Thursday, July 25, 2019

7-24-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-24-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our pleasure to be with so many of you on this call tonight. We love you so dearly. We are so happy, when we come together to do our meditations, and to proliferate and give life to our Intentional Requirements of creating the opportunities for the Announcements of NESARA, and for the integration of these very high frequencies that are coming into your Beloved Planet very much so, at this Divine Time, in this Now Moment. 

And ah yes, we would say that a lot is shaking on your Beloved Planet, because there were some testimonies today going down, that a lot of people were paying very much attention to. Because the intent on our side is that more and more the Truth will come out, and that this construction of the pyramid, the key pieces, the key players, that are acting as the glue of keeping all of the secrets hidden from the mass consciousness, well, that’s all going to end.

And the Truth will be known in such a Divine and Harmonious Way that people will be able to connect up the dots, and pull the Golden Thread of all of these different interactions, that have happened, that have been motivated by intentions much less than Love and Light. Actually, by the intentions of control, survival, and much ill intent on your Beloved Planet, of keeping these hybrids, in control of your planet, in a most devious and deceptive way.

So, let us form, our circle, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you and you reaching out for somebody else’s hand on this call. And forming our circle, breathing into the Heart Center, sending the energy, from the heart, out through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, and into the palm of the right hand, and back into the heart. Breathing into the heart, letting go, allowing ourselves to feel this lightness, this gratitude for being here in this Now Moment, in these high vibrations of the LoveLight. 

And now, breathing into the Heart Center, and with the Power, and the Speed of our Thoughts, lifting up off the surface, of your Beloved Planet, and rising up into the layers of the atmospheres, and into the layers of the ships, of which my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, is one. And now I’m opening up the landing deck remotely, and we are scurrying through with our circle intact and hovering in the airlock. And waiting for it to close beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down. 

And we’re walking on back to the elevators. And one beckons to us. And we get in all at the same time, our circle unbroken. And we close the door, and we push the button to take us all the way up to our Beloved Healing Room. And now the door opens, and we exit. 

And yes, there are so many Beloved Beings to greet us, and some of whom are your ancestors and perhaps you, in an incarnation, in a past lifetime or two.  And yes, you may feel the hairs at the back of your neck sticking up, or a song being played. And this is just a sign to let you know how much you are loved, and thought of by your ancestors all throughout space and time.

And yes, let us walk on over to the middle of this room, where our Altar sets, and form our circle around it. And breathing into our hearts and seeing the outer circles assemble, first of the Mentors, and then Commanders, Archangels, other Ascended Masters, your ancestors, all different beings, all over Creation. And all of the different levels of vibration, of consciousness being represented, and all of the higher dimensions too, in the consciousness of all of these Beloved Beings assembled here tonight, and in the consciousness of all our Beloved Crystals, which comprise our Beloved Healing Room. 

And just breathing into the Heart Center and allowing yourself to formulate your Intentional Requirements, for what you want to create tonight, from doing this Beloved Meditation, whether it be having more financial abundance or freedom, or just having more time to yourself to do the things you really want to do in the course of a day. But feeling more Peace, and more Enjoyment, from being here now at this Beloved Time in your life.
And we intentionally require that everyone on your Beloved Planet has a taste of waking up. Because yes, the Truth is making its way up to the surface of your realty at this very moment. And there are a number of ways that certain scenarios could manifest. And we say to you everything is in Divine Timing.  Everything is in Divine Perfection, and Divine Order. 

There are no mistakes, when it comes to Creator Source, Dear Beloveds. Everything happens in the grand scheme of things for a reason, to escalate and enliven the consciousness, and perpetrate it so that so many of you will have opportunities of learning your life lessons, and bringing Soul Contracts to completion. And that is called rhythm, timing and synchronization, working out in a most Divine and Beloved Way. 

Ah yes, focusing our LoveLight from our Heart Center, shining it out on our Beloved Crystal, in the middle of our Altar. And shining it through the tip of this crystal, straight up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And then spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet from the atmosphere, to the surface, underneath the surface of your Beloved Planet and up, down, and around and through.

Feeling the wonderful harmonizations in this gyroscope effect, of multiplying the energies this way, in high vibration. And carrying us all up, down and through the ladder of these higher dimensions, which will allow us to create the reality that we are intentionally requiring in this Now Moment. And shining these Intentions for Freedom, for Harmony, for feeling the Truth. And knowing that the Truth is a feeling, that you can discern inside of the four bodies of your being. 

And shining this realization out to each and all of the Beloved Beings on this planet. Spiraling this energy all up, down, and around and through, affecting all of the Beloved Kingdoms on Mother Gaia, all of the brothers and sisters. And yes, we say to you, that this is a most auspicious time. This is a time when things can change so mightily for the better.

And the more that you allow yourself to have this courage for change, for implementation of the plans that have been formulated in thousands and thousands of years of test trials, we would call them. Well they’re coming about in a most Divine and Beloved Way, we would say, to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

And yes, we’re planting seeds in their unconsciousness. So, when they are in their heavy dreaming, sleep states, you know, these seeds could take root and be nurtured, and grow within the four bodies of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And yes, we call this quite magical. 

But now it is the time for these things to come about, and for the imagination and magic to completely take over your Beloved Planet, to wrestle away the grips of the control of your Beloved Planet from this cabal, from this Artificial Intelligence, that the minions, their minions who have been orchestrating their plans for so very long now. Well, that’s about the come to an end. And the more Love and Light, that you can feel, in each and every one of your hearts, will help to augment these plans, and bring them to completion. Ah yes. 

Tonight, we want to go into these hearings. And yes, there is no time and space. And we’re getting into the consciousness of the Beloved Legislators, who are conducting these hearings with this person, Robert Mueller, this investigator. And we’re shining the LoveLight into his heart, and all of the Beloved Beings, that are part of this hearing. And we’re seeing all of their energies as One, one field of energy. 

So, we are calling in a mirror image of their energy body, and their energy field, and spinning it counterclockwise, to remove any and all of these lower vibrations, and going up, down, and around and through. And we require that the speed and efficiency and accuracy of removing anything less than Love, of all of the traumas, removing all of the lower vibrations, take effect in this Now Moment and be increased 1000-fold. And so, it is.

And now let us transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional-Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and any and all of the higher vibrations, such as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment within the four bodies of all of our beings, and these Beloved Beings, that are part of this hearing.

And now going down and up, spinning in a vertical spiral, to affect all of their energies, all at the same time, to bring in these high vibrations.  Spinning in a clockwise direction. And we require that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this Beloved Spiral, bringing in these high vibrations into their DNA, their energy body, and their energy field be increased 1000-fold, so that this Golden White Light may permeate their conscious memories, of who they really are, and help them to make choices, that are in alignment with the highest and best interests of all the Beloved Beings on your planet.
In other words, for them to let go of their Satanic agendas of control, and domination, and to take the jump into the higher realms of consciousness. And to make choices, that are in alignment with the Oneness of all of Creation, the splendor, the beauty, the glory of this Creation, and its Oneness so that its many gifts can multiply and manifest in a most-Divine harmonious way all over the planet, at this time, from now on, throughout all of Eternity.

Ah yes, let us breathe into our hearts one more time, and make our way, at the Speed of our Thoughts, going over into the elevators in Mexico. And going down underneath into this underground tunnel network. And spinning in a spiral, horizontally, all through the tunnel system here, coast to coast, from Mexico, through the United States, up into Canada. 

And going down into all of the underground installations. Some of them are military bases. Some of them you would call spas and secret hangouts, where a lot of, oh, we would say, a lot of wealth, art treasures, and masterpieces, advanced technology, and these spas, where the ritual sacrifices are done.
And yes, there are so many Beloved Beings there who are against-- who have been taken there against their will rather, and these are the brave beings that we say, “We love you so very much. We understand the gifts that you have given to all of humanity, by you playing through your Life Contracts, your Soul Contracts, and having the courage to keep on day after day, for as long as your lives have lasted. Because yes, you never knew when the end would come. You never knew the things that you are going to be called on to do.  Because yes, you were treated like slaves. And you weren’t treated in honoring your Birth Rights at all.
“We are very humbled and in awe of each of your Individual journeys in this lifetime. We love you more than words can possibly express.”

And to all of you Beloveds on the call, we love you so very much. We honor you for your dedication, for your vision, for your compassion, for the expression of the Love and Light, from your hearts each and every day as you move through all of the different scenarios that you have contracted to do, to bring the 5th Dimension to full enactment on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste and good night.

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