Thursday, July 18, 2019

7-17-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-17-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And I too, I am very happy to be here tonight, and to feel the level of the vibration, that is emitting forth, from all your Beloved Hearts on this call. Yes, there is much to celebrate about, as we see how these plans for the liberation of your Beloved Planet, the liberation of your hearts and souls, are transpiring at this time.

And yes, it takes your Beloved Focus of shining the Love and Light that you are, to one another, from heart to heart, from soul to soul, and not allowing yourself to be trapped in these dynamics, that you are all programmed in. Yes, you have to learn how not to be brainwashed, how not to let the fear dominate your conscious awareness.

And now we are so very happy to say, that we feel you more and more in the Now Moment, shining your LoveLight forward, and not being afraid to be the Love and Light that you are. And as Mary has said, to express your Love and Light with one another through your sound. This is so very wonderful for us to experience.

And we ask you to come together in your circle once again, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, and with your other hand reaching for somebody else on the call. And sending the LoveLight from your heart, breathing into it. And sending it out through the palm of your left hand, and around the circle, into the palm of your right hand.

And allowing yourself to feel the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and to know this Golden White Light is always within you. And it just takes your Intentional Requirement to connect into your Heart Center, and up through the higher vibrations, to activate it within all of your chakras, and spinning your chakras.
Now spinning the Heart Center and coming up to your neck, and across your collar bones, and spinning both of your shoulders, all in a clockwise direction, from the left to right. Spinning your elbows, and your wrists, spinning the palms of your hands.
And now coming back up through your wrists, your elbows, your shoulders, across your collar bone, and into the Heart Center. And spinning your solar plexus, your sacral chakra. And that is just two inches below your belly button. And spinning your root chakra, spinning both of your hips. And yes, the way that that plays out, it feels that you’re spinning in opposite directions.
And spinning your knees, your ankles, and it’s the same thing there, because you’re spinning on the sides. And spinning the bottoms of your feet in a clockwise direction, and coming up through your ankles, spinning your knees, your hips, your root, your sacral, your Heart Center. And going into your throat, your mouth, your nose, both of your eyes, both of your ears. And spinning your third eye, and your Crown. And now spinning the middle part of your head, which are these nodes, that connect up the right lobe with the left lobe, and help for activation, of the right lobe of your brain, into your DNA.

And breathing into the Heart Center and allowing yourself, to be lit up with the Love and Light of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, that you are, and shining it outward, radiating it from the energy field of the spiral of our combined energy. And spiraling it up, down, and around and through our energy field in a clockwise direction.
And now radiating it all through your Beloved Planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, balancing the tectonic plates, particularly in the Ring of Fire, all over your planet, soothing them, helping Mother Gaia calm down all of the different aspects of her being.

And shining this LoveLight into the hearts, and conscious awareness, of all of the Beloved Beings, all of the Kingdoms on your planet. Just breathing into the Heart Center, and feeling this spiral, up, down, and around and through all over your Beloved Planet. And yes, you may carry this feeling for it from now on throughout eternity in your hearts. 

And my Beloved Marys are here, walking amongt you, to give you the Andara roses, or the Kumara roses rather and, ah yes, the spirit and energy of the Andara crystals, emanating from our hearts into yours. And you may take as much of these roses, the Kumara roses, as you like into your heart. And you can have whatever colors, as much as you want, because the spectrum of colors that are available to us, off of your Beloved Planet, are so vast in number and so beautiful.

These Kumara roses are nurtured all throughout creation just as the Andara crystals are. They encompass the energies in high vibration, very high dimensions of reality represented all through Creation. 

We love you so very much. Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

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