7-3-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Beings of Love and Light,
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is once
again my privilege to be with you in this high-vibe scenario, that we perceive
ourselves to be in, in this Now Moment.
Ah yes, yesterday’s eclipse, we feel, from what we
could see happening in the energy signature of your Beloved Mother Gaia, was a
very strong one, and coupled with the energy of the Solstice, very recently too;
it is pushing your Beloved Planet forward, and it is helping you to raise the
level of your conscious awareness, and yes, we talk about this a lot, because
the more open that you are to letting these high vibrations come through, into
your Heart Center, and using the Power of your Free Will to raise that level of
the vibration within you, and to do as we do on the meditation, by
intentionally requiring how it is directed within the universe.
What Intentional Requirements are you focusing upon?
And of course, our meditation focuses around the liberation of your Beloved
Planet, to rise back up into the 5th Dimension, so that you can get
on with your Ascensions. And yes, this is the main reason, why all of you
Beloved Beings have chosen this lifetime to be here on this Beloved Planet.
And it is no mistake, that this is the lifetime,
that the population on your planet has pretty much burst forth exponentially,
because it helps so very, very much to have more and more beings, who are going
to wake up and ascend at the same time. And that is what we perceive. That has
been a component of this meditation for quite a long time, Beloveds.
And yes, you, beloved teachers of the LoveLight,
have been doing a splendid job. And we are so very happy for you, because we
say to you, that more and more you are going to feel very loved and supported
by us, and the Universe, and the Intentional Requirements, and the building and
maintenance of your reality in the Now Moment.
So, let us join together, me by bi-locating my paw
out to you, you reaching with your other hand to a Beloved Being on this call,
and us forming our circle. And breathing into the Heart Center, and sending
this energy from the Heart Center, through the palm of the left hand, around
the circle, and into the palm of the right hand. And breathing into the Heart
Center, raising the level of the vibration. And with the Power and Speed of our
Thoughts, rising on up, off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, into the
layers of the atmospheres, up through the layers of ships. And yes, coming upon
my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. I’m opening up the landing deck here. We’re
popping through the belly of the ship, hovering in the airlock once again,
closing the landing deck beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, very
gently, and slowly, and walking on back to the elevators.
And yes, one beckons to us, and we’re getting into
that one, and completely intact in our circle. It’s accommodating the size of
our circle tonight. We’re all in at the
same time and pressing the button, and taking ourselves very quickly, lickety
split right up to the top floor, and now we’re here. And opening the door,
popping on through feeling all the Beloved Beings here to greet us. And yes,
some of them are your ancestors and perhaps you, in an incarnation or two, from
the past. And maybe you’re going to feel a song, the hairs on the back of your
back of your neck stick up, as a remembrance, as a reminder, as a message from
your Beloved Ancestors, that they are with you, and they love and support you,
and recognize your contribution to the whole.
And yes, walking on over to the middle of the room,
to our Beloved Altar, where the Master Crystal sets. And forming our circle
again with the Mentors, forming a circle around us, and all of the Commanders,
the Archangels, all of the beings of Love and Light, and your ancestors, who
have assembled here tonight, forming circles around them. And just breathing
into the Heart Center, sending it around the circle to the outer circles,
spiraling it from the floor, to the wall, to the ceiling, up, down, and around
and through, and feeling the power of this gyroscopic effect, affecting all of
the Beloved Atoms and Subatomic Particles, going into all of the higher
dimensions, represented in the consciousness of the Beloved Beings assembled
here, as well as all of the crystals, that comprise this Crystal Healing Room.
Breathing into your Heart Center, feeling this
joyous feeling of Oneness tonight. Allowing yourself to feel that smile spread
all over your face, and to radiate this LoveLight, that you are, Beloved
Beings. And now we ask you to make your Intentional Requirement, for what you
would like to create for yourself, from this meditation. Oh, whether it has to
do with something with finances, sending your children, or your grandchildren,
to college, or your health and wellbeing, maintaining it, and feeling more
active, more expressive, more creative with the energies, that you
Ah yes, and our Intentional Requirement for this
meditation is Liberation. Yes, tomorrow
is that Beloved Holiday, that signifies Beloved St. Germain’s efforts, to raise
the level of consciousness, through the forefathers of your Beloved Planet, by
channeling some of the main parts of your Constitution. Well, he did the
Declaration of Independence, which was spectacularly mind blowing too. And so,
he established a foundation, not only for your Beloved Country, but for the
whole world. And we see the activation, of that Beloved Document, being
manifested all throughout your Beloved Planet, at this time. Because the Level of consciousness is finally
permeating into the hearts and minds, of all of the Beloved Beings, who so very
much want your Liberation back into the 5th Dimension.
Ah yes, so breathing into the Heart Center, and
sending your Love and Light through your directing hand, to the crystal, this
Master Crystal, setting on the Altar, and feeling all of this energy blast off,
through the tip of the Crystal, through the opening in the ceiling of the
Nibiru, and cascading, spiraling down onto your Beloved Planet.
Ah yes, spiraling from the atmospheres, to the
surface, underneath the surface, affecting all of the Beloved Beings, who live
underneath the surface. And not all of them are of the dark, as you know. And
one day you will have your reunion with them also, as you will with us.
So, up, down, and around and through, feeling this
Joy, this satisfaction of us all being together, in this Oneness of Love and
Light, and being who we really are, up in the higher dimensions, and knowing
the Power of our Oneness to create a world, Beloved Mother Gaia, in the 5th
Dimension, in an uplifting consciousness, after these many, many years of you
experiencing this density of duality, and playing out so many variations of
duality. Well, it has enabled you to raise the level of your consciousness, and
the Collective consciousness. And that’s what these energies, coming into your
planet are really all about, to take you into that next step, to anchor in the
5th Dimension. So just breathing into it, and feeling this spiral
spread out, and transmit into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on the
planet, shining this LoveLight, awakening the potential in each and every being
on your planet.
And shining it out underneath the oceans and the
tectonic plates, to the trees, and the mountains, to the red rocks, all over
into the lei lines, into the Antarctic, where many treasures have been
sequestered away from your conscious awareness. But the magic is there, Beloved
Beings, waiting to manifest, to unearth secrets, that have been held against
you for so very long. So, sending all of these places, and all of the kingdoms
of Beloved Mother Gaia much Love and Light.
And now, let us go over to the UK and sending our
Love and Light to Julian Assange. Because yes, his role is about to be played. So,
mirroring his energy body, and his energy field, and shining this LoveLight
from the center above, to the center below in this two-foot area, from his
body, from the center above, to the center below, and all around, and spinning
it in a counterclockwise direction, to remove any and all of the lower
vibrations, negative programs, negative programming, disqualified, and
discredited energies, any devices, or crystals, set up against him, to be
manipulated against him, any polarities and traumas in his energy field,
spinning them counterclockwise, to remove them. Starting from the center above
to the center below, we require that the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the
movements of this spiral be increased 1000-fold.
And just breathing into your Heart Center and
feeling this Love cascade in a spiral, all around it, counterclockwise. And now
spreading it out to the entire planet, to remove any and all of the lower
vibrations. And so, it is.
And we require, that we transmute all of these
energies into the highest frequencies of Unconditional-Universal Love,
Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, and other high-vibrating energies, such
as Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy,
Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction,
Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear
Communication, and Discernment within the four bodies of our being. And shining, spiraling them, in this spiral
going clockwise now from the center above to the center below, and again we
Intentionally Require, that we raise the level of speed, efficiency and
accuracy of this spiral 1000-fold to increase its level. And breathing in this
Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy to be its delivery
And now, spreading this out into the entire being of
your Beloved Mother Gaia, all over your planet, from its center above to the
center below, all up, down, and around and through, bringing in this Golden
White Light with the Intentional Requirement, to raise the awareness of all of
the Beloved Beings on your Beloved Planet. And we’re talking about the
Collective Consciousness, to transmit that into their conscious awareness in
this Now Moment. In other words, for everyone on your planet to wake up and
realize, that this is the Now Moment, that they have come into this lifetime
for. And it’s there for the taking. And all they need to do is to love
themselves, and to breathe into their Heart Center, to enable this Divine
Dynamic, to take hold, to anchor in the 5th Dimension on your
Beloved Planet.
So now, let us go over to the elevators, across the
pond in Mexico. And yes, we’re going down into this underground networking
system, that hooks up all of the underground bases. And spiraling this energy
in a horizontal fashion, from the elevators of Mexico, through the United
States, into Canada, up, down, and around and through, the length, breadth and
width of this tunnel system and all of the underground bases, that harbor so
much ill-gotten wealth, secrets held against humanity, ritual sacrifices, the
places where they have been perpetrated upon your consciousness, for many, many
thousands of years.
And breathing into it, spiraling it all up, down,
and around and through, shining this LoveLight of the Christ Consciousness
Energy, with the Intentional Requirement for everyone down there, who has been
held against their Will, to feel the Love and Light that they are, and that
they are loved and supported beyond all verbal expression in the Now
And we say to them, “We honor you so very much. We
know the sacrifices you have made, but you haven’t given up. You carried
through and completed your Soul Contracts. And yes, the time of you being
rewarded for your actions, for your Love, for your compassion, and sharing with
one another, to support one another, through your ordeals down there, is very
much upon you.”
And all of the Beloved Beings, our Brothers and
Sisters on this call, that will listen to it on the recording, and read it in
the transcripts, we love you, we honor you, so very much for all of your
contributions, for all that you do. Namaste, Dear Beloveds, and good night.
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