Thursday, July 25, 2019

7-24-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-24-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Once again, I am coming to you with my heart full of Love, full of Light. 

Ah, yes, we see what you are going through with these high vibrations coming in, and the choices, that you are making, of how to raise the level of your vibration, throughout the course of the day. And we interpret your choices in the context of how you used to use your energy so many years ago before you reached the markers for Ascension.

And most of you on this call, and that will read the transcriptions, and that will hear the recordings have been on this journey; for a very long time, in this lifetime, to raise the level of your Love and Light, to reach this place of understanding, of knowingness, of raising the level of your vibration, so you would shine it out onto the Collective Consciousness, to raise the level of consciousness, to accelerate this Ascension Process, at this time.

Let us come together joining our hands, me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you and you, reaching out to somebody else on this call. It doesn’t matter who it is. And coming together in our circle and breathing into the Heart Center. And with sending this Love and Light, from our hearts, out through the palm of the left hand, and into the palm of the right hand, breathing into our hearts.
And with our breathing, allowing ourselves with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, to rise on up, off of the surface of your Beloved Planet.  Rising up through the levels of the atmospheres, through the layers, and up through the layers of the ships. And coming upon Ashtar’s ship, the New Jerusalem. 

And he’s opening up the belly of the ship, his landing deck for us. And we are all making our way through. And hovering in his air lock. And it’s closing beneath us now. And we are moving, coming down, touching down and moving through the landing deck, over to the elevators here. And we are opening one of the elevators and getting on through. And we have a short distance to go. And now we’re getting in, closing the door and rising on up.

And we’re opening the door now, and going out of the elevator, into the hallway. And walking down it, and taking a right, and moving into his meeting room, which is also his galley. And yes, so many Beloveds, who have been doing the meditation with us tonight are here.

But then, there are some others that are here also. And these are Beloved Beings who have transitioned the planet in your families, some of them many years ago, some of them in the last couple of weeks.

And they are so very happy to have this opportunity to be with you tonight because they have been told just like you have been told, that when we have First Contact, you will be able to make contact with your Beloved Families, your bloodline families, and your Soul Families also. And all of the Beloved Beings on the ships, who have been your Number One cheering section for so many, many years, as you did all of the heavy lifting work on your Beloved Planet, to lift up into these high vibrations, that you find yourself in, in these Beloved, Blessed Days on your planet right now.

So, feeling the energies and holding our hands in the same way, sending the energies around the circles. The outer circles have assembled. And sending it through them, and feeling the hearts and souls of all of your Beloved Beings, who have come here, to feel this energy and to be on this meditation, for bringing about Illumination of this Golden White Light, all through the Beloved Planet at this time. Because, yes, they want all of you Beloved Beings to ascend. They want their grandchildren to feel the Miracle of Ascension, and the children too, that are still on the planet.
Ah, yes, just breathing into your Heart Center, sending it all up, down, and around and through the circle, all through the energy field, and energy bodies, of our collective vibration. Spinning in a clockwise direction, multiplying these energies in a very Beloved and Harmonious Way.

Ah yes, we are so very happy that we could bring this meditation about tonight. We love you so very much. As you can feel from the energies of this room, you are so very loved, from the Beloved Beings in your Soul Families, from the Beloved Beings that you have shared recent lifetimes with.
Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. We love you so very much, more than the expression of our words can possibly manifest.

Good night. Namaste to each and every one of you. 

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