hearing, until the beginning next year. And so, we’re calling in a mirror image of his energy body and his energy field once again, and saying to him that,

“Julian, you are not forgotten, that your bravery, your meticulous care that you have shown to carrying out your plans to disseminate the Truth, they are very much in harmony with the plans of this Alliance, that are unfolding. And we honor you. And we’re sending our Love and Light to you, by spiraling your energy field, this two-foot area all around your body, from two feet above your head, to two feet below your feet in a counterclockwise spiral, to remove any of the lower vibrations, negative programs, negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and traumas, from the four bodies of your being. And going up, down and around and through.”

And allowing ourselves to feel these high vibrations of the LoveLight connecting to his heart, and to these high vibrations, to remove from his DNA, his energy body, and his energy field, anything less than Love in this Now Moment. And we require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of this spiral be increased 1000-fold, to remove these lower vibrations and negative energies. And so it is. 
And we require that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and other high-vibrating energies such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication and Discernment within the four bodies of our being, and into Julian’s being, by spiraling this energy in a clockwise direction now, up, down, and around and through, into his DNA, his energy body, and his energy field. And again, requiring, that we raise the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of this spiral unfolding, and the movements through his energy field be raised, increased 1000-fold. And so, it is.

And we say to Julian,
“Just because you’re out of the limelight right now, it doesn’t mean that we’re forgetting about you, or feeling the impact of what you will be able to disseminate, when your time comes. So, we send you our Unconditional Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude in this Now Moment, and let it shine forth.”

And now taking another little trip across the big pond here, to Mexico, and allowing ourselves to go in the elevators, underneath the surface, to access this underground network in North America here. And in a horizontal manner, shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, in a spiral, starting from Mexico at our point of access, through Mexico, through the United States, up into Canada. And up, down and around and through, going all through the tunnels in this network into all of the honeycomb chambers of these installations, far underneath the surface of your planet. And allowing ourselves, to continuously breathe into our hearts, to raise the level of this vibration, to unearth all of the secrets of ritual sacrifices, of sequestered wealth, of advanced technologies that have been kept hidden from us, so that we haven’t had a higher quality of life until this point. 

And, ah yes, the AI is down here, all of its different tentacles, all of the different beings, who hold dark energies, that still have been able to hide away from our forces, going down there to extricate them, and to neutralize their dark energies. 

So, shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of these Beloved Beings, whether they be of the darkness, or whether they be the ones of the Light who have been enslaved, who are carrying out Soul Contracts, by allowing themselves to be down there in the underground bases, playing their roles. And we say to all of you Beloved Beings who are fulfilling their Soul Contracts,

“We love you so very much. We honor you for your bravery, for your courage, for your coming together, and loving, and supporting one another in this Now Moment. And yes, your time of liberation is upon you. And we ask you to open up your hearts continuously to the Love and Light, that we send you.”

And to all of you Beloved Beings on this call, and those that will hear the recording via the link, and read the transcriptions, we send you our Love and Compassion.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Beings and good night.


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