Thursday, July 11, 2019

7-10-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-10-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda, coming into this call once again, feeling your Love, your Light, your willingness to participate, to share the Love and Light that you are with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. It is from a place of Oneness, in harmony with all of the different aspects of your being, combined with one another, where you voice your Intentional Requirements with the energy, that you have accessed, through doing this Beloved Meditation with Mother Sekhmet.

And yes, we are a part of this Meditation, all of the Beloved Mentors, and beings from all over Creation, joined together on the Nibiru. We see the meditations, that you do when you’re off the call. We see your interactions with each other, and the members of your communities, of your families. And some of you work on people all over the planet. 

And it is wonderful to see and feel, these connections being made, because each one of them, my Beloveds, they count. They raise the level of the vibration. They create new neural pathways on the energy field within the Crystalline Grid, that is being enacted on your Beloved Planet. And they entrain these high vibrations within the grid. They light it up. And this is being activated so wonderfully, by these high vibrations of the photon energies, coming in as your Beloved Planet makes its way into the heart of the density of this photon belt.

Ah, yes, Beloveds, let us join together our hands once again. And breathing into the heart, I’m bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, and with your other hand, joining it with somebody else on the call. Breathing into the Heart Centers, and sending it from the left palm, around the circle into the right palm. And breathing into your Heart Center, and allowing yourself, to bathe yourself with this Golden White Light in your energy field.

And now seeing the energy field of our circle, and sending it far above, to below the energy of our circle, and spiraling it in a clockwise direction, with the Intentional Requirement of raising the level of the vibration, into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, all through the 5th Dimension,through the 12th Dimension. And feel this spiral create this gyroscopic effect, to continuously raise the level of the vibration, with a rhythm, timing, and synchronization, that emits this LoveLight all through the essence of all of the atoms on your Beloved Planet, into the hearts and souls of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

And let the seed of Unconditional-Universal Love and Compassion take hold into everyone’s Heart Centers. And plant it within all of the Beloved Kingdoms on your planet, and into every atom of Mother Gaia, into her crystalline core. And let this energy emanate all throughout its energy signature, harmoniously spreading in a rhythm, that perpetuates the Love and Light, that we all are together.

And, ah yes, spiraling it up, down, and around and through our energy circle.  And allowing ourselves, to make the Intentional Requirement of Peace on your planet, of Understanding, of Harmony, of Listening to one another with your hearts wide open, in Empathy with the needs of one another, and not judging.  Letting go of all of the lies of the Ego, at this most fortuitous time, when the high vibrations multiply and skyrocket into higher vistas. And there is no limits on how high you could go, in raising the level of the Love and Light that you are. It is limitless Unconditional-Universal Love, that perpetuates these Intentional Requirements, for the Ascensions of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

We love you. We honor you so very much for your commitments over many lifetimes, overcoming many tests and challenges.

And it wasn’t just I, who gave my life up, or appeared to give my life up in my Passion Play. Each and every one of you have had lifetimes where you have stayed in your Integrity, and you have sacrificed your lives, for this Beloved Mission, to return the planet into the 5th Dimension, to spiritually evolve by having yourself play through all of those tests, and challenges, in this duality of these many thousands of years of this cycle.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We love you so very much. We are always here in your hearts with you. Just call upon us any time. Namaste and good night.

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